
My Alpha Girlfriend (Omegaverse)

Long ago, there existed two genders.. male and female but the differences between outward appearances soon began to decline and humans began to be categorized in three main classifications; Alpha, beta and omega. The alphas being at the top have the highest standing in society and the omegas stand at the lowest. The omegas experience cyclic heats which have long been discriminated against until suppressants came into existence. However, the discrimination still isn't completely nonexistent. Alphas are still preferred over betas and omegas based on their dominant pheromones. Omegas are still looked down upon being the minority class. The fact that omegas experience a cyclic heat which may result in tragic events and violation of the omega is still blamed upon the omega. Especially because omegas have a higher rate of pregnancy despite being man or a woman, they are often maltreated. However sometimes omegas are treated as a special class as well, especially since they are capable of forming a very unique bond of pheromones with an alpha. Such pairs are known as fated pairs. An alpha that has formed a bond with an omega often tends to be possessive and caring towards that omega. This bond is formed with a bite at the nape of the omega's neck. This is also the reason some omegas wear chokers to prevent forming an unwanted bond. Moreover the bite also allows the omega to suppress their heat. In such a world of the upper class alphas, the common class beta and the lower class omega; both men and women are capable of being pregnant...

Yue080 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

Episode 9

"How...did it...end up like this!?''

Keitarou almost yelled sitting up with a sudden jerk while trying to make sense of the situation.

He lifted the blanket on the two of them in bed...yeah..two, finding himself in nothing but in his underwear and Akio was laying next to him in a robe.

He was not only shocked but suddenly scared thinking what might have happened. Moreover their clothes were lying all around the room.

Though what room? Where was he? He had no recollection whatsoever.

"No..way...did we..did ...we..'' he almost stuttered looking down at Akio who was peacefully asleep, almost looking like a porcelain work of art.

His plump red lips parted from eachother letting his breath warm the pillow in which his red cheek had sunk. His paleness easily made his prominent features stand out and the innocent look on his almost made Keitarou blush as he looked down upon him.

He reached his fingers and moved one of his gold strand that was teasing his lightly tan eyelids. He caressed Akio's eye lid with his fingers lightly trailing them to his red ear lobes and tracing down a finger over all his piercings to under his ear and over the strange looking tattoo on his neck.

Akio shifted a little in his sleep and as the sun rays warmed up his pale face in light at that direction, he slowly fluttered open his eye gazing at the rays that caressed his face while keitarou immediately retrieved his hand in embarrassment.

"Oh..you're up, good morning'' Akio said with a bright smile while fixing his robe that had slipped off one of his shoulders exposing his well maintained, built and muscled arm.

Keitarou, in his embarrassment, couldn't meet eyes with him, still having no recollection whatsoever.

He hesitated to speak though cleared his throat and forced himself to speak somehow.

"Last night..we...''

"Oh not me, it was you who did it''

"I did?''

"Yes, you were pretty wild too''

Akio's words made Keitarou's face redden till his ears.

"Was I good...?''

"Not at all, that was pretty bad''

"Are you going to report me to the cops? My career will be over before it even started''

"Well, I wouldn't go as far as to turn you to cops for drinking too much and then collapsing on the street.. ''

"Wait what?!''

"What? you don't remember?''

"Remember what?''

"That you drank too much and collapsed on the street while yelling revenge and when I brought you to a nearby hotel you started to strip down while yelling that you were giving up being a lawyer now and from now on you will be a stripper and then you threw up on me so I had to take shower and change''

"Wait..that's it?''

"What do you mean by that's it? Dragging me to your rant drinking and then giving me a hard time trying to convince you that your name is not Stella, the stripper and then throwing up on me? Because of you, now my clothes are gone for washing and I have to be in this robe in this cold..on top of it, this bed is too small for two big guys..you fell off thrice in one night..'' Akio frowned almost in a scolding tone and Keitarou suddenly burst into a laughing fit over his own expectations.

Akio was dumbfounded ''Are you still drunk? Or is it the hangover?'' Akio asked but nothing could hold back Keitarou from going into an immense laughing fit over his own imagination.

"Ahhh look at the time, it's day already and now my son would be worried! Ahh I've got to run!'' Akio got out of the bed and strode forward out of the room in a robe.

