
My 5th class Love story

this story was my real life first love story on 5th class me and my first crush on age 12 My name is Munna Manjhi sorry I not able to write his girl name but she is very cute and beautiful afcourse 12 years age is cute and beautiful age girl and boy so she is very beautiful girl I have words for this girl look and beautiful face this girl is cute and beautiful but I Am not cute and handsome boy

MunnaManjhi · Book&Literature
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chapter :- 3 Thinking about what will happen after love

Delhi love story

[ My name is certified. If you have read the first part of my story then you will definitely like this story also. I try my best to present a good story in front of you and this is from my own life which I liked. I hope you all like it so let's start with thanking everyone. ,

I am a common student of 5th class D, read my first story, this story will also definitely make you understand what I am trying to read and understand. Now I am just a decade old boy, I am attractive and not a popular student in school, but I have a one-sided crush on him, he also studies in fifth class, his grade is A in the class which is middle class. There is a class, a girl is the best and very beautiful student of that class, she is also the president of that class and at the same time, she is inferior to every other girl, be it any sports or any drama or dancing competition, she participates in all of them and so on. The moment I saw him during the competition, I became engrossed in watching him.

Then after that, sometimes I get a chance to see her at some festival or on a sports day or in a painting class. When she sits at a distance from me with her friends, sometimes she also comes to see my paintings. Because he became the class president in this course also, he is very good at drawing pictures, he also gives me advice on what kind of pictures to draw and how to include colors, I tell him to my closest audience, Bas Mundi Sahyogkar, included pictures Created and maintained. Only Sir was brought in the consent, because I did not talk that much with her and talked to her because I was a very shy and quiet boy and she was the one who was the one who got along the most and liked her the most. It was a thing I didn't even think about, to talk and meet him because I was not good looking nor was I attractive or handsome and in his class I was also a good looking and popular boy. She used to meet me. It is worth noting that I could not even think about it, whenever there was an objectionable situation, many times I used to participate in the competition and after seeing it, I would do nothing but start showing attractive He used to give and he also got busy in his game, as soon as I saw him in the painting class and started talking to the people I met.

When a few months passed since I started meeting and talking to her and I started feeling that now we are friends and I also asked her are you my friend and you can't even imagine how easily she answered this question she said (Girlfriend: - I thought we were already friends because we are in the same painting class and draw together and now you are not that shy even in talking to me, so I thought we should become friends now. So yes, I am your friend, why are you asking?) Seriously, she said this, I was shocked at that time, she was the most popular girl in our school, a class A English medium girl, friend of an ordinary looking boy like me. The boy who was studying in 5th class was not that good in anything, he used to draw only a little and was good in sports. She was calling him her friend, I was happy in my mind. I was excited, I made a girl my friend for the first time and I told this to all my friends, that is, all the boys in the entire class were my friends, I kept this thing completely secret from everyone and did not let them know even a single inkling of it. That a girl is my friend.

Similarly, a few more months passed, one month was left for the exam, which means after this class, I was going to separate from her, so now I decided to tell her my feelings but I was also afraid that she might reject me. Do it. I was afraid that after taking this step, he might get angry with me and break our friendship. Even though we were not very similar nor did we live together much, we had only one good place to meet and talk and that was painting. We did not sit together in the class but she would point at me and ask me to keep smiling. Sometimes she would come to me and give some advice and inquire about my well-being, which made me feel that she cares a little about me, that is why she keeps paying attention to me. After thinking about it, one day I decided that from now on I will only tell her what is in my heart.

Now only a few days were left for the exams to start and I had to remember the fifth class and every moment spent in these five years and this school again and say goodbye, so one day I saw him alone and asked him to talk first. So he thought for a bit and then smiled and agreed.

Girlfriend:- Yes Munna, tell me, are you preparing for the exam or are you just busy drawing and playing with your friends?

