
My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

A 19-year-old boy was caught in an accident and got a chance to travel into anime worlds. So, what changes will he bring into the story?

RoneGreninja · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 9: Orcus Dungeun

"Mc pov"

Currently, we were inside the Orcus Dungeon.

As you enter the Dungeon, you'll notice that it is quite different from the outside. There is very little ambient light, but there is a passage in front of you that emits light. This passage is about 5 meters high and wide, making it possible to see to some extent without any magical light or torches. There are special green stones buried in the walls that emit light to brighten the Dungeon. It seems that Orcus Dungeon has a huge vein of these green stones.

Inside the dungeon captain Meld has separated everyone into groups to handle the monsters. Despite the other students not wanting to team up with Hajime, I insisted on it, and Meld allowed it.

"Kouki's group will go first. We are entering Ratman's territory, so stay alert from stray attacks. They're very agile, so be careful," Meld warned. 

Just as Meld ordered Kouki's group stepped forward. The front line was led by Kouki and his party. When Shizuku, who was positioned at the front, caught sight of the approaching enemy, her face froze in terror. The Ratmen exuded an eerie aura. Kouki, Shizuku, and Ryutaro intercepted the oncoming Ratmen. Meanwhile, two girls who were standing near Kaori began to chant. These girls were Nakamura Eri, the bespectacled one, and Taniguchi Suzu, the energetic young girl. They prepared to cast their magic while maintaining their formation as they had been taught.

Kouki wielded his white shining bastard sword so quickly that it was hard to see the motions, he quickly made short work of a few enemies. His sword was one of the artefacts that the Kingdom gave to him, the so-called 'Holy Sword'. The sword had a light attribute. Any enemies caught in the light, that the sword produces, weakens and it also automatically strengthens its wielder. Even if it is 'Holy', it has such "dirty" abilities.

Ryutaro's class was a 'Fist Fighter', so he used gauntlets and shin guards as his equipment. These were also artefacts, and they could cause shock waves. They were also believed to be unbreakable. Ryutaro takes an imposing stance and does not let any enemy pass by him with carefully placed kicks and punches. Though he had no shield, he acted like a heavily armoured tank.

Shizuku, who was like a Samurai girl, with her 'Swordswoman' class and sword that was like the mixture of a Shamshir and a Katana. Took a battojutsu stance and drew her sword. All the enemies were cut in an instant. The draw was so refined, that the knights were dazzled by it.

While the other students were fascinated by Kouki's party's battle, a chant resounded.

"Swirling Dark Flames, Incinerate My Enemies, Return them to the Earth as Ashes, 'Spiral Flame'."

Three people simultaneously cast it, and three spiralling flames engulfed the Ratmen. The Ratmen gave out a death cry as the flames turned them to ashes.

They noticed that all the Ratmen were wiped out. The other students didn't get a turn. It seemed like the enemies on the first level were too weak for Kouki's party.

"Yeah, Good Job! Next time you guys try it, don't lower your guard though."

Meld warned not to let up, but he smiled at the prowess the students showed. However, the tension from their first experience of encountering monsters in a dungeon could not be stopped. The student's faces broke out into smiles. Meld just shrugged his shoulders at their reactions.

"Although this is a training exercise, don't forget to keep in mind about Magic Stones. Since it's overkill."

At Meld's words, the people in Kaori's group that cast the spell blushed.

There were no particular problems from there, they repeated battles in the same manner. Everything was going well in the lower levels. Eventually, they arrived at the 20th floor, which is the mark of a first-class adventurer. The highest level explored was the 65th floor of Orcus Dungeon. This achievement was done by adventurers over 100 years ago. Getting to the 40th level is considered Elite first-class. Those who passed the 20th level were considered first-class. Since all the students were cheaters, they easily broke through to the 20th level, even if they did not have much experience.

Traps were the scariest feature of a Dungeon. In some instances, the traps were lethal. There was something called Fair Scope for the lower levels. This is a gadget that detects traps by feeling the flow of magic. Because most traps in a dungeon use magic, the Fair Scope can detect more than 80% of traps. The detecting range is somewhat narrow, so experience or information was needed to progress smoothly.

Therefore, they were able to breeze through the floors quickly. This was mainly because of how earnestly the Knights guided them. 'Meld especially mentioned to them that if they did not know the layout, check for the traps'. If they needed to find out if traps were around, move with caution.

"All right, you guys. From this point on, not only will there be other types of monsters but they will work together to attack us. Do not get careless just because it has been easy so far! After we clear the 20th level, it will be it for today! Get fired up!"

