
Re-introduction of my 3rd world/reborn!!!

The world of magics , where people can control the elements like... fire, earth, air, water...like things , people called them elementalist or controller. Who have the abilities to make these elements. In this elementalist people, there are also the level of power which is shows the how much they can use their power and have the potential in their areas. There are mostly three level or stages ...(first stage or level) which is underlevel and basic level or stage, in this area there are controller who are just started to control or use their elements but in small amount.....

(Second stage or level)which is medium level where the controller are stable and control the elements more efficiently. ....

(3rd stage or level )which is gives the full control over the elements. .....

How much controller can use their elements magic , it can depend on their ability.

Now here come the most important level or stage is *true elementalist *....who have the abilities to use the two or more elements. .....but it's very rare because of only few people have this abilities. ...they are legends. ...

Then here comes the legend that says that the first person or first 'ancestor' of the elements controller who have the abilities to control over the all elements, called "phoenix".

Many people believe that the first elementalist or phoenix reincarnate or reborn in that time where master of void is about to swallow the world ...and master of void is so evil that he swallow everything that gets in his way...

Only few elders of elementalists knows this truth, they are waiting for the phoenix so the master of void who is sealed in the volcano mountain is about to awake. ...can be destroyed and save the world.....in this world there are many controller are working for void master for get more power ..because void master can swallow your power but also can give you the extreme power.....


All masters of sects are gathered here to discuss about the jing moon sect which is associated with master of void....

There many leaders in deep thoughts ..then suddenly one heavy voice rise and broke the silence in the hall....

"Hum...all leaders ...thank you for the participating in this discussion. ....as you all know ...the activities of jing moon sect is getting more and more ...they even killed many people. .so we have to take action and make more powerful deciplines for the last battle. .."

Li chang who is leader of Li sun sect spoke with heavy sign. .....one man who is sitings to the other side , rise his eyes and said in heavy tone "yes elder, we have to open the new sect deciplines. ...1 year earlier then before ...."

In the time of emergency. ..all sect agree for the new selections.....


Coming back from last world wang feng is now mostly spends his time in library and study about elements...and he almost finished the all books so he can activate his power to control the elements. .."wow i am almost finished all the books these is very interesting .....even i finished to study about every elements. ..."

While he is putting back all the books that he reads...suddenly hit by something. ..

"Ah....what fall don in my head. ..."

He bend down to pick up the book then he suddenly surprise by that thing...

"Oh ...this book ...i never see this book before...where it fall from...anyway let see what is writing here.."

Wang feng opened the book ....there is name of book.."wow such unique type cover and it name is phoenix. ...yah... right phoenix lets see ..."

Suddenly golden light spread out of that book..."ah.. my eyes i can't see..what happening. ..ah.."

wang feng is shocked by sudden light that flashes so strong that opening the eyes for a second is very hard ......after the golden light die out ...wang feng open his eyes again and find in very strange place where there is only dark and sparking lights like stars...in the center there is book which is glowing in gold light..."what the happen. ....where i am

...don't tell me that i died again no....this can't be true....god must be kidding "

Already beings in a confused state....he turn around look at stars like lights. ...."wow ....so beautiful and awesome. ..i am never see this before.....wait a minute man....i am i died and now i am not going to be reborn. . .????am i in a heaven ....wait what is this??? It's looks like book that i opened earlier. .."

wang feng go more closer to that book and touch it...and take out in his hand....

Then light in that book become dim that wang feng can read and see that words...

"Oa..i can see the words here...let's see what is written here...um...oh..wait it's is about how to controlling the elements. ....even after i come back from last world, i promised to myself that i am not taking part in any elements test but still searching for activation but no use. ...let's if this book can help me ..."

Even wang feng is in unknown place he still hopes for this book can help him to activate his controller power...

"Oh ...first for all i have to sit down and medication and focus on my inner vision...then i can see my affinited element...

God help me ..please this time it has to be works out...lest start"

With hope for best wang feng started to meditation. ..after a while ..he opened his eyes but see nothing..

"God what's this i don't see any elements. ..please. ..please one last time i try"

Even in wang feng second time. ...he see nothing. ..then he tries last time but this time he see something. ...

"Oh... what is... is this a bird???"

Wang feng opened his eyes in his 3rd times and he sees the bird which is glowing in gold light...that bird is very beautiful and have a golden colour. ....and flying overthat areas. ...

That bird has the 5times size of of any normal bird ...to see that bird wang feng also surprised. ...."wow....what a amazing bird ...that is so much bigger than the bird that i have seen...wait that it means that i have bird element??? No it can't be true, because there are no one with bird element....oh..ya right i can get the information in this book ...let's see.."

To see that bird wang feng is shocked and worried about what is his element....then he opened the books and find the picture of the bird...

"Ah...i find it ....it is phoenix bird....what phoenix bird???"

Then suddenly phoenix bird came close to wang feng and sit in his right shoulder and put his wing to phoenix picture and said"yes master this is my picture. .."

Hearing this wang feng jumped in scared because he never saw the bird talking. .and speak in scared voice....

"W..what.....you...y..o...u..you.....are talking. ...."

"Yes master...don't be afraid. ...."

wang feng is so scared he try to use the book as a sword...

"Don't come close who are you.....how can bird is talking? ??"

Wang feng mind is massed up now he never thought that bird can talk like the way human are...then phoenix bird came little closer and said"master, if you are confused then you can find the information in the phoenix book that you have been grabbed for a while. ...."


Because of shock, wang feng is almost forgot about the book...after phoenix bird remind him he look at book...

" ah....you are right. ... *book opened* mum.....here is your picture and about you..."

The phoenix book that wang feng find is book that guide the reincarnated first elements controller *phoenix* in legends says.....

And that phoenix is gardian of the book...

After finishing the information about the phoenix bird ...."what....gardian of this phoenix book...oh my this is crazy. ....mun this is about phoenix - master of elements oh...only phoenix reincarnated person can have this book oh..this is amazing. ..wait a minute am i that person ???really no..no..reallly "

Even this is hard to believe that wang feng gets more then he wants he really blessed by gods. Now he believes that he is the master of the phoenix bird and book...

"Wow...god you really seen my all past tragic and comedic life...that's why you give this present. ...thank you. ..thank you. ..very much...."

While wang feng lost in his own thoughts. ..

Phoenix bird is looking at him with admire and said "master , you really behave like past....

What are thinking master, can this humble servant help you???"

"No..nothing ...can you really sure that i am your master?? Because i have a doubt that i am not..."

Hearing wang feng doubtful sentence phoenix bird immediately bow his head and said

"Don't say that master, i am sure you are the person who is reincarnation of my old master"

" oh okay okay i believe. ... (oh really then i am that great person ....Oooooo....now i know why in my previous and previous life i don't have any sign of elements power ) ok then tell me more about the phoenix. ..how can i control the all elements ??"


Wang feng :"ah... what i do ??? Can i go for the test or not??"

Author :"after returning from the your last life did anything change? ??"

Wang feng :"no... not even my sister change. "

Author :"then what use to go and test?? I suggest you to go in old library where you can find out about the ways of activate the your elements power."

wang feng :"ah..yes you right. ..i will do that.....thanhs"

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