Me: - I never prepare for the exam. Whatever I remember, I think that much will be enough to get success in the exam and you are in English medium, so I cannot even ask you how would be your preparation, do you know English? Is there any difficulty in reading? ,

Girlfriend: - You too are fine, I hope you will be successful in the exam and as for your question, it is English medium, so studying in English is not as difficult as you think, Munna, you also read it little by little. You can learn to read easily. I am preparing completely for the exam because I do not have the courage like you to think that whatever I have studied will be enough to pass the exam.

Me :- Oh... Okay, I am also asking a girl who is good in everything and popular in this school and you have more courage than me because if it is not so, then you will be ahead in everything. I can't even imagine being good at so many things. You are really very experienced. I am lucky to have you as my friend.

[You guys might be wondering why I am not expressing my feelings to her yet, so I wanted to talk to her for a bit because now we were not even getting a chance to talk, this was because the exam had come, so the painting class was called. It was stopped so that the children could concentrate better on their studies, but how would the school understand the condition of children with one-sided love like me, who had only one medium to see his beloved and that was painting and this was also stopped. So how come I don't talk to my girlfriend? You tell me, that sweet and beautiful face of mine was standing in front of me and talking to me, so how can I not talk to her. ,

Girlfriend :- Look if you don't stop considering yourself less than anyone then I will never talk to you again, who says you are not good at anything there are many things you are very good at like drawing and playing football and so on. Running the fastest, you are better than me in all these things, you just don't have confidence in yourself.

Me :- You are saying as if we are going to stay in this school forever. Have you forgotten that we are the students of fifth class of this school i.e. last year students of this school, so you think that I am not involved in all these things. I am good, I just don't try my best. Okay, if you have so much faith in me, I will not let you down and in the next class, that is, in the next school, I will try to do my best, this is my promise.

[While talking to her, I felt that in some time the moment would come when I would be able to tell her what was in my heart. ,

Me: - Yes you are right, we will be in different schools after a few months and after that we will not even be able to talk. In these few months since you have become my friend, I talk with you with such happiness and satisfaction because You are different from the boys in my class, neither do you talk to anyone much nor do you fight much with anyone, but still I am surprised to see that you, who looks like a calm and normal student, is like all the boys in my class. You are friends and among all of them, some scoundrels, some decent and some jokers, how did they become your friends? Whereas it took more than a month for you to even talk to me.

[Now how should I tell her that I just pretend to behave like this in front of her, otherwise if she was in my class then everyone would have understood how decent I am. Yes man, what can a girl do, one has to appear a little decent to love her. So that it would be easier to get along with him and I also did the same. I was able to come so close to him by hiding some of my evils, but now I had become so noble that even my friends started saying that I was changing and they started talking to me about it. I also asked the reason for this but I stopped myself from taking the matter further by saying that now we are going to another school, no one knows what the environment and rules will be like there, so I have started eliminating my bad habits and nothing else. . ,

Me :- I don't know everyone, I know them from 2nd class, I have many friends in other classes too, like I have two friends in your class who are studying in English medium, I know them from 3rd class, both of them were in my class earlier. But now I am in your class and as far as the boys in the whole class are my friends, I play with everyone and even indulge in some mischief, I am not that polite.

Girlfriend: - Oh... Very nice, it's okay to misbehave a little with so many friends but not too much. Okay, I forgot, you asked me to say something, tell me what you had to say and hurry up, time is about to end. The class will be about to start.

[What should I do now? I thought that if I get a good opportunity, I will tell you while talking, but nothing like this happened]

Me: Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you, nothing else, let me go to my class and you also go, you are also the class president of your class, you should not go late.

I explained this to her and started leaving, then she held my hand. I turned my head in surprise and looked at her who was looking at me angrily.

