
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter Two

Only her father was there with her brother when she had been discharged. Since having anyone else would cause her to start crying or become afraid they avoided having more people than necessary. Less she throws a fit and harms herself even more. "Thank you, doctor! And big sister!" She thanks the doctor and nurse who helped take care of her. Her bright eyes making their hearts melt on sight. The nurse even praises her manners and hands her two lollipops instead of just one making her eyes widen. She flashes her a lovely grin, the doctor smiles giving her family one last reminder of what she could and couldn't eat for a while.

Crouching down the old doctor smiles at her waving goodbye and for her to be good. Yang Chao-Xing nods her head like a little bobblehead, "I'll be good! So doctor give me more candy too next time I visit too ok?" Her brother had a helpless expression, he taps the top of her head lightly making the girl look up at him confused. "No next time! You cant come here again as you wish. The doctor is very busy, and only sick people can come to the hospital." She pretends to realize this, making an "Ooohh" sound.

"Then Chao'er can get sick every week and visit doctor!" She beams at the doctor making them all speechless. The older man laughs, "Truly an adorable child, then when you come to visit I'll make sure the nurses give you candy every day ok?" Chao-Xing's eyes widen as if in disbelief, "Every day?!" He couldn't help laughing again at her large eyes and adorable face. "En, every day." Successfully stealing all of their hearts the nurses all watch her leave waving goodbyes and enviously poking at their colleague who got to take care of such an easy loveable child. The ones they treated here were usually all arrogant and demanding because of how spoilt they were. But her patient was so sweet and obedient! Unfair!!

She was buckled in beside her brother while her father drove them back home. "Daddy, can we get ice cream? Ge Ge promised me ice cream!" Yang Gu Ping looks through the rearview mirror and saw her pleading eyes. Her father was a stern man in his late forties with a scholar like the air just like her older brother. They both had serious-looking faces but were in actuality very soft-hearted and warm people. So when Gu Ping saw his daughter give him the puppy eyes he just smiled slightly and took a turn to the icecream store. The three enter the store and come out with a little girl skipping with her hand in her father's. They managed to get back before Chao'er finished her ice cream and to their surprise Fan Hui and his mother were sitting on their couch chatting with Chao-Xing's mother.

They seemed to be having a good conversation as her mother even held the other woman's hands. Seeing the three enter the room it looked like Chao'er and they were intruding instead of those two intruding on them. This makes Yang Xing-Fu and Gu Ping frown simultaneously. The little boy seeing the ice cream in her hands rushed forward excitedly. "Big sis is that icecream?! Can I have some?" His shameful behavior had everyone but the woman infatuated with the cute boy even more annoyed. What "Can I have some?" Who was the patient and who was the intruder?! Seeing as Chao-Xing wasn't giving him the ice cream and even hiding behind her father as if scared.

Her mother scowls, "Chao'er, Hui is younger than you. Like a good older sister you need to give way to them. Its just icecream, your father can buy you it all the time." Xing-Fu steps forward annoyed, "Mother!" Chao-Xing having been yelled at by the "stranger" quickly hands the boy her icecream looking scared, making Gu Ping and Xing-Fu unable to say any more. After all if she gave it are they supposed to demand he gives it back? Its already given away! Then to make matters worse, instead of grabbing it the boy "trips" making the cold icecream become crushed all over her little dress. The two children immediately begin to cry causing chaos to descend. "G-Ge Geee~!"

She wails while the little boy calls for his mother. Gu Ping stressed beyond compare now that his little girl had been harmed again due to this shameless family was boiling with rage. Xing-Fu picks her up and rushes to get her cleaned up and in clean clothes. The two men ignore the little boy who was crying wolf with his mother and Ms.Yang. "Ling QingYu," his voice was cold and detached making her body become instantly freeze. She stopped fussing over the boy to look up at her husband stunned. He never called her by her paternal family's name before. "Come to the study, and you-" he sent the other woman an icy stare. The woman holds her child to her chest frightened. "Get out."

In the room beside hers, there was a woman screaming while a man screamed back at her. This was a normal occurrence for them recently but it still made Xing-Fu frown. In new clothes and having her hair dried by her older brother. Chao-Xing asks her brother softly, "Ge Ge...how come they are fighting? Is it because of me?" Xing-Fu warms his aura smiling ruefully, "How can it be your fault? Don't be silly." Chao-Xing pretends to be upset, "But daddy is yelling a lot, is daddy mad at Chao'er? That's why he is yelling?" His eyes soften as he coaxes the sad girl gently, "That's what you think? No silly girl, father is only mad at mother, not you. You didn't do anything."

Chao'er nods her head absorbing his words, "Oh... then that woman is "mother"? Chao'er thought that she was the boy's mother." What she said struck a nerve as Xing-Fu stiffened and his expression becomes cold. "Chao'er saw other people have mothers take care of them as "mother" does for the boy. So Chao'er thought she didn't have a mother since only Ge Ge and daddy came to take care of Chao'er." Each word she spoke was full of knives stabbing at Xing-Fu's sore spots. Yet they were spoken as if they were a matter of fact, a child's speculation of things. This only made Xing-Fu feel more grievances for her. "But it turns out that "mother" just is too busy taking care of the boy so the mother couldn't come care for Chao'er. Is Chao'er right?"

