
Roxcy's Triumph

“Okay, guys, gather up and touch your gloves,” the referee said, motioning for Roxcy and Rebbeca to meet in the center of the ring.

The two fighters approached each other, their gloved hands extended. As their palms met, Rebbeca seized the moment to size up her opponent. “So, you’re Roxcy, huh?” she said, a smirk playing on her lips.

“Don’t think just because you won all your fights last night, you’ll win this one too,” Rebbeca said, her eyes narrowing.

Roxcy returned the smirk, unfazed by Rebbeca’s taunts. “We’ll see about that,” she replied coolly.

“Are you guys ready?” the referee asked, looking between the two fighters. Roxcy and Rebbeca both nodded in unison.

“Fight!” the referee bellowed, blowing his whistle to signal the start of the match.

The tension in the air was palpable as Roxcy and Rebbeca circled each other, sizing each other up. Rebbeca’s eyes narrowed, her aggression simmering just beneath the surface. She couldn’t wait any longer - she had to make the first move.

Suddenly, Rebbeca lunged forward, her fist flying toward Roxcy’s face. But Roxcy was too quick, deftly dodging the attack. Rebbeca’s frustration grew as she continued her assault, unleashing a flurry of punches, each one more forceful than the last.

Roxcy remained calm and composed, her feet light as she danced around the ring, evading Rebbeca’s onslaught. But she knew she couldn’t keep this up forever - she needed to find an opening to strike back.

Sensing Rebbeca’s growing impatience, Roxcy saw her chance. As Rebbeca charged in again, Roxcy sidestepped and delivered a sharp elbow to her opponent’s ribs. Rebbeca grunted in pain, but her determination only hardened.

The arena crackled with energy as Roxcy and Rebbeca faced off, their gazes locked in a fierce battle of wills. The crowd held its breath, sensing the impending clash between two formidable opponents.

Roxcy, her stance fluid yet controlled, exuded a quiet confidence that belied her intense focus. Across from her, Rebbeca’s muscles tensed, a coiled spring ready to unleash its fury.

With a sudden surge of determination, Rebbeca lunged forward, her movements swift and calculated. Her fist sliced through the air, aimed straight at Roxcy’s face. But Roxcy was a master of anticipation, her reflexes honed from years of rigorous training. With a deft twist of her body, she evaded the blow, a ghostly wisp against the canvas backdrop.

Rebbeca’s frustration mounted, fueling her aggression as she launched a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. Each strike was met with Roxcy’s agile evasion, her footwork a mesmerizing dance of evasion and counterbalance.

As the tension escalated, Roxcy seized a fleeting opening. With lightning speed, she sidestepped Rebbeca’s forward charge, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat. In a fluid motion, Roxcy delivered a precise elbow strike to Rebbeca’s ribs, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from her opponent.

Yet, Rebbeca’s resolve remained unbroken. With gritted teeth, she pressed the attack, driving Roxcy back toward the edge of the ring. Their blows clashed with a symphony of impacts, each strike echoing through the arena.

Despite Roxcy’s skill and finesse, it was clear that Rebbeca held the upper hand in this moment. Her relentless assault forced Roxcy into a defensive position, her back nearly against the ropes.

The cheers for Rebbeca echoed through the arena, a symphony of support rising in volume as the crowd rallied behind her. Among them, a man’s voice rang out with fervor, urging Rebbeca onward with his enthusiastic encouragement. The tide of spectators shifted, their allegiance pivoting to Rebbeca as they became caught up in the intensity of the moment.

Rebbeca basked in the spotlight, a triumphant smirk curling her lips as she reveled in the adoration washing over her. The swell of cheers fueled her determination, encouraging her with newfound vigor.

Yet, amidst the crowd’s cheers, a subtle movement caught Roxcy’s eye. Sensing a momentary lapse in Rebbeca’s focus, Roxcy quickly seized the opportunity.

With a lightning-quick maneuver, Roxcy utilized the ropes surrounding the ring to her advantage. In a calculated twist, she propelled herself forward, her momentum culminating in a forceful headbutt aimed squarely at Rebbeca’s midsection.

The impact was palpable, a resounding thud reverberating through the arena as Rebbeca staggered backward, caught off guard by Roxcy’s sudden counterattack. The crowd’s cheers faltered, replaced by gasps of surprise at the unexpected turn of events.

Sensing Rebbeca’s growing impatience, Roxcy saw her chance. As Rebbeca charged in again, Roxcy sidestepped and delivered a sharp elbow to her opponent’s ribs. Rebbeca grunted in pain, but her determination only hardened.

The two fighters exchanged blows, their muscles straining, sweat glistening on their brows. The crowd roared with each landed punch, the energy in the arena electric.

Suddenly, Rebbeca managed to corner Roxcy against the ropes. Roxcy’s eyes narrowed, but instead of panicking, she saw an opportunity. She pulled herself back into the center of the ring, then launched herself at Rebbeca, her head connecting with the champion’s stomach.

Rebbeca gasped as the wind was knocked out of her, and she crumpled to the floor. Roxcy pounced, raining down a barrage of punches on her dazed opponent. Rebbeca tried in vain to shield her face, but Roxcy’s onslaught was relentless.

The crowd erupted in cheers, captivated by Roxcy’s fluid, graceful movements and her sheer dominance in the exchange. Rebbeca was struggling, her strength fading, and Roxcy knew she had to end this fight quickly.

With one final burst of energy, Roxcy grabbed Rebbeca’s head in both hands, positioned herself, and delivered a powerful kick to the champion’s midsection. Rebbeca went limp, her eyes rolling back as she collapsed to the mat, unconscious.

The referee rushed in, counting Rebbeca out. “The winner, by knockout, Roxcy!” he declared, as the crowd roared its approval. After the fight, Roxcy walked out of the ring and went towards the locker room to catch a break, followed by Robbin. As Roxcy removed her boxing gear, Robbin handed her the bottle of water to her.

“Alison are okay? You are not hurt, are you?” Ella asked Barging inside the room with Ethan with a frown.

“I am fine just tired,” Alison sighed and emptied the water bottle in a single gulp.

“No, you are not,” Ethan said with a frown. “Look at you, you’re covered in wounds and bruises!” he added as he took a photo of Alison and showed it to her.

“Man, it would take a long time and a lot of concealer to cover it with makeup,” Alison said as she took a look over her face.

“Are you kidding me? You look like you’re about to faint, and you were fretting over how much time and concealer it would take to hide those bruises. Are you out of your mind?” Ella scolded her.

“You are coming home with us now, there is no arguing with that,” Ella said in a firm tone when she saw Alison was about to argue with her.

“But the fight is not over yet, there are few rounds more to go,” Alison countered.

“Having faced the champion is a huge accomplishment for a novice,” Robin explained. “The fight club wouldn’t ask you to fight again after that victory since the stakes were already high enough.”

“So, you can go home now, and here is your award for your victory,” Robbin said and handed her two huge bundles of cash to her.

“But I didn’t understand why they arranged her fight with a champion. When novices were not allowed to fight with the champion until they reached their level, for their safety reasons.” Ethan asked the question that was going on in everyone’s mind.

“It was me who arranged this fight,” Robin barely finished the sentence before a fist connected with his face.