
My Babyfaced Boss is the Devil

If your boss was a handsome stylish man with a baby face but acted like the Devil himself, what would you do? A) Slit his throat? B) Kill yourself and end it all? C) All of the above Read to find out if there is a fourth option and if that option is "Make him fall hopelessly in love with you." I wonder what Ho Mizuki will pick, is it even possible to love a handsome babyfaced devil? And could he even love her back? [Cover Art is drawn by ME] ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- PREVIEW ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- "Ho Mizuki. You incompetent moron, can you do anything right?" Dark eyes wide with anger dug into my soul. His handsome babyface now cloaked with his usually gelled-back ink-black hair, swayed with each gesture he made. My manager's right hand whizzed past his face and smacked into his other palm as he accentuated "Urgency" and "Mockery." It made me want to laugh (spit flying and all) in his stupid, self-absorbed face. Good thing I accidentally spilt my morning coffee on him. Because my manager's usually pristine white button-up was now brown and blotchy from the grainy coffee served at the "fetid and plain hotel." His words, not mine. With his stained shirt, dishevelled suit jacket and ungelled hair, he assumed his authentic appearance. An escaped asylum patient, which was how I and the rest of his subordinates viewed him as.

SomethingLikeDeSun · Urban
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48 Chs

Two taxis for the Devil

I laughed to myself, knowing full well that his flight was not at 9:15 but was at 8:45. Imagine his panic when he realized he had missed his flight. I, on the other hand, would have slipped out of the hotel before my flight at 8:45 AM, leaving my devil boss stuck all by himself in this city. That would teach him to treat me like his assistant. Next time he would book his own damn flight himself.



The alarm clock in my room had rung for the last time as far as I was concerned. I contemplated tossing the defective thing out the window. For extra assurance, I had set it and my phone alarm for 7:45, but it was only... I turned on my phone to see the 8:30AM glaring right in my face.