
My 5 Adorable Husbands

Mo Hai is her name, and she enlisted in the military to train to be an officer. Her first mission, however, sent her tumbling into a strange dimension where she encountered five beastmen whose presence would change her life forever.

Roo_Roo · Fantasy
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25 Chs

I saw the light

Magically, peace settled as the earth trembled, creating a deep crevice in the ground. Everything in its path, including MZL*, was devoured by the rapidly expanding crack.

Surprisingly, the darkness didn't engulf them; instead, sunlight gleamed down from above. Liu Yifan struggled to sit up, clutching his chest with wide-eyed shock as he noticed the motionless serpent nearby—it appeared far from dead.

(MZL* = Mo Hai, Zou Guanting, Liu Yifan)

"I think I broke something," groaned Zou Guanting as he lay on the ground, his pain evident. However, as he surveyed the surroundings, he couldn't find Mo Hai.

Their attention was suddenly drawn to muffled screams emanating from within the belly of the purple snake.

"You damn bastard!" Liu Yifan yelled as he rushed toward the snake. In one swift motion, he thrust his weapon into the serpent's belly, jolting the enemy back to awareness and forcibly throwing Liu Yifan several feet into a dirt wall.

Mo Hai, engulfed in warmth, darkness, and moisture, questioned the reality she found herself in. Memories flooded back—how she had tried to gain the upper hand, only to be swallowed whole by the snake and nearly drowned in stomach acid.

Mo Hai's heart raced as she struggled to find her footing in the darkness. The acrid smell of stomach acid filled her nostrils, and she could feel the slimy walls of the serpent's belly pressing against her.

With unwavering endurance, she vowed that once she emerged from this abyss, she would swiftly sever the serpent's head, much like the giant disposed of the dinosaurs in straw hats—(an scene from one of the legendary chapters of One Piece.)

"Release her this instant, you disgusting worm!"

The serpent winced at the harsh words. "Enough with the yelling... You giving me a headache!" he grumbled, taking a moment to compose himself.

However, he could sense the intensity of the gazes directed towards him, and before he knew it, he was sent flying, caught in a relentless assault without any means to defend himself.

To make matters worse, there is someone inside his belly, kicking mercilessly from within, causing him to feel nauseous. His vision started to blur.

"I will cut your stomach open and your eyes too," Liu Yifan said, as he stabbed the serpent's belly with a dagger. "After that, I'll take out your lungs and make you eat them. And I'll use your scales as armor."

"Stop talking and just cut him!" Zou Guanting impatiently interrupted. He pushed Liu Yifan aside and prepared to unsheathe his claw to open the serpent's stomach, but then something unexpected happened.

The serpent, wracked with discomfort, expels almost everything he consumed, allowing Liu Yifan to desperately search through the contents.

"Where is she, you big purple bastard?!" In the midst of the grim discoveries of lifeless bodies, he eventually found Mo Hai, emerging from the serpent's disgorgement like a wobbly-legged baby giraffe—teetering, yet standing. Any mother giraffe would have surely been proud.

It took her a moment to realize what she is witnessing: Liu Yifan crouched and covered in puke, with Zou Guanting standing beside him, also covered in puke.

Both of them remained unmoving in their respective positions, with a vague reason that only they knew, preventing them from taking any further action. The silence between them stretched, causing her throat to tighten.

Minutes later, The three are trying to find the nearest waterhole to wash away this filth, Mo Hai never had a chance to eradicate the serpent like she thought she would because he slithered away quicker than the speed of light saying he'll be back.

As they're walking Mo Hai speaks trying to clear the silence, "What is Nacrtoite?" She never heard of such thing even back at her own world.

"I'm not sure, it's just a shiny rock with a silly name but it's used mainly for jewelry." Liu Yifan said, as he stretched as began to clear their path filled with grass that is neck -high.

"Have you heard of egg drop soup?"

I intended to send out this chapter yesterday today, but upon reviewing it, I realized it was lacking in dialogue and had an excessive amount of action. By the way, please don't worry about the snake —I am currently working on a separate story just for the snake, He won't be seen in anymore chapters.

Roo_Roocreators' thoughts