Girlfriend :- You can't lie to me, say quietly what you called me to say and what do you think of yourself Munna, you think I don't understand anything, you have been keeping an eye on me since the time we were in our third relationship. When I was in class, whenever I saw you, you were always staring at me. At first I thought it was just a simple thing, which boy doesn't look at any girl, but I was proved wrong when I found you looking at me everywhere. Be it during any competition or during any drama or dance program, your eyes kept looking only at me, leaving all the girls aside, that's when I believed that you have started loving me, so to confirm this I asked you. Tried to come closer so that I can know what you have in your heart for me but I was shocked to see that you were ignoring me and were shy even after seeing me. At that time you were not that Munna who used to stare at me. Different Munna was calm and polite, with no concern for anyone, just lost in his own life, and now that we became friends, what do you think, I haven't been able to understand anything in so many days, then you are wrong, you love me, it's okay but we Both are different, you are a common student who does not have confidence in his/her abilities and I am also a common student but I have full confidence in myself, I want to do my best in everything, right now I am not in this love-wise affair. Want to fall in love, what is our age right now, we are only 13 years old and this is the age not for love but for studies, so concentrate on studies, it is not okay to love me, don't expect this from me, it would be better, come on, I want. I am, see you again.

Me:- Wait, if you don't like me then it's okay, from today onwards I am not a friend either, because those who do not love are not friends, we will meet again, no, we will not meet again, say goodbye, I will leave now.

[I became empty inside after listening to her. At that time I was feeling that how can I explain to her how much I love her, there is no age limit to love, there should be an understanding of love. I quietly went and sat in the class. And I sat calmly with my head on the table. I was not crying, I was just suppressing a little sadness and emotional feeling inside me.

After that, there was only one day left, the school was about to be closed because the exam was about to come, today was the last day, the school was about to be dismissed in some time and I felt a strong urge to urinate, so after taking permission from the teacher, I went to the boys' I moved towards the bathroom for some time. When I was about to reach the bathroom, I saw her coming towards me with many books in her hands. I did not even glance at her and kept walking silently.

Girlfriend: Munna, wait, will you help me take these books to the library, please, there are so many of them, my hands are starting to hurt carrying them.

Me :- But I have to pee, it is coming very fast, I am ready to help you but are you ready to wait for me here.

[ You guys might be wondering why I am ready to help her when she rejected my love then you guys can't understand the heartache of this lover I still love her so when I told my girlfriend When she looked in pain, I couldn't help but agree. Her lovely eyes were looking at me like an innocent child. I did. I had no other option but to help her. If I had refused, she would have thought that I would now I am not Munna who was his friend and used to agree with him on everything. ,

Girlfriend: - Okay... I will stay here, please come quickly, I can't stand handling so many books for long.

I nodded and walked slowly towards the bathroom. I did this because I wanted her to think that I was still angry with her. I ran out of the bathroom after peeing to wash my hands because I didn't want my girlfriend to notice. My hands hurt even more because of me, but as soon as I saw her, I slowed down my pace and slowly moved towards her. She looked at me with so much love that what can I say? At this time she was behaving as if she was my girlfriend and I was mine. She was waiting and as soon as she saw me she became happy. I wish this was true and she was my real girlfriend, but now we are neither friends nor lovers, we have become just ordinary students of the last year of school, this is like that. It's over, no matter what happens now, neither at home nor at the Ghat, but I will never forget his help on this last day and our last meeting.

As soon as I reached her, I took the entire pile of books from her hands in my hands. "Hey... why did you take all the books, I told you to help me lift half the books, let's give two half books, your hands will start hurting." " The girlfriend said while explaining to me in concern. "Do I look weak to you? Let's go to the library. I can take all these books alone. You don't need to worry about me." I said this without looking at her and kept walking silently. She was staying behind, my girlfriend was angry at me. She was looking at me and I was walking silently, "This boy keeps acting as if he is stronger than me. Let's see how long I can lift." My girlfriend said looking at my body muttering and moved towards me.

My girlfriend was right, I looked weaker than her but she felt that she did not know one thing about boys that boys are not what they look like. Just like I looked weak but I was stronger than my girlfriend, she I was not able to lift the weight of these seven to eight kilos of books, but if I wanted, I could carry the weight of twenty-five kilos in my hands and take them to the library. My girlfriend was walking next to me, shoulder to shoulder, and she was shaking my head again and again. She was looking around, perhaps because she felt that somewhere I would get tired and hand over half the books to her, but that did not happen. The library came and both of us entered it. I kept all the books on the book deposit table of the library. Gave. "You are very stubborn, okay, don't go anywhere right now, I will just come and tell the class teacher of the library that the book has arrived, don't go anywhere," my girlfriend said, warning me.

