
That Night

It was a late chilly night, 11 going to 12, you and your girlfriends were out having fun at a party. You guys were drunk out of your minds, you don't even remember half a it, all you know is on that faithful night your life would change drastically. You were partying having fun when a guy walked to you and, let's just say that things got heated, he took you back to his place in his expensive sports car. You then arrived at his villa when you proceeded to get undressed, now, this night was the only thing you remember in grave detail.

After you both got undressed then it started, he was rough at first, he was throwing you around like you were a toy, his sexy dark skin accompanied with his lightly trimmed beard against you light skin and soft face, "OH MY GAD!!!" You were shouting out over and over and again. It was spectacular, he was so rough and yet so gentle, he was manhandling you while also pleasing you in every single way. As you both went on and on for hours you were having the best time of your life, you wanted to scream his name but yet, you did not know it all you could do was enjoy the sweet sweet feeling of pleasure.

But as we all know, all good things must come to an end even the best of things. You woke the morning after, you felt something you haven't felt in years, satisfaction. But while you were comprehending the wonderful night you just had you realized that it was 8:00AM and that your husband will be leaving for work any minute now, you check your phone only to realize that you've got 17 missed calls from your friends, your husband and even your kid. Spring up and get dressed while trying not to alert the man in the shower, you called an Uber and ditched the place.

When you arrived home your husband had already left with the kids, as you walked around more, you found a note in the kitchen on the fridge. "Hey hunny, if you're reading this I'm leaving right now with Kyle to drop him off at school, don't worry I made us breakfast yours is on the counter, love you." And just as he said there was a PB & J on the counter, you took it to the living room and watched some TV while eating. After about 15minutes you started to feel nauseous and sick, then you had to puke. You made a mad dash to the bathroom only barely holding it in before your head was in the toilet bowl puking up all of the sandwich plus extra. When your done you look in the bathroom cabinet to find a nauseous pill, you take it then go back to the living room, you assume that it was probably from all the drinking last night.

Then, you freeze, you think to yourself, "Last night, what if, no it couldn't be possible. But, what if." You have a frightening realization that maybe you could be pregnant. You go to pharmacy to buy pregnancy test just to make sure. When you get back home, you head to bathroom to make sure that your not pregnant, you take the test and...