
my alien

A boy on a adventure that he doesn't know he's on. A man sworn to protect the boy the moment he saw the him What will happen next? Read to find out! I am a new writer so beware if the grammar mistakes.

googleistyping · Fantasy
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1 Chs

chapter one

I ran as fast as I could, hearing the footsteps behind me pushed me to run faster. The air was thick with fog, the branches we're scraping my face.

I didn't care

surviving was my top priority right now, if I could just loose them and get them off my tracks.


I see a tree branch fly from the corner of my eye, what did I do to deserve this, I'm just a normal seventeen year old teenage boy, what do I have to do with anything that these people-no these.... these...

These things.

Those are things that are chasing me, I don't know what they are, or where they came From. All I know is I'm being chased and i don't know why or what for.

In the midst of my thoughts my foot got caught in a hole.

"Ack" I scream out, feeling a surge of white blinding pain shoot up my leg, it must be broken I thought, but I cant stop now, I have to get away.

I stand up trembling, fear shown on me, I hear nothing- I see nothing, all of the sudden I go flying and hit a tree. I groan as I spit up blood.

I look up with blurry vision, I see two out lines, they're tall and lengthy big black eyes one was muscular. Then It clicks.....

These are the things that were chasing me.

I can feel it in my bones, the overwhelming power radiating off of them in waves.

One Starts walking towards me, all I can think is run but my body won't move. Its like they're telling me if you move there would be consequences.

I have to take that chance though, but before I could run the muscular one grabbed me and through me over his shoulder. I tried to kick and scream but there was no use, I couldn't fight anymore.

Just as I gave up the lengthy one injects something in me, the last thing I saw was someone running towards me with an angry expression. Then I blacked out.




"I heard Katlyn was pregnant, bets on Conner being the father" my best friend says as we walk out the theater.

"Yeah I think so too, they've been going at it like rabbits, I once say them having sex in the boys bathroom, never went in there again" I say

Something doesn't feel right, I can feel the change in the air but I can't put my finger on it. You know that feeling when someone is burning holes into your back?, Yeah that feeling.

As we're walking out I see a man by a car next to the theater, he's looking this way with almost a glare of some sort. I don't know what's going on but I think there's something fishy about to happen.

"Hello sky?, are you even listening. You've been staring at that spot for a few minutes now, You okay." Nikayla says

"Yeah I was just looking at the guy- where'd he go?" I asked puzzled.

"Who're you talking about I don't see anybody, there was nobody there to begin with" Kayla says.

"AYO NIKAYLA WASSUP" somebody says as the approach us.

"Ugh what do you want Tommy." Kayla says with irritation in her voice.

"I just wanted to see if we could talk, we've haven't spoken in a long time, wassup with you bab-"

"Don't call me babe we broke up a week ago when I found out you were having a baby with someone else" Kayla says.

"I'll be in the car" I tell her, I knew she had a boyfriend but I didn't know they had broken up.

As I walk to the car I see something out the corner of my eye, a silhouette of a man is approaching me, FAST.

I turn my head to see the same man but this time he's got a friend and they're only a few feet away.

I make a beeline for the car, if I could just get in the car I'll be somewhat safe, what the hell am I talking about there's no way I'll be safe these guys look like trouble.

I get to the car and low and behold, it's locked. Shit Kayla must have the keys . before I could make it to Kayla's side someone snatches me up, throws me in the car and rides off.

I fight off the people and eventually I win. I pull the handle and jump out the care, they weren't going that fast so luckily I didn't break anything.

I run towards the woods Sprinting in nothing but darkness, I hear them coming, it seems like they're a few feet away from me. I don't know what to do.

I feel a hand pull me back by the hair and I new I was done for..




"Where- where am I" I say through blurry vision, form what can through the blurriness see this doesn't look like my room nor Kayla's.

"Safe, you're in my cabin" he says, like THATS gonna make me feel any better.

"Wheres kay-"

" Why are you asking all these questions" he asked while turning to look me in the eye for the first time.

They were green with Hint of yellow & they looked magical. Perhaps I was staring to long because he looked away.

"Look just know that you're safe, I don't know who Kay is but i'm-"

"Her name is Kayla and I would like to go home" I say with a hint of aggressiveness, this dude is really getting on my nerves & I just woke up.

"I can't let you do that they'll find you"

"Who, those.... things?.... did I do something in my past life or something?" I say, I don't know what I'm going to do & Kayla must be worried sick.

"You just can't I'll explain later just please stop asking some many questions you're making my brain hurt."

This is getting awkward because it's been two minutes & he's not talking. Should I talk?, I mean he did say stop asking questions but he didn't say anything about not talking.

I decided to keep my mouth shut & started to hum.

"You can sing" he asked.

" um I guess?

"Cool" he says, COOL? I wanted to have a conversation with him & all he says was cool?. I at least want to get some answers from the one that kidnapped me.

Should I run?, Nah he'll probably catch me. Should I fight him?, Are you kidding me he's like the size of a truck!!.

Let's just face it we aren't getting out of here even if we tried. As I was thinking to myself my stomach starts to rumble.

"Are you hungry?" He says.

um yeah no shit.

"Yeah i am a little"

"I'll go make you something, I'll be right back" he says.

Yeah we're not gonna get along well.