

Chimobi_Princess · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Back to school (II)

"hey Aver, why did you run off like that" I asked not knowing I was only talking to myself,

"hello, a living person is speaking here" I said waving my hands across her face,

"oh, sorry Steph, I was thinking of something"

"(seats beside her) duh, it's obvious, so what happened, why did you run out of class"

"because of my dad, he texted me during class that he had something urgent to tell me about my mom, he said she recently just passed away"

"what! how is that possible, your mom died two years ago, we went for the funeral"

"it wasn't her funeral, it was someone else's, my dad made a mask with my mom's face which they placed on the dead person, he said they had to lie to me...."

"they?" I cut in cuss what she just told me sounded so stupid and not making any sence because we went to see her mom at the hospital when she died, she was seriously ill and eventually passed away

at the hospital which became her new home, we went for her funeral, we saw her dead at the hospital.

"my parent's, they planned it together, turns out mom was living with AIDs, she cheated on my dad which made her contract the illness, they faked her death because her condition had deteriorated and she didn't want me to feel sad for her especially because she cheated on dad, dad took her to stay with her parents in California, he said she was too ashamed to face me so that's why they did what they did. She passed last night"

I watched as my bestfriend broke down in tears, this will be my second time seeing her cry since we became best friends at age ten, the first time I saw her cry was at her mom's funeral which turns out to be someone else's funeral but after the funeral she was back to normal like nothing happened, I embrassed her so she would stop crying.

"but it dosen't matter now, all this time I had the impression that she was dead so it's nothing to cry about, wipe your tears now Steph, everything is okay"

"(looking stupified) my tears, you're the one crying not me but if you say so,(wipes an invisible tears away) there, I've wiped it off"

"(laughs) oh Steph, what would I do without you"

"I wonder" I said thoughtfully before laughing

"there's another news"

"and what's that?"

"(smiles uncontrolably) guess"

"hmm, the look on your face tells it all. Desmond is back"

"yes! (squealing in excitment), he'll resume tomorrow"

"lucky you, at least you have someone to cuddle, all I have is my pillow"

"come on, you have a chance to be Ray's girlfriend"

"as if, I'm no where near his standard, he's popular and I'm just me"

"(chuckles) oh Steph, you're popular as well, this school is literally for popular...."

she never got to finish what she started because Livy was at it again.

"are you blind or something, didn't you see my soda on the table before you dunked this trash on it" Livy yelled at the top of her voice, she obviously did it intentionally so she could draw attention to herself.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional...."

"(raises her palm to Chris) save it, why're you here in the first place"

"I just wanted to talk"

"please just hear me out" Livy's next move after Chris made this statement really pissed me off, she slapped him hard on his cheek, I could see her five fingers on his face from whereI stood

"(scoffs) about what, us being together?, oh hell no Chris, you need to get out of that fantacy" she yelled yet again, I walked over to her table furious at te mark she gave Chris, I was about retaliating by Chris stoped me, she looked at me then rolled her eyes, then she claimed the table fully getting everyone's attention.

" Listen up people, I've gat something important to say" all eyes were on her now, eager to hear what she had to say.

"this asshole has been on my neck for as long as I can remember" she said pointing to Chris,

"he wants a whole Livy Wayne to be his girlfriend, can you imagine that, why would I ever choose someone like him as my boyfriend, so pathe...."

"cut it out Livy, no one here wants to hear the trash coming out your stink hole"

everyone in the cafeteria ooed at this including me, I definitely didn't expect Kira Johnson to stand up to Livy like that, like she hardly says anything to anyone.

"excuse you, how dare you...." Livy didn't complete her sentence due to the bowl of spaghetti now sitting on her head, everyone cheered at Aver for doing that, Livy got madly upset and hit Chris hard on the chest making him fall to the ground, I ran to meet him, his breathing had become heavy and he started coughing out blood, the students began throwing food on Aver and her minions while I took Chris to the school nurse. Miss Flora a young nurse in her late twenties approached us and helped Chris into the treatment room, she checked him and said he would be fine only if he gets a lung transplant or else his condition will deteriorate. I was shattered when I heard this, I immediately called dad to inform him about it and he asked us to do it right away if possible, I informed Miss Flora about it, after which she called the hospital to confirm if it was gonna be possible and lucky us a patient just passed and he donated his organs to the hospital before he died, it was his last wish, an ambulance immediately took us to the hospital, Chris already fell unconscious before we got to the hospital, the doctor was already waiting for our arrival and as soon as we got there Chris was taken to the Operating Theatre, I began passing around the hallway, I became uneasy and scared, I haven't felt this way since my mom's death in this very hospital. Two hours later I foundd Aver running towards me with a worried look on her face.

