
Mutually Assured Destruction

On the night of the Red moon Marie was given the opportunity. An opportunity to evolve; out of consideration for the safety of her family, she takes it and is thrown into three worlds with three different tasks. Her one job - to survive and conquer.

AalisWalker · Fantasy
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16 Chs

[Chapter 15] The Merchant's Ball [2]

As Marie stepped into the grand hall of the palace, she was immediately enveloped in a whirlwind of opulence and extravagance. The Ball was a sight to behold, a celebration of wealth and indulgence that seemed to transcend reality itself.

The hall was bathed in the warm glow of a large chandelier filled with yellow, glowing mana stones, casting dancing shadows across the polished marble floors. The air was heavy with the sweet scent of wine, and the sound of laughter and music filled the room, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.

Every corner of the hall was adorned with lush greenery. Tables groaned under the weight of overflowing platters of beautifully dressed plates, while servants circulated with trays of alcohol. Guests, dressed in lush fabrics, mingled and danced without a care in the world, their laughter and conversation blending into a symphony of hedonistic delight.

Marie couldn't help but be swept up in the grandeur of it all, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the spectacle before her. Everywhere she looked, there were jewels glittering and silks shimmering, a testament to the boundless wealth and extravagance of the kingdom's elite.

As Marie allowed the boys to occupy themselves, she weaved her way through the sea of adorned bodies, an unsettling sensation of being watched tugging at her senses. Before long, her intuition proved true, as the second prince sought her out.

A firm hand encircled her waist, compelling her to turn and face the man who stood behind her. His vibrant red hair cascaded gracefully over his defined shoulders, framing his features with an air of regal elegance. Draped in a half-robe adorned with a gold cuff and secured by a gleaming brooch, he exuded an aura of nobility and refinement. His attire, a blend of beige silk and regal purple, was trimmed with a luxurious golden hem, a testament to royal blood. In that fleeting moment, as their eyes met, they seemed to form a celestial pairing, perfectly matched in the grandeur of the evening's festivities.

"Your Highness," she whispered, the words barely audible over the laughter of the ballroom. His proximity was unnerving, his breath tinged with the scent of sweet wine.

"Lady Marie, I'm glad you came," he said, his voice a smooth melody that stirred something within her.

His devastatingly handsome visage left her feeling unsteady, caught off guard by his charm. Her heart raced at his advances, unable to resist his magnetic pull. "Would you mind accompanying me for a dance?" he asked, his voice a soft plea.

"Your highness, I can't dance," she protested weakly.

"It's okay, I'll lead you," he assured her, his touch reassuring yet electrifying as he guided her to the dance floor.

His left hand remained securely at her waist, while he gently took her right hand in his. As they moved in rhythm to the music, his hazel eyes remained locked on hers, their depths captivating her like a spell. She felt as though he could see straight into her soul, his gaze filled with an intensity that left her breathless.

And she, who had never experienced such intimacy before, found herself completely swept away by the moment. The world around them faded into oblivion as they danced, lost in their own private atmosphere.

"Look at you; I thought you said you couldn't dance," he murmured, his voice sending shivers down her spine as he whispered into her ear. She trembled at the sensation, her body responding to his proximity in ways she had never imagined possible.

Marie's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and exhilaration. "I... I guess I can manage with the right partner," she admitted, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

She was completely enamoured, someone like her who didn't know the meaning of the word 'shy' became like a helpless girl in his arms.

The prince's response was a low chuckle, his breath warm against her ear. "You're doing wonderfully," he murmured, his voice dripping with genuine admiration.

As they swayed to the music, Marie found herself succumbing to the prince's effortless charm. The music seemed to slow, time itself bending to accommodate their shared dance. Each step they took was imbued with a subtle grace, and their movements synchronised as if they were two halves of a whole. For Marie, it was as though the entire world had faded away, leaving only her and the prince in a realm of their own creation.

As Marie fled the bustling hall, her steps quickened, her heart heavy with humiliation and self-doubt. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she dashed through the ornate gardens, seeking refuge in the cool night air. Finding solace in an isolated gazebo nestled among the trees, she collapsed onto one of the benches, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Ebel, ever vigilant, followed her outside, his concern evident in his furrowed brow and hurried steps. He found her huddled on the bench, her shoulders trembling with suppressed sobs. Without a word, he stood by her side, offering silent comfort in his steadfast presence.

