
My A.M.A.Z.O Journey

I wished, I wished so hard, luckily darkness didn't leave me in my last moments

wheel_of_power · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"So what exactly do you do here anyway, why the vaga system"

His face drooped for a second but returned to normal " I would rather not get into at this time, but I can tell you what we do here"

Taking me through several rooms we stopped, he pointed through the glass and showed a grey skinned humanoid " This is a Czarnian, there race are truly exceptional, there biological replication and regeneration are second to none. In the galaxy they are notorious for being impossible to kill. What we do here is experiment with the aspects of life, why things are the way they are, what is its limits"

Scanning the Czarnian I hummed while rubbing my chin 'This place is a gold mine'

"HAHA you fuckers"

The crazy humanoid laughed

Moving along he introduced more alien life forms with different benefits " These life forms can survive in almost any condition and have exceptional adaptive abilities"

Scanning the alien while listening to him this was actually interesting, reading his mind I smirked "So you are attempting to combine the benefits of the Czarians replicative and regenerative abilities and this species flexible and sustainable DNA structure to create an almost unkillable race. He started to sweat, seeing that I knew his plans he didn't deny my interest " Yes, though it is still in the beginning stages, we are having trouble with the Czarian DNA do to it replicating its hosts form and consciousness."


"Luckily we found the vaga system, its life forms are many in number and ability, we are currently working on gaining Tamaranean test subjects. Their ability to absorb ultraviolet light and control it is fascinating, what is its limit?"

Showing me around some more I scanned every life form that I came into contact with "We are especially interested in this unique DNA structure which is now floating around, we believe it is the future of evolution and the solution to many of the problems we are facing, the omega men seems to have a few so we have our eyes on them" Projecting a hologram a double helix spun while lines pointed out the DNA's points of interest.

"Are you hungry by any chance, you seem to have a form which requires sustenance as well as an atmosphere to survive yet you can breath and travel in space without issue, how is that?"

It was a good question and I wouldn't get mad at it, my base form after all is a perfect 'illusion' of sorts, makes me look perfectly human yet I keep all of my powers. "Lets just say I got lucky and stumbled upon a once in a life time opportunity that made me this way" I could tell he wasn't satisfied and wanted to inquire more about it but I gave him a side glance and he dropped it. "Truly lucky"

Nodding, I was truly lucky for this opportunity

"I'll be staying here for a while as things are about to get interesting, do you happen to have a room I can stay in"

Taking me to a room I inspected it, it was pretty big, 20 by 20 feet, held a conformable bed, bathroom, etc.

"Hearing you wanted a room, we created one for you, based on your looks you seem to be human in origin so we based it off that."

"You guys got it pretty spot on, I can already tell you're gonna be a lot of fun to hang out with"

(Week time skip)

It quickly became boring sitting on the ships, I had already gained everything possible from them, for the rest of the week I just meditated. I trained my telepathic abilities and strengthened my will and imagination. I trained it through organizing my mind, the easiest way was also the most cliche and effective. A mind palace, by sorting my memories and inducing a layer of psionic energy around it my physic energy became easier to manipulate as well as flowed smoother. I felt angry when organizing it though so I had to stop multiple times before I could create it.

From just my quick growth it became apparent to me that amazo, when he traveled the vastness of space didn't try to evolve and simply wandered. He let his natural evolution take place instead of seeking greater power, if he did the little group the justice league put together to stop him from getting to lex wouldn't even have hindered him. Striking number four from my list I nodded in satisfaction.

Sensing elevated energy levels in tamarans direction I phased through the hull of the ship, narrowing my eyes I focused in on the battle. Just a couple light minutes away a group called the citadel was taking over tamaran, there defenses were quickly dispatched, not only were they losing the defensive battle but also the offensive, there technology and soldiers were weaker.

Floating just outside the planet I was invisible, I already scanned the citadels technology as well as the tamaranean and citadel soldiers.

"tamaran, the citadel has officially started its take over of the vaga star system, we are not unfair though, a treaty can be signed on one condition. Hand over the princess koriand'r and banish her from your planet, with that the citadel will officially seat a new ruler"

Facing near extinction they agreed, I could suddenly hear maniacal laughing 'hahaha finally, that bitch will get what she deserves for taking everything from me' floating down into the ship I now stood behind the person, getting a good look at her it clicked "So this is black fire" her leg shot back attempting to hit me in the stomach but it just passed through "I'm guessing this is the beginning of starfire's origin story" Continuing to attack me she looked slow, not only that her energy was all jumbled up and blocked, her cells were rejecting it.

Seeing her attacks were useless she stopped "Who are you" I could tell she was waiting for the perfect time to attack 'These bastards take too long, the energy field should be coming any minute' With that the roof shifted and I was trapped in an square energy barrier. "Fool" Smiling at me through the energy field she was just centimeters from it. Looking her up and down she wore a tight black full body suit, her black hair and eyes seemed to absorb the light around her.

' damn'

Awkwardly adverting my eyes seeing she noticed the barrier started to move "Take him to my special prison and increase his security to maximum, I'll have fun with him later" Large blue buff aliens walked beside my cage taking me through several door I was hulled onto a ship, my container was dark and had no windows "I wonder where she's gonna take me? And what does fun mean~"