As Kouki and his party fought on the front line, I assisted Hajime in levelling up by weakening monsters. I used a sword similar to Shizuku's and targeted the monster's feet and arms to make them less dangerous.

From there on Hajime used his Transmute skill to seal the monster in the ground and killed it with his sword. Seeing him kill the monster with the unique way of using transmute, the knights were very impressed, but Hajime didn't notice it.

I asked Hajime so "Is your level going up", he looked at me with a wry smile and said yes. But it feels like I am a burden.

"Don't worry about it, Hajime. I have a question for you. You are a synergist, right? Why do you fight like a warrior instead of using your class to create long-range weapons like guns from our world? With your class, I'm sure it's possible."

After I finished speaking, Hajime paused and seemed lost in thought. He had an expression of enlightenment on his face as he looked at me with grateful eyes. He thanked me, admitting he had never considered my idea before. I could see the excitement in his eyes as he said, "When we get back, I'm definitely going to try it out."

[Well, I told him about it because I knew what would happen, from here on, and it might help him, maybe.]

Just then, Hajime looked at Kaori and quickly looked away while blushing. "Did something happen between you two previously?", I asked teasingly, already knowing the answer.

Hajime panicked and covered my mouth to prevent me from speaking. He insisted that nothing had happened and asked me not to say such things again.

I grinned as I said, "We're best friends, you can tell me." Hajime ignored me and let out a sigh.

"All right people, the pathway will narrow ahead. Vanguard will lead with me, followed by supporters and healers, and finally the rear guard. Get in formation."

Everyone got into the stated position. I and Hajime were in the rearguard position with a few of our classmates.

As we were walking, the path began to narrow down, and we continued for a few minutes.

Meld abruptly stopped the line, causing everyone to look around vigilantly for the monster in hiding.

"They're camouflage! Make sure to pay attention to your surroundings!", Meld informed us.

The wall suddenly rose and changed colour. A body that had been camouflaged was now visible and appeared dark brown. The creature stood on two legs and began to pound its chest like a drum. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that it was a demon with a gorilla-like appearance and the ability to camouflage itself.

"Watch out for the Rockmounts! Their arms are really strong, so be careful!"

I watched them fighting against the Rockmounts. But the sudden scream from Rockmount immobilized them.

Rockmount taking the opening threw a large boulder towards Kaori and her group, resembling another Rockmount. As it drew closer, it twirled impressively and widened its arms, giving it the appearance of a Rune Diver. A voice calling out "Ka-o-ri-chan~!" could almost be heard. Strangely, its eyes were bloodshot and it seemed to be struggling to breathe. Kaori, Eri, and Susu were taken aback and involuntarily ceased their magic, letting out a scream.

Seeing that Rockmount dive as a seasonal diver reminds me of certain anime characters, but I purged those thoughts from my head.

Suddenly Kouki roared, "You bastard how dare you hurt my friend".

Kouki seeing his friends frightened, misunderstood that his friend was scared of possible death.

With his holy sword, he starts to chant, "Myriad of Soaring Wings, Reach the Heavens, Soaring Flash".

Meld seeing this tried to stop him.

Ignoring Meld's voice, Kouki brandished his sword over his head and swung down in one motion. His chant had made the sword emit an intense light; the slash released the light. Drawing a curve, the light bisected the Rockmount without encountering any resistance. The blade of light continued until it destroyed the back wall. 

A big cristal appeared after the wall collapsed. Shining dazzlingly, it attracted everyone's attention. While Meld was scolding Kouki for his reckless behaviour.

Seeing that cristal, I prepared myself for what was about to happen. My eyes were on Hayama. Who was watching Kaori in desire, envy, and possession?

My plan was simple. After we teleport, I will use my speed to disappear from everyone's site and wait until Hajime falls. After making sure Hajime is ready to explore the dungeon I will split from there and start training. I will have about three months here.

Just as my thought ended Kaori asked "What is that? It's sparkling."

Meld answered, "That's Grantz Crystal. A one this big is rare."

"It was like an ore that was like a jewel. The crystal had no special effects, but its cool and sparkling appearance was popular among the ladyship. Rings, earrings, pendants, and other jewellery have it set into them and it's very well received. The jewel is one of the top 3 choices for proposal rings."


Noticing Kaori's fascination with the cristal. Hayama took this chance to take the cristal.

Meld warned that it might trigger some trap. Ignoring Meld's warning Hayama hurriedly climbed the wall to get the cristal. How could Hayama let this chance slip from his hands? If he can get that cristal, he can finally have a chance to get the girl he likes.

Suddenly Meld roared, "Everyone get out of this room, it's a trap".

But, his warning came too late everyone was already in the teleportation zone. Then everyone teleported.


"Chapter end"