1 Guy from the bar

"NEVER!!" I screamed at Soo-young. Soo young is my best friend. She has a boyfriend, and they're happy together. She thinks I'm lonely so she's always trying to get me a boyfriend. The most recent guy's name is Johnny. She shoves a picture of him in my face. He's cute, I guess. But his hair, shaved off from the left and the rest thrown into the right, is definitely NOT my type. He's leaning against a bright red Audi.

"Pleeeeasseee!!" Soo-young says in a high pitched voice. "It's only one dateee!! You never know, he might be really sweet!"

"He looks looks like a butt." I reply.

"JASMINE!!" That's me. "You CANT keep doing this. Your meeting at A BAR. That's how you know he's low-key." I scoff. "Yeah right. That's how I know he's a loser. He's probably gonna be high on drugs by the time I get there." Soo-young sighs. "I can't believe you. You're passing up yet ANOTHER great opportunity to find love." I jump on my bed and open my phone. "Trust me Soo-young, I'm not gonna find love with crazy hair." Soo-young gives me that look you give a toddler when they're not behaving. I pretend to be on my phone. She sighs and finally gives up. "Fine. I'm going out with Jackson (Jackson is her boyfriend) tonight. If you're not home when I get back don't expect me to come looking for you." I laugh a little. "I'm not going anywhere don't worry." I say while smiling. She smiles back, but I can tell she's still annoyed. She walks to the door and unlocks it, before leaving she says "I'll be back around 10, loser." I smile, satisfied that my joke made her loosen up. "See ya." She leaves our dorm room and slams the door. I let out a relieving sigh.

I take a look around our messy dorm room. It's small, but it's comfortable, and it fits the both of us. It's a square room with two doors, one leads to a closet and a bathroom. The other is the front door where we leave and enter from. Immediately to the left is my desk. Then around the corner is Soo-young's desk. Then our bunk bed. I lie on the bottom bunk, wondering what its like to have a boyfriend. Yeah, I always shove away Soo-young's possible boyfriend's everyday, but in reality I'm really lonely. I just don't wanna find love over a dating app. I sigh and sit up straight. "I'm gonna go to the bar." I tell myself. Not to meet crazy hair, but to get a drink. Normally Soo-yeong goes drinking with me, but she's with Jackson right now, so I decide to go alone. I change out of my pajama shorts and put on a pair of jeans and a graphic tee. I head out. I decide to walk, because I won't be able to drive myself back (I'll be too drunk) and I don't wanna pay for an Uber because I'm basically broke. I arrive to the bar about 20 minutes later. I look up at the huge "Drinks for Thought" sign before enter to the sound of obnoxiously loud pop music. I already spot a drunk couple making out by the restrooms. "jesus fucking christ" I say aloud. This is what I came here to forget. Why am I reminded of my single virgin self already.

I'm not saying I've never been hit-on. Plenty of guys have tried to have sex with me. But none of them were worth losing my virginity with. I walk up to the bartender. It's a girl. A blonde with blue eyes and a long pony tail with pink highlights at the end. "What'll it be?" She says with a smile. I smile back. "Can I get a shot of whiskey please?" She replies with "been a long day?" I say "not really, but I feel like I need it." She laughs a little and goes "I can relate. Shot of whiskey coming right up." I look around while I wait for my drink.


I scream and turn the the direction of the voice. "hOly sHit-- bro what the fuck is your problem?" The guy laughs, and WOW this guy is HOT. Jet black hair pushed up. Light skin. Brown eyes. Just the right amount of fit and skinny. He's wearing a black leather jacket over a gray tee shirt with black jeans. Jeez, this guy loves black. It takes him a while before he answers because he's too busy laughing. "Sorry darling" Oh okay, he's British, his accent kinds sorta fake but why did this just make him more attractive? "You're just too cute." I blush and stutter "Wha-" he cuts me off "Hush.. it's okay, it's normal to scream when a hot guy appears next to you." He leans in so that his face is only a couple inches away from mine. Let me remind you that I'm sitting on a bar stool, so he has to bend down to be this close. "Don't get too cocky, you're not even that cute." I push him away" He's obviously taken aback by my reaction. "H-hey!! That's not fair! You were supposed to kiss me!" He sounds like a child complaining about losing a board game. "Sorry to disappoint but I'm pretty good at controlling myself. Especially with-" I look at him from head to toe. And I try to finish my sentence with 'perverts like yourself' but my eyes stop at his massive dick. NO!! Stop it Jasmine, STOPP! Don't you dare check him out. Don't give him the idea that you're interested. Too late. He notices and puts on his cocky smirk again. "I see where you're looking, princess." He leans in closer again and whispers "let me buy you a drink.. please" I try to argue. But he got me at 'please' I know I'm looking for a boyfriend, but this guy screams pervert, and he's really annoying me right now. "Fine.." I mutter. He leans back so he can stand again. "Yay!! You won't regret this princess." He takes a seat next to me. Annoyed, I say, "Don't call me that." Sarcastically he goes "Wow, okay most girls would go head over heels for a hot guy to call them princess." I throw him a fake smile. "Well you might have noticed, but I'm not most girls." I finally look away and realize my whiskey came. I don't remember the waitress putting it there, but I don't care. I pick it up put my head back. I drink the whole thing in one gulp. I normally have a high tolerance for alcohol, but feel kind of drunk already. Weird. Then I see another glass next to the one I just drank. Wait.. confused I look at the guy next to me. He looks surprised but happy. "Oops.. that one was mine.. it's a bit strong, are you okay?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles. "Well, if you don't want me calling you princess, I need a name. I'm Mark." I smile back. Is this really happening? I've been to the bar alone plenty of times before, and if I'm being hit on, they usually invite me back to their place right away. This is different. I don't think anyone from the bar has ever even asked for my name before. "It's Jasmine." He replies "it's nice to meet you Jasmine."
