
My Actual School Life

A teenage boy who acquired a certain power which lets him get a glimpse of the future. What lies ahead of him will change or not, it depends on his decision. Nick's just an ordinary Student who always gets in trouble because of his tardiness and seldom goes to school. But, things changed since he's a graduating student. Ella, his Childhood friend, and classmate has accompanied him always whether it's outside or inside the school. The two always fight but they're close and I mean really close, which made the whole population of the boys in his class hates him. Jay, his Best friend since High school is always by his side. But Ella hated him because Jay always teases Nick and her as couples which made Ella's face Red. Ella does like Nick but she pretends that she doesn't. She's saying that she doesn't like Nick, but her face tells the opposite. Nick, however, met a girl who she reminds someone of. He's uneasy when he's with her, but still enjoys being with the girl. Someway and somehow Nick and the girl named Jane became close to each other as the girl also has powers of her own. Nick was shocked when they got into an accident and switched bodies with her. Not so long they discovered something interesting about their special powers and how did they acquire it. They only found out that they were not the only ones who had powers. And so they teamed up, Nick, Ella, Jay, and Jane to find out how did they get their power. I know I know I'm not very good at this synopsis thing. I only hope that you understood some of it. don't worry I'm breaking the story down bit by bit every chapter so don't worry. Enjoy reading and I hope you like it guys. This is my story. My actual school life story. ?

RedColorBlue · Urban
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3 Chs

First Day Buzzer

NICK: Argh! I can't believe summer is over and it's the first day of school again.

Nick said to himself as he was walking along the sidewalk going to school.

NICK: Why is it required to go to the assembly on the first day? It's not that anything new is gonna happen.

He said to himself

*Yawned and kicked a can*

Nick seemed not in the mood to go, as he was walking and staring below. But then this happened.

ELLA: Good Morning Nick!

Ella shouted suddenly and loudly. And then jumped on Nick's back surprising him, and hugged him like they're a couple.

Nick was surprised not expecting that to happen and tripped over the can that he was kicking.

*pitch black*


*alarm clock buzzing*

Nick suddenly woke up and rose up from his bed and sat.

NICK: It happened again.

He said to himself as he covered his face with his hands. Then turned the alarm off and stood up wearing nothing but just boxers, looking at the mirror on his wall. He took his glasses right beside his desk lamp and alarm clock and wore it.

NICK'S MOM: Nick wake up! You're going to be late for school!

His mom shouted who was cooking in the kitchen.

NICK: I'm awake! I'm now gonna take a bath!

Replied Nick as he walked at beside his bedroom door going outside the hall and to the bathroom.


NICK'S MOM: Are you ready for your first day?

With a smile on her face.

NICK: It's my second year of Senior High School already mom. It's not that getting worked up with.

He replied to his mother without showing any nervousness or thrill in going to school.

NICK'S MOM: You know, most students are sad because this is the last time they will see each other after your graduation.

NICK: Yeah I know. I don't have friends anyway so...


NICK: Argh! I can't believe summer is over and it's the first day of school again.

Nick said to himself as he was walking along the sidewalk going to school.

NICK: Why is it required to go to the assembly on the first day? It's not that anything new is gonna happen.

He said to himself

*Yawned and kicked a can*

Nick: Wait!? It feels like this already happened.

He thought to himself.

ELLA: Good Morning Nick!

Ella shouted suddenly and loudly. And then jumped on Nick's back. But Nick moved when he heard Ella's voice behind her which made Ella trip over the can and fell.

NICK: As expected, you were going to surprise me and jump on my back.

Says Nick to Ella who is now lying on the sidewalk

ELLA: How did you know?

Ella questioned Nick about how he knew it, pouting and scratching her head. Nick replied.

NICK: It's because you're my best friend and neighbor, I expected you to be this energetic on the first day since you're the Student Body President.

*In Nick's thought* It's nothing big I just dreamt about it.

As he was smiling and scratching his head. Ella was still pouting whilst still on the floor. Nick offered his hand to help her and got her to stand up. After that, Ella checked herself and tidy a bit her skirt.

NICK: I'm sorry.

Nick said while smiling at her. Ella was turning red and was looking away to Nick's eyes and said.

ELLA: You don't need to apologize, it was my intention to surprise you. But, in the end, it backfired.

NICK: Yeah well what happened, happened. Are you ready? Let's go we're gonna be late.

Nick told her in a kind way and patted her on the head.

ELLA: Y-yeah. Let's go!


*Principal is giving the opening remarks*

Students where standing diligently in their lines and were paying attention to the Principal's speech. Except for Nick as he was doing something else.

NICK: Same old same old. Nothing really new.

His eyes were looking around, noticing something.

NICK: Wait, that girl over there is kind of new. I've never seen this blonde haired girl before. Hmm, she's a transferee student maybe?

PRINCIPAL: ... And now I would like to present to you this year's Student Council President, miss Ella Brittania for her closing remarks.