"What a man!'' Keitarou laughed.


"Where were you all night?'' I stood by the edge of the stairway hearing the door open and finding the sneaky culprit in a position that was interesting and scandalous at the same time.

Dad was being sneaky at first but then he took his normal starture as he heard my voice and cleared his throat.

"Something came up'' he replied without meeting eyes.

"Something? And why are you dressed like that?'' I inquiried.

To be honest, I understand now why dad interrogates me like this sometimes..because it feels good to be truthful.

Wow its true, you can tell when one is lying, so I look like that when I'm lying to him? So transparent! What would he say, if I were in his position...oh I know

''Is that so..well come in'' I said sassily to make him feel the guilt I always do when he says that.

He came in with a bent head and quickly got to his room without saying a word.

On a serious note, where was he? And dressed like that on top of it? Oh gosh! Dont tell me! An affair?! Wahhhh how could he!

I'm just kidding, he totally should have one or he'll die alone honestly, but knowing him I can tell he was probably helping someone and got caught in some mess. Well nevermind...

I went to my room afterwards and flopped on my bed to check my phone. Whoa..so many messages..who are these from..?

I clicked open one of the messages and after seeing that I left my phone there and rushed to the bathroom throwing up.

Someone had sent me the picture of a dead rotting body, along with death threats.

Checking my other messages, I came across other threats and abusive language though none of them were like the first.

Should I talk to dad about this? No..he'll be too worried...what should I do...

Its all because of her! She should take responsibility!

I took a screenshot and sent it to her with the caption 'It's all your fault, I'm getting messages like this now'.

She replied as a matter of seconds "Who did that? Report it and send me the Id, I'll get it traced''

I replied ''My dad should never know about this!''

"Alright, he won't! Just give me the Id''


"Also meet me in the park today, we'll talk about this''

"Can't..I have homework to do''

"Then I'm coming over!''

"No way!''

"I'm not asking''

Wthh! This stupid woman, always deciding things on her own without considering my opinion! That's it! I'm confronting her today!

"Ugh...dad? The stup....I mean Aoi chan will be coming over in a little to do homework with me, is that okay?!''

"Yeah sure!''

I didn't even bother going to his room rather asked from the doorway of mine.

Seriously, why must she be like that..

It took her almost half an hour or so until she was by our shop and dad received her.

He sent her right upstairs because he had to open the shop too. She came barging in my room without permission, that barbaric woman!

"Learn to knock!''

I said rather angrily but before I could even turn to hear a response, she almost moved with the wind and hugged me in from behind turning my eyes wide in the sudden surprise.

Ok? What was that supposed to mean?

"Hey...what are you..?!''

"I was so scared thinking if you were safe or not..''

She whispered and I calmed a little while turning my face a bit towards her.

"Why? Is it because its your fault?''

My words almost brought a frown upon her forehead and she pushed me forward. I fell face down on the bed while she humped over my back pinning my hands behind my back.

"What are you...? Stop..!'' I struggled, disliking her ever changing attitude.

"Do I look like the kind who would correct their faults?''

"Huh? Ouch..it hurts..''

Her facial expression softened hearing me whine and she let my hands loose.

"Why are you always so violent? Did you fall on your head, when you were young or something?'' I said tauntingly.

"Actually..that did happen too''



We had a moment of silence between us and then she pulled me up in a hug again. Wow, alot of hugs and feels today...right..um...how long does she plan to do this? Should I put my hands on her back? Or on her head?

I feel like an awkwardly squeezed potato..

"Look I'm fine..it's okay...'' I reassured her and she parted.

I awkwardly sat down on bed while she stood with a usual poker face infront of me.

"You can sit''

"I know''

"Then why don't you''

"Because I'm angry''

"Really? Can't tell from your face''

I said quite sarcastically.

She sat on the ground on her knees and took both my hands in hers.

"I will catch these people and I will get them punished'' she spoke looking into my eyes.

"It's okay, I told you I'm fine'' I reassured.

"I will always protect you'' she said with her bright blue eyes shining so beautifully under the dim sunlight of winter and they reflected my image as if those eyes would only ever frame me like that...

Why is she like this...

Why does she look at me like that?...

Why does she hold me like that?.....

Why does she feel so familiar like that?....