
My Adventures As The Saiyan God of destruction

Kade is sadly killed by a speeding truck and ends up the saiyan god of destruction of universe 14 with the power to do anything he wants. WARNING:NUDITY,SEX,R18,FAN SERVICE.

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Test of strength

The castle of the God of Destruction, Kade, stood as an anomaly amidst the ethereal landscape of Universe 14. Bright green grass stretched out like a velvet carpet, dotted with purple trees that shimmered under a sky the color of amethyst. Crystal clear rivers snaked through the domain, their waters reflecting the light of a thousand stars. Here, in this realm of vibrant beauty, resided Kade, a Saiyan warrior of immense power, and his angelic attendant, Aria.

Kade, the Destroyer, was a towering figure, his black spiky hair framing a fierce face with piercing yellow eyes. His powerful muscles rippled beneath his red and black garments, testament to years of rigorous training. His tail, a symbol of Saiyan pride, coiled around his waist, a testament to his lineage.

Standing beside him, a stark contrast to his imposing presence, was Aria. Her blue skin shimmered in the sunlight, her long silver hair cascading down her back. Her yellow eyes, brimming with an innocent curiosity, stared towards the horizon. Her angelic features, adorned with a black sleeveless dress, exuded an ethereal beauty, but her obliviousness to the ways of the mortal world gave her an air of naivety.

'Aria,' Kade boomed, his voice a deep baritone that reverberated through the castle walls. 'I'm going to test my power.'

Aria, who was engrossed in a book detailing the history of the ancient Saiyan civilization, looked up, her eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and childlike curiosity. 'But Kade,' she said, her voice a gentle melody that seemed at odds with his booming pronouncements, 'aren't you already the strongest being in our universe?'

'Stronger is always better,' Kade replied with a smirk. He wasn't driven by the need to conquer, but by the inherent Saiyan desire for strength. He wanted to test his boundaries, to push his power to its limits, to feel the exhilarating rush of raw power surging through his veins.

He stepped into a training area, a vast expanse of energy-resistant rock, designed specifically for his destructive training. 'Watch and learn, Aria,' he said, his voice echoing with a hint of playful arrogance.

His body crackled with energy as he transformed, his hair turning a brilliant yellow. The Super Saiyan form, a power known to all Saiyans, pulsed with a blinding aura, a testament to the Saiyan's potential for growth. He punched a massive rock formation with a force that shook the very ground beneath their feet, sending shards of stone flying across the training area.

'Impressive,' Aria commented, her voice laced with a hint of awe. She had seen Kade in this form countless times. But there was a spark of excitement in her eyes, a flicker of anticipation for the spectacle unfolding before her.

Kade didn't stop there. He pushed himself further, transitioning into Super Saiyan 2, his hair now radiating with a golden glow, his power amplifying exponentially. His speed increased, he moved like a blur, leaving behind afterimages that danced in the air.

Aria gasped, her innocence momentarily forgotten as she watched Kade unleash his raw power. The ground beneath his feet crumbled, the air crackled with energy, and the very atmosphere around them seemed to warp and bend under the sheer intensity of his power.

With a roar that shook the heavens, Kade ascended to Super Saiyan 3, his body engulfed in a fiery golden aura. His hair grew longer, reaching his shoulders, his eyes glowed with a piercing intensity, and his power surged to a level that could shatter planets.

Kade's transformation was a sight to behold, an awe-inspiring display of Saiyan strength. But Aria, the eternal observer, the celestial witness, knew that Kade was still holding back. She knew that he could tap into a power far greater, a power that would make even the strongest gods tremble.

As Kade's power surged, he felt a surge of pride, a sense of accomplishment that he had reached such heights. He was a God of Destruction, a Saiyan warrior at the pinnacle of power. But as he looked at Aria, her eyes filled with a quiet reverence, a deep understanding in their depths, he realized that he was not alone in his journey.

'This isn't enough, Aria,' Kade said, his voice filled with a newfound determination. 'I need more. I need to reach the limits of my power.'

A smirk played on Kade's lips as he pushed past his limits, his body straining, his aura pulsating with an almost chaotic energy. He was pushing his body to its limits, to the edge of destruction, a dangerous game he played with his own existence.

Super Saiyan 4, the ultimate form attainable by a Saiyan, emerged. Kade's body was enveloped in a blazing purple aura, his eyes blazing with a furious energy. He was a primal force, a being of pure destructive power.

But Kade wasn't finished. He had one more trick up his sleeve. He was a God of Destruction, and he had access to the power of Hakai, the energy of destruction that could obliterate anything it touched.

Kade combined the destructive energy of Hakai with his Super Saiyan 4 form, his power amplifying to an unimaginable level. He was a force of utter devastation, a whirlwind of destruction that could tear apart reality itself.

A sense of exhilaration washed over him. He was the ultimate warrior, the ultimate destroyer. He could crush anything, obliterate anything, with a single thought, a single action.

But as he looked at Aria, he saw a flicker of worry in her eyes. She had seen his power grow, had witnessed his transformation from a mere warrior into a god-like being. Yet, despite his immense power, she was still not afraid.

'Kade,' she said, her voice filled with concern. 'Are you sure this is wise? You are pushing yourself too far.'

Kade scoffed. 'I have never been afraid of power, Aria. I embrace it, I crave it. It is my destiny.'

As he continued to push his power to its limits, Aria remained by his side, a silent guardian, a watchful observer. She knew that there was a thin line between power and destruction, and she feared that Kade was walking a dangerous path.

Kade unleashed a wave of energy, a blast of pure destruction that ripped through the training area. The rocks shattered, the ground split, and a shockwave of energy pulsed outwards, shaking the very foundations of the castle.

It was then that Aria stepped forward, her body radiating a soft golden glow. She was an angel, a servant of the God of Destruction, but she was also a protector of life, a guardian of the balance of the universe.

'Kade,' she said, her voice firm, her eyes reflecting the unwavering strength of an angel. 'This power is not yours. It is a gift, a responsibility. And you must learn to control it, or it will consume you.'

Kade, his body trembling with the sheer intensity of his own power, looked at Aria with a newfound respect. She was not afraid of him, not even in his most destructive form. She was his guide, his anchor, a beacon of stability in his chaotic world.

He slowly calmed his power, the red aura receding, the destructive energy subsiding. The training area, scarred and shattered, stood as a testament to the power he had unleashed. But he had learned a valuable lesson.

Power was a double-edged sword. It could be a tool for creation, for protection, or it could be a weapon of destruction. It was up to him to choose the path he would walk, to determine how he would use the power that flowed through his veins.

He looked at Aria, a newfound understanding dawning in his eyes. He was a God of Destruction, but he was also a warrior, a protector, and a student of life.

'Thank you, Aria,' he said, his voice soft, his eyes filled with gratitude. 'You have taught me a valuable lesson. I will not forget it.'

As the dust settled, Kade turned to Aria, a smile playing on his lips. He might have reached the limits of his power, but he had also discovered a new understanding, a new connection with his angel. He had learned that true power wasn't just about destruction, but about control, balance, and responsibility. And in that moment, Kade, the Destroyer, felt a flicker of hope, a sense of purpose that had been missing in his endless quest for strength.