I did not understand that even after helping me in taking the books to their place, why should I stay but I also had no other option but to stay, because he was not me but I loved him one-sidedly and on this last day I never spent even a day with my girlfriend, I will always think that in fifth grade I was in love with a girl who didn't love me back, I should have spent that last day with her, I was just standing outside the library, still in school It was already the end of the holiday and I was afraid that the teacher would be very angry at me. By now all my friends would have gone too. "Sorry for coming a little late." My girlfriend came to me and said apologizing. I glared at him and asked, "Can we delay it a little?" He had taken half an hour, "You are crazy, you call it a little late. It's school's end too, I had come telling the teacher that I had to pee." I am going but because of helping you I could not go to class. Now the teacher will get angry at me. Now tell me what should I do" I said scolding my girlfriend.

When I was scolding her, I don't know why she was smiling, "Hey... calm down, nothing will happen, I was talking to the teacher just for this. He has called your teacher and explained why you should go to class." And as for your bag, I have ordered it from a friend of mine, it will be available on the way." Hearing this, I was completely shocked that he called my teacher and told why I could not go to class. And secondly she also asked her friend to bring my bag from my class and she was supposed to meet me on the way, after walking for some distance she met her friend and she stared at me as if she did not want me to be with my girlfriend. So I quickly took my bag from him and started going, "Munna, what happened? Wait, I will also go home with you today." She shouted this and my ears heard these words clearly, but did she really want to go with me today? I turned to look at her and then I saw her friend who was staring at me. Hey, what did this girl want? I didn't want to go with her friend but she wanted to go with me, what was my fault in this that she She was looking at me angrily, "Thank you Muskaan for bringing his and my bag. Let's go. Anyway, that crazy person is trying to escape from me and run away as quickly as possible. We will meet again during the exam time." She said. Thanking her friend, she said and moved towards me, "Listen, you have gone crazy, you are talking so nicely to a boy like him even after refusing him and now today you are going home with him, I am saying right now. I am my friend, leave him and come with me. If it was me, I would not have let that boy come near me. You said, looking at a popular girl in school and that boy of a normal and calm nature, who does not know anything, why should he study at all? When he doesn't know anything, his friend explained to him.

Hearing this, my girlfriend looked at him angrily, "You keep quiet and I don't need you to understand who is good and who is bad. Okay, and you don't know him as much as I do. So stop trying to explain to me and move on. Forgive me if something is wrong." " She said scolding her friend and moved towards me.

"Let's go, don't you want to go home now?" He came near me and asked me.

"Do you really want to go with me and what about your friend who is looking at me angrily" I asked her.

"Hey... I really want to go with you. Let's just ignore him. He is a little angry with me, nothing else." "I can walk," I said, releasing her hand. Then she walked next to me and we both came out of the school together. By now the entire school was empty, all the children had reached their homes, our school was near our homes and it was already afternoon, so all the streets were deserted. It seemed like my house was very close to the school but her house was far away.

[Now I was thinking whether I should drop her or should I say that my house is nearby and you should go to your house]

"Munna, will you come with me to a park to talk for some time, it won't take much time?" she suddenly stopped and asked me. I turned my head and looked at her with surprise. Had she forgotten that we were already late in going home and if there was more delay than this then both mother and father at home would worry? We were not yet old enough to go alone in a park. Go for a walk, that too in the afternoon when there is no one else in the park except thieves and drug addicts, anything can happen to us. "No, you should go home, it is not right for us children to roam in a park at this time and you had said that we are still children, so in a few days have you become so big that you want to go to the park in the afternoon. Get home, otherwise I will leave and come back. Anyway, my house is nearby." I consoled her and scolded her.