
My arranged marriage

What the hell are you doing bro..l said to him while l pulled him for his shoulder..He turned back and stayed in front of me..

I'm just talking to her..Don't need to overact like that man..He is lying, he was trying to kiss me..Sofia said to me..

l was about to punch him,l was very angry with it..l think that's called jealous..and l was..

But Lorenzo arrived on time..What is going on here? this dude was trying to kiss Sofia,l said to him..

Is that true Jorge? Lorenzo asked him..Of course not, Sr. Lorenzo,

l was only trying to help her, trying to take her to her room and brian came saying that l was trying to kiss her..

She is very drunk. Please Brian take her to her room..

Jorge,l know your father and your mother for years.

you're very welcome in my house but My daughter and Brian is dating and l respect it..l would thank you if you do the same..

I'm not saying that you did it, but if you did..Don't do it anymore.. Lorenzo said to Jorge.

OK, SR.Lorenzo, but l didn't do anything..

It's ok Jorge..l know that you're a good boy..Lorenzo said to him while he embraced his neck..

Meanwhile. Brian was trying to lay Sofia in her bed..l don't know how you got so much drunk like this Sofia..l said to you don't drink so much..

Brian laid her on the bed and said: I'm going downstairs anything you need you can call me or when you get better you go downstairs..OK?

No, Please stay with me..Sofia said..She was laid But her mini dress raising little by little was starting to show her butt,..

Brian covered her as fast as he could that was good vision but, wasn't appropriate at that moment.

Oh no..It's so hot here, l don't want to cover..Sofia said while she uncovered her body...

But you're..brian stopped talking,,,..

You're what? Sofia asked him..Brian, can l tell you the truth?l want to marry before having sex but when I'm with you l feel my whole body burning..

Do you know what it could be?

What she said was the same as l felt..l think her beautiful face, her personality, her slender body were everything so sexy..

My blood was boiling after she says that to me.

Do you want me? She asked me with a sweet voice,l could see her drunk face but even so, she was so sexy..

So she got up on the bed and she started to pull her dress up while she knelt on her bed..She was looking in my eyes with her naughty face..

l wanted to do it, my body was trembling..My heart was palpitating..

l wanted to jump over her but l knew that she was drunk and she could regret it later..

We can't do it Sofia ..l had closed the door so only Lorenzo knew that l and Sofia was there

and l didn't know if he would go upstairs to see how she was..

l was lost in my thinkings when l feel her holding my arm and pulling me on the bed over her..

Her sexy body was under me now..l could smell her scent, l could see her sexy mouth, her shaped chest..

l can touch it if l want..l swallowed dry..

She embraced my neck with her two arms..So what do you want to do? Leave or stay? She asked me..

She was looking into my eyes l could see that she wanted to do it..

l felt her hands sliding over my stomach, She pulled my shirt off..l see that you want to do it as well Brian..

l looked down shit.l didn't even have noticed it..

What do l do? l was very nervous..l couldn't help myself..But she could until even broke up with me for doing it with her..

Like the last time..is she testing me again?

why are you thinking too much? She asked me..She touched me where she didn't have touch until today..

what makes it get even harder..

l was like if l was losing my mind..l wanted to do it with her..

l touched her breast and her tits..l could feel it on my hands and it felt amazing..

l slid my hands over her stomach until l reach her underwear so l took it off..

She took my underwear off,l started to kiss her neck and her body,l sucked her breast her nipple..l could hear her moaning on my ears...

She started to push my head down..l looked at her..Her naughty eyes looking at me make me shiver,,.

Please,..She said with a naughty and low voice..Damn it..Does she want l to do that?

I've just seen it on porn videos..but l will do it like they do and see what happens..

So l started to lick her privacy place..l could feel her moaning even harder and squirming...

l couldn't believe that l was doing that..even else with Sofia..

Now it's my time she said..l could see her whole naked body..

l was astonished by that..I've never seen a girl naked before only in movies, etc..

She started to make an oral on me..l was about to blow..l said to her stop..Her blushed cheeks told me that she was too shy as l was..

She laid on the bed,l laid over her..l asked her..are you sure that you want to do it? She didn't look be drunk as she seemed before..

Yes..So we did..At the start she said that was hurting a little,l saw blood on it but l knew that was normal..

We did, we did..l thought to myself while l was walking downstairs..l did it with Sofia..

l saw her father he was Walking upstairs to meet us..He asked me if Sofia was better l said yes,..

he said that he was going upstairs to see how she was with his own eyes but l said that she was talking a bath..

he gave up and we went downstairs..l couldn't even look at his eyes..

What would he do if he knows that l had sex with his daughter? What would my parents think?

How will Sofia react when she gets totally aware of it?

l was a little drunk as well but when we were doing that it was like if the whole alcohol in my body went out from my body...

I encountered her mother and she invited me to join them..l went with them, she asked how her daughter was and l said that she was well..

We went and seated at a table..Viviane and Lorenzo asked for food l did the same..After a time Sofia arrived, she was wearing another dress,

l looked at her a little guilty and ashamed..

But Viviane noticed that something was strange so she asked us..Did anything happen? Viviane asked..No, No, We said to her..

Sofia seated on my side..

When the party finished we went home..they took me to my house after it l said goodbye to Lorenzo and Viviane and Sofia..

She was acting a little strange to me like if she was regretted or ashamed..

When l entered my house l saw my mother,l greeted her..How was the party son? she asked me..

It's was very well mom..l answered her and l went to my room..l was a little tired..

l laid on my bed and started to think about everything that happened..

l could still feel her smell and until now l didn't believe that it had happened, that l had done what l did..

she lost blood, does she cleaned the mattress before she takes a bath? Brian wondered scared..

l don't believe that l did it. Sofia thought to herself...l can't blame him, that's my fault as well..l don't believe that l did..Shit..

what will he think about me now? l don't know if he liked it or not..l need to call him,,..Suddenly her phone rang..

It was brian calling her she frightened, She didn't know what to say so she fastly turned off the phone and rejected his call..

Oh my god..As l thought..she is angry with me..What the hell l did..Will she break up with me? What if she tells her parents? What do l do now?

But they came back to normal after a little time but. they discovered that. Sofia was pregnant after an exam..Only Brian and Sofia know about it..And now.. how will they say it to their parents and how will be their Parent's reaction?