NICK: Ohh it's Ella?

Nick then stopped his eyes from looking at the blonde haired girl, and he started clapping and was listening to Ella's remarks.

ELLA: Today, my fellow schoolmates marks the new beginning of our future.

Held her fist up as she was speaking through the microphone, having a determined and inspired face.

NICK: As I've thought. She's gonna be the first years' inspiration. Just look at them smirking.

As he was looking towards the front. Then suddenly...

*bump noise*

The blonde hair girl suddenly collapsed.

NICK: *gasps* What the hell!?

Ella stopped her speech as she saw a group of students is forming a circle. Then, Nick ran to the girl and tried to wake her up as he was kneeling and supporting the girl.

NICK shouting: Hey are you alright!?

Students gathered around them.

NICK: Get back! She needs some air to breathe. Jay go to the nurse's office and inform the nurse that someone collapsed.

JAY: Ok!

Ella was shocked just watching from up above the stage as she saw Nick carrying the girl.

PRINCIPAL: A-Ahemm! Everyone stay calm. That would be all Ms. Ella thank you for the heartwarming speech. That would be all students you are now dismissed.

ELLA: Mr. Principal, may I go to the clinic to assist Nick.

Saying that she is worried.

PRINCIPAL: Yes, please do.


Jay was running towards the Gym as Nick was carrying the girl.

JAY: Nick! I already alerted the Nurse.

As he was gasping for air.

NICK: Ok Good!

Nick was looking at the girl thinking that...

NICK: Her temperature is so high, why did she attend if her condition wasn't stable!?

Ella slammed right through the Gym doors as she caught Nick and Jay in a hurry towards the clinic, and then she ran towards them. She then caught up to them and asked.

ELLA: What happened!?

NICK: She's burning up.

Ella put her hand on the forehead of the girl and measured the girls' temperature.

ELLA: Yeah no joke about it. Let's Hurry!

The three hurried then to the clinic.


*The Blond Girls POV*

*hearing someone speaking behind the curtains*

*trying to open eyes and trying to see clearly*

NURSE I've put some towels on her forehead to cool her down and I prepared her medicine on her table. Let's just let her rest in the meantime.

NICK: That's good.

ELLA: Great!

JAY: Phew!

NURSE: You can now go back to your rooms, I'll take care of her.

ELLA: Thank you, Ma'am.

JAY: Understood.

NICK: *staring at the girl through the curtain*



The class started normally and was introducing names and such. Nick was not listening at all, that made Ella worry about Nick as she saw him not attentively listening and was just staring blankly outside the window. And as for Jay, he was napping.


Class ended as the other students prepared their belongings and go home. As for Nick, however, he was gonna go to the clinic to check up on the girl he saved. Ella asked him...

ELLA: Are you going to check up on her Nick? I'll go with you.

NICK: Yes I am, I don't mind.

JAY: Oy oy oy. Where are you two love birds gonna go huh?

Jay asking as he was smirking on them.

ELLA: What's with the creepy smile Jay? We're friends! and we're not lovebirds!

JAY: I'm just kidding! I know you're gonna check up on the girl. Say to her hello for me, I'm gonna go home early. I still have to work later.

NICK: I'll tell her.

JAY: And besides I don't want to be the third wheel when we go home.

He said to them with a smile on his face. And Ella was getting red and got mad at Jay.


Nick and Ella were walking towards the clinic as they saw the Nurse walking outside of the clinic and was going to lock the clinic. So they ran towards the Nurse and asked...

NICK: Nurse Shino wait! Why are you going to lock the clinic already?

NURSE SHINO: Why'd you asked Nick? school's gonna close why shouldn't I lock the clinic?

ELLA: A-ahh well, we were gonna check on the girl we brought here not so long ago.

NURSE SHINO: Ohh the Girl!? Her Parents picked her up. Don't worry.

NICK: I didn't even have the chance to know her name.

Ella looking at Nick as he was pissed off not knowing the name of the girl.

ELLA: Hey don't worry there's still tomorrow, we'll find her.

NICK: I guess we better head home then. Let's go! Thank you Nurse Shino!

NURSE SHINO: Ok goodbye. You two love birds don't go to anywhere else ok!?

She yelled as Nick and Ella were walking together and Ella was turning Red again saying this...

ELLA: W-We're not couples or anything. It's not that. We're just childhood friends that's all. Hehe.


Nick was lying at the bed as he was staring at the ceiling thinking about the Girl.

NICK: Why did she even attend the assembly if she knew she has a fever? Hmmm?

*transition going black*

I updated this and decided that I will not include Nick's father in the story. I' having trouble in making names Lol. And, I'm sorry I uploaded this late and I'm sorry if some characters were not in the Introduction and I hope that you enjoyed reading this. I'm open for any comments, bad and good ones. Thank you Very Much. the next upload will be most likely on Wednesday or Thursday. If you want me to continue just say it and I'll continue the story. I'm all ears hearing all your criticisms.

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