
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

True Friends

"and thats 100 billion." at the bottom of the sea, Alex stood on top of a mountain of gold he had spent hours collecting. be it from ships, or from underground, he managed to collect. it was mostly gold, as for the rare goods which were priceless, he didn't use.

the under his feet slowly disappear. he looked at the phone, where the SP which was in the negative suddenly shot up, back up to the possible, in a moment, his SP reached 100,000 SP, which was equal to $100 million. 

'by the way, are you able to convert SP into money I can use?' I asked, I had to watch my breath. I couldn't take too many breaths, thanks to the wall of infinity, some water was trapped with me.

"upgrade the phone first." the phone said while opening a window that showed the cost for an upgrade. 1 Sp. I went on to upgrade the phone, and after a moment Nami told me the new function I unlocked.

"You have unlocked the teleportation function. pretty much, the phone can now always teleport to you so long as you're within 10 meters. along with a storage space, which could store an item of 1 cubic meter." She said before I went on to upgrade the system, each upgrade would cost 10 times more than before, and at the same time it would improve the previous upgrade.

I upgraded the phone up to level 7, which had cost 1 million. At this point, I gained the power to convert Sp into another form of current. the money would instantly appear in my bank account.

'wouldn't that raise eyebrows?' I asked with a frown seeing how the money would just appear in my bank account.

"of course, you think the greedy government would just look away as you get so much money?" Nami asked with a laugh, to which I rolled my eyes slightly. I sighed softly, before going on to store all of the treasures within the phone storage. after which, I shot into the shy, bursting out of the sea before I teleported away. appearing within an alleyway, where I stepped out and headed towards college. I had wanted to change my fate, so of course, college was a must. even if I would be in debt, I was going to give it my all.

'before I pick the 3 anime... first tell me of how I got you, or at least something you can tell me.' I said while entering through the gate, It was morning. I was a few hours late to my first class, but I didn't care much.

"Alright. what I can tell you is that this world isn't normal. you might not be the only superhuman here. also, you will be able to travel to other words. all but anime-based worlds. from what I sense from your physique, it's most likely some kind of martial art world." Nami said, her voice entering my head.

'oh? Cultivation and stuff? I never heard anything like that within this world.' I said, unable to remember anything on the internet about cultivation. only in stories

"I know, I tried searching for it... upgrade the system, and maybe one day I would be able to get through the highest guarded secret on the internet." Nami said pridefully, and I nodded while entering class. it was already 10, there were only 4 more hours of school.

Even so, I entered the classroom after stopping at my dorm to get my books. after which, I headed to class where I instantly caught everyone's attention. most of them ignored me, while others threw disdainful looks towards me seeing how I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. 

'Alright... the first anime would be Naruto. its way of using chakra could be useful. if I could put people in a genjutsu, I could avoid trouble far more easily.' I said half assly paying attention to the class. I didn't need to give it all of my attention when I instantly comprehended everything the teacher said.

the Naruto world had many broken abilities, just off the top of my head, the Rinnegan, which gave a person 6 abilities, plus one unique ability. among these rinnegan ability was one that gave a person the power to absorb all forms of chakra-based techniques, and many more.

plus, chakra is made out of physical and spiritual energy, so instantly mastering the use of those 2 energies would be super useful

"Done," Nami said with a nod of her head. I thought for a moment, thinking of what type of powers I needed.

'If I picked one Piece, would I be able to eat more than one devil fruit?' I asked, 

"of course, you can, but others can't," she said, to which I nodded slightly. I thought for some time, thinking of the many broken devil fruit abilities. but beyond this was Haki, Osbrobation Haki, which could give me the power to see into the future. 

there was conquer Haki which could be used to knock out those weaker than oneself, or even used to greatly boost one attack power.

there was Armorment Haki which could over one body part in invisible armor to strengthen one defense or attack. reaching the peak of this could allow one to destroy a target from the inside out, ignoring its durability 

the one-piece world was also filled with things like Devil Fruits. fruits which when once eaten give a person a unique power at the cost of losing the power to swim. there were devil fruits that allowed a person to touch you and turn you into a dull which everyone would forget, a devil fruit that allowed one to become a dragon, some allowed a person to control souls, and so on.

'I will go with one Piece next.' I said softly, the devil fruits could be ignored. but the power Haki gave was just too good to be ignored, that was even more so when I had The End.

