
My Alpha Roommate

Riley Miller, the girl of a strong colorful imagination and a crazy wish list, never thought that her wishes for something different and an exciting dramatic life along with some romance would come really come true. She was a crazy girl full of life, and adventure. She was the life of the party, leaving an impact and catching eyes of the people everywhere she went. Her charming and entertaining personality, bubbly aura, and sarcastic comebacks never failed to leave everyone in awe. Then again, she also never thought a cocky Alpha, previously stalker, would become her roommate, make her fall for him and give her all she’d ever wish for. Supernatural stuff, drama, excitement, action and adventure, and hot dudes. Mix in a couple of best friends, a psychotic ex, a traitor, superpowers and the enemy that has been hunting since the last hundred years for his revenge and you’re bound to get a venturesome life. Which is all she wants. Hunter Axel Knight, God of Werewolves also known as The Chosen One, the most powerful werewolf to ever exist has longed for his mate since decades, centuries even. So when he finally encounters his mate, he is the happiest man alive and vows to do everything for her safety and happiness. She was a human but he couldn’t care less. Learning about his mate’s desire and wishes, he disguises himself as an ordinary man in hopes to make her fall for him and then revealing himself and his world to her. But when secrets are revealed, mysteries are solved, and people are exposed, things may not be as they seem. After all, what we see from our eyes is not always the truth. Join Riley and Hunter in their journey of love, discovery, romance, and how they deal with their difficulties, troubles and enemies together. ~ ~ ~ “Peaches, I-“ “Omg are you a werewolf? Or a vampire? OR ARE YOU AN UNICORN? FRICKIN TELL ME NOW YOU BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF SHIT” “Don’t call me that!” “Don’t tell me what to do! And hey- is that my taco?!”

Maia · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Meetings, Fashion Statement and Drama King

Hunter's P. O. V

I sighed rolling my eyes as Ryder came barging like he owned my home, and face-palmed at the sight of a bra over his white shirt.

"Honey, I m home!", He yelled happily as I gave him a blank glare.

"What the fuck are you doing? And take that thing off right now", I growled lowly, feeling restless and bored out of my mind.

God, I miss Riley's non-stop blabber, and sexily adorable antics, and beautiful face and laughter. Fuck, I feel so pathetic without her. Like I have no purpose. My wolf wanted to just leave everything and be with her.

'I m not going to talk to you until you let me meet mate'. Axel said to me suddenly and shut himself off making me sigh. He's such a drama king.

Why the fuck am I acting like she's gone forever, calm yourself down Hunter, it's just for one day.

He smiled lazily. "Oh, you mean this?", He pointed at the... Thing... Before stuffing it with tissues and oranges.