
My 5 Adorable Husbands

Mo Hai is her name, and she enlisted in the military to train to be an officer. Her first mission, however, sent her tumbling into a strange dimension where she encountered five beastmen whose presence would change her life forever.

Roo_Roo · Fantasy
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25 Chs

I got a man, But I want you!~ (1)

Mo Hai was caught in a dilemma, unsure of what action to take. Though Zou Guanting had always been kind to her, his behavior had taken a strange turn lately, making her uneasy. As she pondered over her next move, a sudden, tumultuous yell pierced through the air, interrupting their conversation and making things more complicated than they already were.

"Zou Guanting! Why are you taking her with you?" roared one of the elders of the beastman tribe. "If you want to leave, go by yourself! I will not repeat myself!"

The elder glared at Zou Guanting, clearly angry with his recent actions. "She belongs to our tribe, not yours. We do not allow outsiders to become a part of our tribe."

"She is not a part of your tribe simply because she stepped inside!" countered Zou Guanting. "If that's the case, even I am a part of your stupid tribe!"

Mo Hai watched the argument with a knot in her stomach. She didn't like being fought over like some sort of prize to be won. She felt a surge of anger towards both Zou Guanting and the elder.

"Stop it!" she yelled, her voice rising above the chaos. "I am not anyone's property. I am a person, with my own thoughts, feelings, and desires. I am capable of making my own decisions, and I choose to go with Zou Guanting."

The elder scoffed at her words. "You are a foolish girl, unaware of the dangers that await you outside of our tribe. You will come crawling back to us, begging for our protection."

Mo Hai gritted her teeth in frustration. She knew what lay ahead of her- the unknown, the uncertainty, the possibility of danger. But she also knew that she couldn't stay with the tribe, feeling trapped and suffocated by their rules and restrictions.

"I have made my decision," she stated firmly. "I will leave with Zou Guanting. Whether I come back or not, that is for me to decide."

With that, she turned and walked towards Zou Guanting, who had been watching the argument silently. They shared a look, and without a word, they began to walk away from the tribe, towards the horizon.

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