"done!" Nami said, 

'now I need a powerhouse... I thinking of Dragon Ball... Nami what if I pick that time I got reincarnated as a Slime? it's about to get an anime soon.' I asked 

"sorry host, i'm the anime phone. not the anime of tomorrow's phone. if it's not in the anime as of November 20th, 2018, I don't know of it." Nami said making my heart drop in disappointment... but on second thought, Dragon Ball did have similar abilities to the one I wanted from that other anime. So, I picked Dragon Ball to finish things off.

with all done, I was finally allowed to go through the system shop, and I wasn't shocked seeing how expensive many things were there. the cheapest stuff was from the Naruto universe, that being that weak jutsu.

but the most expansive stuff was from Dragon Ball. at a shocking 999 quintillion SP, it was the power shown by Zeno. the power to erase the multiverse, and even whole timelines. that was 999 followed by 18 zeros.

'well, i'm not buying that any time soon... oh, what thing?' I thought while looking at the Saiyan bloodline. for 1 billion SP. That could be done if I saved up a lot of money. I looked around once more and found more interesting stuff

Uchiha bloodline, 1 million SP

Senju Bloodline, 1 million SP

Huyga Bloodline, 1 million SP

Uzumaki Bloodline, 1 Million SP

Otsuski bloodline, 100 million.

Summon Hinata, 100 billion SP...

'wait? I can summon people?' I asked in shock, 

"yes, you can't go to them, so why not bring them here? but their summon would be expansive, their value depending on you as the person, and yes they are 100% loyal to you." nami said with a hint of disgust, which I completely ignored. I was a pure soul, I had no idea what she meant.

"Alex, here is your phone." The class soon came to an end, and Lisa who I had ignored the whole class came up to me, handing me a phone I had bought for her. out of pride, it was embarrassing not being able to get the things, my girlfriend had wanted, so I tried my best to make her happy.

"Lisa, let's go." Tyron entered the classroom, instantly gaining many eyes thanks to his looks and physique. Tyron seeing Lisa speaking with me smiled slightly, 

"oh? This is the guy who brought us the condoms last night. thanks, me and Lisa enjoyed it." Tyron said, stunning the whole classroom. Lisa seeing this quickly stopped Tyron,

"stop it," she said in a soft voice, not wanting to draw trouble to Alex. Tyron shrugged slightly, but the damage was done as everyone realized what happened, or at least a good picture.

"She left me because you have money, you're using her as a tool before you throw her away for someone better. and she would do the same. you two are perfect for each other." I said calmly while getting up, and packing my stuff, I was about to leave when Tyron blocked my path he wasn't happy with my words. but I didn't stop walking, bumping into him, and sending him falling to the ground.

"down there suits you," I said calmly, before walking off. enraged, Tyron got up and rushed towards me. he reached out to grab me, but I stepped to the side, grabbed him, and twisted it. this sent Tyron to the ground, screaming in pain while his other hand grabbed onto my head, trying to break free

"don't touch me," I said while stepping on his face hard. and rubbing my dirty hold shoes on his face, I looked at Lisa for a second before sneering.

"throw the phone away, stay out of my sight," I said coldly while walking off, ignoring the stunned crowd who couldn't believe how a seemly weak young man like myself so easily handled Tyron.

'Nami, covert the SP into... $50,000. I should go buy new clothes. by chakra and KI while at it.' I thought calmly, and instantly I felt 2 new energy filling my body. other than the curse energy that I gained from getting the limitless technique, these energies were special.

Chakra was a fusion of stamina and spiritual energy, while Ki was like one's life force. with these 3 energies, I of course instantly mastered all of them and was even thinking of ways to fuse them to form stronger energy.

"go to those big-name stores. feel what it means to be rich." Nami said with a smile, to which I nodded after some hesitation. but it didn't have a good fashion sense, this is where my friends could come in useful.

"You, Alex." A well-built black male called out, this man was called Abel. Similar to myself, he was not that rich, but he was doing far better than me. he was a quiet guy, he rather watch things play out before he spoke. Among the group, he was the hardest to get angry. he was just too calm, and easygoing

with him was a muscle white young man, Collin. Collin could be considered to have money, but his father didn't spoil him and forced him to make every last penny he owned for himself. lastly, Abdi. Abdi was African and had some good money. his parents owned many buildings which they rented out. he was the type of friend you couldn't bring anywhere, due to his mouth being unable to control itself. like everyone else, his parents didn't spoil him. 

we're all friends thanks to the simple fact we scared the same dorm, and that we were all into similar topics. that being anime and soccer.

"where you guys heading?" I asked seeing how they looked as if they were about to head somewhere.

"my girl just invited me and all of us to Heaven's Gate. She is already heading there with her friends. oh, Alex, I got you. let's go stop by a store on me." Collin said with a smile. to which my eyebrow raise

"you and what money?" I asked to which Collin poofed out his chest

"My dad gave me 100k as an early birthday gift since he would be out of time on my birthday," I said making me speechless. 100k as a birthday gift... wait, he was bring Abdi?

