
Chapter 9: Ambush

In front of an office building.

A young man and a middle-aged man can be seen looking around the area. This is Zack and Uncle Sam surveying the area whether it is good for Zack's business.

Zack saw the high influx of people here and it is also near the Ability User Management Bureau Headquarters. The office building has 7 floors in height and there are three other buildings that has the same design. In the middle of the buildings, an empty park can be seen.

"Uncle, you said this building is among the four building in an office park right?"

"Yeah, I did say so. Why did you ask?"

"How much does all of them cost?"

"You want to but the all? Didn't you want to open a Guild business? I think a building is enough for that."

"For one business, then it is enough. But I still got a few ideas on other business and I just want to prepare the location early."

"You kid! Don't be too greedy or you will fail."

"You don't need to worry. I had thought this through. I just want to prepare early. Also, I had a hunch that my Guild would become the first in the world."

Of course, he didn't tell his uncle about his unlimited inventory. Though, his uncle still knew that he is an ability user.

"If you said it like that, then it's okay. Even if you fail, me and your parents would definitely help you. Well, back on your question before, if you want to buy the business park, it will cost you 1 Billion USD."

"Alright, consider it bought. I will wire the money to your company account later, Uncle. I will make my move now as I need to accompany Lina and Tina to have fun together."

"Yeah yeah, go have fun. Don't worry, I will tell my subordinates to prepare all the related documents for you to sign."

Just then, Zack's phone rings. When he check the caller, he saw it was his mom. Without delaying any longer, he picks up the phone.



Theresa's voice thunders in his ears. He is shock for a while, but quickly he wake himself up. To Zack, you can do anything to him, not his family. That is his reverse scale.

Rage buildings in his heart. His Intimidation skill are released unconsciously to the surrounding. Anyone who pass by got scared by this aura that they didn't know where it came from. All they can feel is as if an ancient beast had come go devour them.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Sam. Something urgent came up. I will go first."

Without further ado, Zack turn on his Teleport function and quickly went to his sisters' location.


10 minutes before Theresa call Zack.

Lina and Tina were having fun browsing the websites. They are searching on what attractions they want to go for today with their brother. Sometimes, they would also ask Sebastian for his suggestion.

Suddenly, a black van come ramming to their sides, causing Sebastian to momentarily lost control of the car. Fortunately, he quickly recover and control the car to not crash into other cars parking at roadside.

Just when he want to rush out, the black van block his front. When he turn back, he saw there is another car blocking their behind. Left with no other choice for escape, Sebastian told Lina and Tina to call for help.

After that, he took a spear hidden in a compartment under the passenger seat. Lina and Tina quickly call Theresa to tell her about their situation.

In the Blood God Group, there is an ability user that awaken to scouting ability. So, he could saw what happen inside the car. Seeing Lina and Tina call for help, he quickly report to Bald Eagle.

"Boss, our target are calling for help. Also, the old driver is coming out. What should we do?"

"Let them be. Even if they call for help, their help couldn't reach here in time. The old man want to fight us? He must be dreaming, hahahaha" Bald Eagld said while laughing.

"How about the surrounding people?"

"Kill them if they intervene."

The surrounding people initially thought that this was a normal acciddent. They intend to watch what will happen. But when they saw these guys wielding weapons in their hands, they quickly ran away.

Not long after the incident, Sebastian slowly walk out with a spear in his hand.

"Halt! Who are you guys? Why did you ram into us? You better give an explanation or else face our Morgan Family wrath."

"We are the Blood God Group. I heard that your Morgan Family had two beautiful girl. I want to fuck them. Hahaha." Bald Eagle replied, with a loud laugh.

The other members also laugh together. They knew that their boss didn't actually want to fuck the girl, but he did so since he wanted to mock this old man.

Sebastian heard Bald Eagle's replies and couldn't help feeling angry.

"How dare you insult our Morgan Family princesses!" Sebastian shouts and attacks.

"Mad Spear, you go fight him." Bald Eagle orders.

Mad Spear is another member of Blood God Group. His ability is Intermediate Spearmanship. His ability is mediocre, but due to he first awaken as an A-Class, he got accepted into Blood God Group.

After hearing Bald Eagle's order, Mad Spear quickly went to fight Sebastian. Sebastian saw a young man coming for him and attack him first. Both of them fought for a while.

Although it seem that Sebastian got overwhelmed, but in actuality he is not. He could fight on par with Mad Spear since his ability is better. Unfortunately, just when Sebastian wants to deal a critical damage, Bald Eagle intervene and punch him in the stomach.

Getting hit unexpectedly prove fatal for Sebastian as he flew back to the car. He could feel his internal organ injured badly by the punch that Bald Eagle launch.

"You are useless, Mad Spear. You couldn't even defeat this B-Class old man." Bald Eagle insults Mad Spear.

Although he is indignant with the insults, Mad Spear knows that he is not Bald Eagle's match so he just keep silent. Bald Eagle saw the angry expression shown by Mad Spear but he just ignores it.

Just when he wants to get Lina and Tina that is hiding inside the car, a young man suddenly appears out of thin air. This alarms him and cause him to took a few steps backward.

"I'm sorry, young master. I couldn't defeat them."

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