Xing-Fu's voice was icy as he answers her questions with only one sentence. "Don't call her mother anymore since you don't remember her." Chao'er tilts her head and turns back to look at him confused. "Then what to call her?" He softly pinches her cheek, "Madame, Chao'er doesn't need a mother. Like you said didn't father and your Ge Ge do what mothers do for you anyway? Our Chao'er is a good girl, she doesn't need a mother that shameless." She asks curiously, "What is shameless?" Xing-Fu smiles ruffling her soft hair, "Bad person." She lets out another enlightened, "Oh." To the surprise of both of them, her father had packed up some things the next night and also came into taking Chao-Xing with him. "Xing-Fu!!"

The "madam" calls for her eldest son when she saw he was also packing his things. Chao-Xing hides in her father's coat at this time "frightened" of the woman. Gu Ping pats her back reassuringly, suitcase at his side. "Daddy will help you with your coat, its cold outside ok?" He was hoping the little girl wouldn't become influenced by the yelling Ms.Wang was making. She was still scolding Xing-Fu who continued packing his valuables with him. Though Chao'er's eyes held tiny tears from being "scared" she obediently nods her head. Gu Ping sighs, such a shame he married such an untrustworthy woman. He should have divorced her long ago but when he was planning to the woman suddenly found out she was pregnant.

At the time he was doubtful the child was even his! Luckily he stuck around else this little girl would most likely have suffered under her mother's hands. She was obedient and sweet, winning his love even if it was possible she wasn't his blood. He was just grateful the woman blessed him with two children. Whether they were his or not he still accepted the innocent children under his wings. He could have left her with nothing, but because of the two children, he is willing to at least give her the house. When they open the door to leave Chao-Xing was holding onto her father's coat as Xing-Fu pulled their suitcases along. "Gu Ping you bastard! We've been husband and wife for thirty long years and you still choose to leave me like this!? How can you be so cruel?!"

Gu Ping was stunned she had the galls to actually shout such bold words out to the whole neighborhood. He could see some lights turn back on in the neighboring homes and becomes even more disgusted with her behavior. She dares to throw things at him as he shields the little girl who gave a scared scream clutching his coat tighter while sobbing. Finally letting out her cries as she was scared witless by the vulgarly cursing woman. "Daddyy Wuuu~! Ge Ge!!" Gu Ping hands the little girl to his eldest son who soothes her quietly to the side. The neighbors come out of their front doors only to witness the usually calm Gu Ping raise his hand slapping his wife. She finally stops screaming curses at him and holds her cheek dazed.

Gu Ping was truly angry now! He seemed about ready to kill the woman, "I'm the scheming bastard?!!? Who was the one who slept with my best friend during our wedding behind my back huh?! Who was the one who cheated on me for years while I slaved away providing for my family?!? Who is the shameless person who dares to use my children against me?!" The neighbors were in disbelief hearing his words and point fingers at the woman who was still shocked that she got hit. Gu Ping shouts at her as he only got angrier saying these things out loud. "Whose the one who cuckolded the man who was sincere and gave her everything he had for years including his youth?! You shameless woman! Be thankful I am even letting you keep this house!! If not for my two children I would of long ago divorced you!!" Xing-Fu hurriedly buckles in Chao'er and settles in himself holding onto her so she wouldn't be scared.

Slamming the car door when he enters he quickly starts the car still huffing from the fury he had been hiding inside all this time. Chao-Xing felt heartache for her father, to have suffered all these years in silence. It must have been hard, she wasn't surprised by the accusations. As after her father gotten ill and needed a blood transfusion to the shock of both her and Xing-Fu. They were not a match... In fact, they had tested their DNA and found out they also didn't match his genes. It had broken her heart as well as her brothers finding this out. The two had lost their soul for days staying by their father's side helpless and guilty. This time Xing-Fu had learned earlier so he was silent and having complicated emotions cross his face. So even if the atmosphere was tense as they drove in silence out of the city. Chao'er with her tiny hands leans forward and silently hugs her father from behind the chair barely reaching his shoulders.

"Is daddy sad? Did Chao'er make daddy sad?" Gu Ping having his youngest daughter being so caring actually made his eyes water. His voice was rough and strained, "No no, Chao'er is daddy's little princess. How can Chao'er make me sad? In fact, Chao'er and Xing'er make daddy the happiest father in the world." Saying this out loud was mainly for Xing-Fu who had been too quiet all this time. The boy who was supposed to be a senior this year in high school started to shed tears hearing their father's words. All this time father has...is it possible we aren't his children after all??? Is this true?? Then why?

Gu Ping knowing his son's inner conflict takes a deep breath and adds with all the love he had for his children. "No matter what, daddy loves both of you. So don't think daddy hates or doesn't love you two, no matter what. Blood may be thicker than water, but the water runs smoother than blood which runs into bumps and falls into cracks stopping in its tracks." Xing-Fu's voice cracks while putting his hands together lowering his head. "This son understands." Chao'er pretends to not know what he means and instead sits back down and pulls at her brother's sleeve. "Ge Ge what does blood thicker than water mean?" He smiles at her, even if it was painful and hard for him to do having a tornado raging inside his heart and mind. For Chao-Xing, he had to be strong. "It means, father loves little Chao'er the most."