"Man, let's hurry up... and don't worry, I will be on my best behavior... damn girl. you just going around dropping people?" Abdi who was saying something suddenly saw a girl with a big but walk back, leading to him walking off, leaving Collin, Abel, and myself speechless with this guy. Abdi was a player, he was the type of guy who couldn't stick to one girl and would be sleeping with more than one 1 be it together or behind their backs.

"dropping?" the woman asked with a confused look, to which Abdi nodded. 

"you dropped my Jar. it's not my birthday, so why am I being surprised?" Abdi asked with a smile, to which the woman rolled her eyes slightly.

"come on, let's go. inivte, Lisa. you need not worry, I will pay for everyone." Collin said while grabbing Abdi, pulling him away before he could mess around even more.

"We broke up," I said with a shake of my hands, stunning them. I calmly explained everything, leaving them all boiling with rage on my behalf. but I calmed them down. how could they not be when me and Lisa were friends since middle school? we only started dating a few months before we entered college, yet she just up and left.

"Tyron... she should stay away from him. The people he hangs out with are not simple," Abdi said seriously, stunning all of course. Abdi amongst us was the most street smart, he would have been a gangster if not for him and Abel becoming friends 

"not my problem," I said with a shake of my head, Collin sighed before quickly taking us away to his car. which was a brand-new 2018 Ram pickup truck. I wasn't good with cars and stuff, but I knew this truck was a beauty.

"like it? my mom gave it to me knowing how much I wanted a truck." Collin said happily, unlike others, he could care less for sports cars. pickup trunks were what he loved above everything else. we hopped into the car, well we all hopped in the back, leaving Collin on happy as he wanted someone to sit with him so he could show off the car. yet we all wanted to sit on the back, enjoying the wind.

but seeing how unhappy he was, I went to sit in the passenger seat, allowing him to go off about his dream car while we headed towards a store. upon arrival, we all got out and headed inside where Collin led the way. this was one of those fancy places where normal people couldn't just one in. This is where you can enter with 10k yet leave with less than half that amount after buying less than 4 things.

"Collin, it doesn't have to be perfect. something cheap will do." I said seeing how Collin was about to go all out to get me the best stuff... no wonder his father made this guy work for every penny. when it came to the money he owned, he was unwilling to spend it, but as soon as 100k hit his wallet, he did as he wished.

"Hey, you're my friend. plus, the suit might be useful when you go to get a job in the future. and if you can't help but pay me back, take your time." Collin said with a smile. I looked at him deeply, before looking towards Abdi and Abel who were just waiting at the side... these were my friends.

Sighing, I picked a slightly bigger suit, knowing I would grow into it. when it was time to pay, Collin pulled out his card to pay. but I pushed him aside and quickly paid. and like that, I lost 8k.

"Alright, let's go," I said with a smile, ignoring everyone the group's stunned looks, and went to the truck, rushing them on. they all entered the car, this time not sitting outside but all inside.

"where did you get the money?" Collin asked while starting the car, I looked at him for a moment, before speaking.

"I found some cold. I have more... could I get your help to spell it?" I asked, while pulling out my phone, and showing him an image of one of the treasures I collected. Collin's eyes narrowed slightly, although he couldn't tell the prince of the treasure I was showing, he was sure it could go for a few million.

"sure. I will speak with my dad... where did you get it?" He asked with a curious look,

"I was pissed last light and went to the beach in the ran. thats where I saw it. along with a few others. I other a traded in, although I have a feeling I might have been cheated as I was a broke guy." I said to which Collin nodded in understanding.

"Alex... it looks like your life can turn around. how do you plan to invest it?" Abdi asked, already planning on having Alex start fixing up houses, to rent out or sell.

"bitcoin. I can see in the future, cash losing its meaning, and people finding easier ways to pay for stuff. the world is growing lazier, and self-driving cars are a thing. there is wireless tapping, and soon there will be bitcoin... at least thats what I believe." I said making everyone quiet, as they couldn't say no or yes

"of course not all of it. I want to start up my own business or something. maybe I can do what your parents are doing... I don't know, i'm still mapping my future out." I said with a sigh,

"don't worry, if you need help come to me. with my dad's connections, i'm sure you can make a name for yourself." Collin said with a smile

"what? your dad is worth barely 10 million, mine is at least 15 million. isn't it better for him to work with me? I mean my parents?" Abdi asked causing the two to go back and forth, through it all me and Abel just shook our heads speechlessly at the two.

"Abel... you want to join me?" I asked, causing Abel to think for a second before nodding. Abel's dream was to start his own business, among us he was the one who had tried the hardest to find a business to start. he was even taking classes to help with it. 

"let's all join... better yet, you should all join the little business I made. I can see it now, the 4 billion." Collin said, making all of us look at each other before we nodded with smiles...