
Chapter 1:Fresh morning

I woke up one morning due to mama slaps she has been waking me up to pray.. immediately she went out I went back to sleep only to be woken up with several slaps .I immediately jumped up and went to brush my teeth in the verenda after that I fetched some water from the back well and took it to the bathroom to have my bath..after bathing I rushed to my room like someone pursued by a monster..the weather was so cold and the breeze was so harsh..every touch felt freezing...In my room I took the coconut noil and used it to cream my body..mama says it keeps my body fresh and shiny ..after that I took my long gown and hijab and ran off to the mosque to pray ... on my way from the mosque I branched at a woman shop who was selling Donkwa and Hausa snack made of cassava and pepper I bought it with Papa remaining change ...After eating my little snack I ran home and went ahead with my chores...

My name is Zara and I'm 10 years old ..I have 6 brothers and 2 sisters and I was the last born mama's pride.

I was washing the plates when u saw mams and papa walking out of their room arguing .. papa looked so angry I wondered what was happening because I have never seen my parents arguing before...I ran over to Papa to ask what happened but mama just draged to me to my room entered and shut the door ..I wondered why the did that... Mama just looked at me as tears rolled down her eyes....was i dying??did my siblings die?was something wrong..I knew whatever happened must be bad for it to make mama cry this much...I raised up my hands and wiped her tears off