
Chapter 2

Lilly stands in-front of her school waiting for someone to pick her up from school. Just as she was going to start walking to her friends house to stay after giving up of waiting. A beautiful red car comes up to her. The window rolls down dripping some rain drops. It had been raining for the past few weeks. There inside the sits a beautiful boy in his 20's who has black hair with a beautiful face.

Miss Liliana said the driver. Yes who are you?. l am your bodyguard Jai. Hello. Jai gets down from the car and opens the door. Lilly sits at the back and then smiles at Jai. The jai gets into the front and tells the driver to start the car by moving his hand.

The car starts moving along the highway. Where are all my brothers asked lilly. They are all busy working in they're companies miss. When will they be home?. They will be home at 9 at night. Okay and Jai you can just call me Lilly. Okay miss.

l just told you to call me Lilly. Sorry Miss no Lilly. They arrive at a mansion. A maid is waiting for Lilly at the front. Miss this way. This is the kitchen. The maid shows Lilly around the house and then shows Lilly where her brothers rooms are. Then she shows a room near the brothers room which is at the end of the hallway. She opens the door and there is a queen sized bed a study desk, also a balcony.

Miss do you need anything. No thank you. l wish to be alone for awhile thank you. Okay miss if you need me just call me. My name is Ruyi. l am your personal maid. Okay then.

Lilly then goes into bed after showering and puts on a princess short dress and then takes a nap. Meanwhile when she is asleep all her brothers get home. Where is she? asked Domenic. Sir Madam is taking a nap. Brother can we go and see her. Yes can we asked Michael. Okay lets go together. They go to the room and Knock 2 times. Since they didn't get any answer they new that she would be fast asleep. So they went in.

Inside they find a beautiful ad cute little 12 year old fast asleep. oh look at her she is so cute said Michael. Okay lets let her sleep. Come lets all go to sleep so the first day of lilly being in the family ends like this.

Hi everyone this is a link to my discord server. Which l made espacially for you all.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/bYk7RVxg

Hope you join

Lonelygirlcreators' thoughts