"hey, Miss Flora told me you were here, how's Chris"

"fine I hope, he's in the operatint theatre right now, he getting a lung transplant"

"wow! it's that serious?"

"yes it is and it's his left lung that's infected"

"left lung! that's close to his heart, how did this happen, I mean he was fine before Livy hit him"

"remember the fire accident of six months ago"


"that's where it all started, his lung got infected then but he's been using pills to surpress it, the hit on his chest only worsened his condition" I said as I began to cry uncontrollably, Aver pulled me into her embrass and tried to console me but the tears kept coming, refusing to stop. My dad ran towards us, I was so surprised to see him because he's meant to be on a business trip, I left Aver and ran to my father, I wanted to ask why he came but I was too overwhelmed to say anything, Miss Flora probably told him how bad the situation was.

"dad don't let Chris die" I managed to say to him,

"come on now, why would you think like that, he's going to be fine, it's just a lung transplant nothing serious" he said looking deep into my eyes, his lips said something which his grey eyes which where now stormy and darker than usual disagreed with. I looked into my fathers eyes, heart threatening to leave my chest, this was the same look he had in his eyes when my mother kicked the bucket at this very hospital seven years ago, that looked sucked out every life I had left in me, I was about passing cuss I was so tired, my eyes were heavy and couldn't cry anymore, I prayed for Chris's safety as Sandra also approached us, she looked calm, she walked up to my dad to ask about Chris, I laid on a bench and slept off, my eyes couldn't take it anymore so I gave in hoping to see Chris alright by the time I wake up.

  I finally woke up and found my father and Sandra already left, I couldn't find Aver soI had to search for her, I later found her at the cafeteria.

"finally awake"

"yh, whomoved me from the bench"

"your dad, he and Sandra has gone back to work"

"how is Chris, he's fine, he's in the ICU, you could go see him when you're ready"

"I'll go now"

"I'll come with you but first wash your face, you look terrible, Chris won't be happy if he sees you like this" Aver said standing up and dragging me to the bathroom, I washed my face and applied a lotion Aver gave me, my eyes were still swolling of course, washing my face didn't get rid of my swolling eyes. Afterwards we went to the ICU to see Chris, he was awake but on a ventilator, I walked up to him to hug him, he was sitting on his bed.

"I'm glad you're okay Chris"

"me too" I heard him say, he was reading a book,

"you're meant to lay down Chris"

"(taken off his mask) I'm fine Steph, don't worry" he said smiling and putting on his mask once again, I hugged him again not wanting to let go, he hugged me back also not letting go before he broke the silence,

"you should head home now Steph, you gotta go to school tomorrow" he said lettign go of me, I wanted to protest but he stopped me,

"shh, I'll befine, the doctors and nurses will take care of me, you can come visit in the morning before you go to school okay" I didn't accept but he glared at me so I no choice but to accept,

"good, go now, see you in the morning"

I relunctantly got up from his bed then placed a kiss on his forehead and left with Aver, Miss Flora was still at the hospital so she drove I and Aver home. I didn't want to go into the house because I was well aware Chris wasn't there, Aver eventually pushed me in, it was almost ten o'clock when we got home, I went to shower and came back downstairs to see Aver preparing dinner.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow Aver"

"oh hell no, you are going to school. Chris left me in charge of you and if you don't go to school, I'll be the one who'll get punished, so you're going to school"


"don't but me, you're going to school and that's final, come on, eat and go to bed, tomorrow is a big day, your boyfriend is coming"

"don't start Aver"

"what, don't you like the idead of being his girlfriend"

"I do b...."

"so what are we talking about, come on eat up" Aver said smiling at me, after dinner, we watched movies and talked about how I and Raymond would start dating and even get married at least all the talking got my mind off Chris a little.