"Marie," he began gently, "what happened back there?"

Marie shook her head, unable to articulate the tumult of emotions within her. "I-I don't know," she choked out, her voice wavering with emotion.

Ebel reached out, his hand resting lightly on her trembling shoulder, waiting for her to talk.

She took a shuddering breath, the weight of her anxiety pressing down upon her. "It's just… Sophia's words…"

Ebel's brow furrowed in confusion. "Sophia? What did she say?"

Marie hesitated, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "It's just… everything. Everything is too much."

"I won't know until you tell me…" His words were calming, but Marie struggled to compose herself. Her breathing became erratic, and the threat of a panic attack loomed.

"I'm sorry." Despite everything, she didn't know where to start. Tell him she missed home like a child? That she was tired of eating unfamiliar foods? That She longed to laugh with her sister again? That she craved the familiarity of the internet? That a petty insult had shattered her confidence? That she felt like an impostor playing at being human? She took a deep breath. "Sophia called me unattractive."

It felt like she was tattling to a teacher, her humiliation compounded by the admission.

Ebel's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's absurd. Even the impudent prince saw your beauty. Is she blind?" His words were blunt, and his confusion was evident.

A bitter laugh escaped Marie's lips. "'Beauty' is a stretch. The prince is merely a flirt. He'd pursue any woman with a pulse."

Ebel looked at her with a mixture of shock and concern in his gaze. "Do you truly not see your own beauty?"

"Stop talking, I feel stupid." Marie muttered, her frustration growing. She anticipated the clichéd platitudes he would offer—ones she had heard too many times before.

"I don't understand," Ebel persisted, his confusion evident.

Marie braced herself to dismiss his words, but his next admission caught her off guard.

"Why do you insult me?"

'Huh?' She blinked in confusion, taken aback by his unexpected question.

"I know you think I'm too dimwitted to console you, but do you not think my eyes work?" His admission was sincere, and his vulnerability was surprising. "I may not excel with words, and I may be overstepping my bounds as your guard, but Marie…" He trailed off, his face flushed with embarrassment. "To me, you are a goddess. One I cannot help but desire, no matter how… inappropriate it may be."

Marie's breath caught in her throat as she absorbed Ebel's confession.

In that secluded gazebo, beneath the moonlit sky, her heart melted as Ebel's words washed over her.

"The way you dance, move, smile - sing! Everything you do fills my thoughts. You bewitched me, and I fell."

His words, raw and unguarded, stirred something deep within her. And as the moon cast its gentle glow upon them, Marie dared to believe that perhaps, in Ebel's eyes, she was truly beautiful.

Unfortunately, his face was flushed with embarrassment, rendering him momentarily speechless. "Um - we should go back - Seth must be waiting for… us…"

His words trailed off as Marie, emboldened by the rush of emotions coursing through her, rose to the tips of her toes and planted a tender kiss on his lips. The touch was fleeting but filled with unspoken meaning, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they shared.

Meanwhile, a pair of worried eyes observed the scene from a distance. Seth, who had ventured out in search of them, watched with a mixture of concern and exasperation.

"That idiot," he muttered under his breath, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.

As Marie and Ebel broke apart, their gazes lingered on each other, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Ebel's expression softened, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings for her.

"Marie," he began, his voice tentative yet filled with determination, "I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden commotion disrupted the tranquil moment. A group of revellers stumbled into the garden, their laughter echoing through the night air. Sensing the intrusion, Marie and Ebel exchanged a knowing glance before reluctantly turning to leave the secluded gazebo behind.

Back in the ballroom, Seth intercepted them with a relieved yet reproachful expression. "There you are!" he exclaimed, his tone a mixture of relief and annoyance. "I've been searching everywhere for you two."

Marie offered Seth a sheepish smile, her neck still hot from the encounter in the garden. "Sorry, Seth," she apologised, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "We got carried away."

Seth's expression softened as he regarded Marie and Ebel. Despite his initial irritation, he couldn't deny the genuine affection that passed between them. With a resigned sigh, he relented. "Just try not to disappear like that again. The prince has been asking for you."

As they made their way back into the bustling ballroom, Marie couldn't shake the lingering warmth of Ebel's kiss.

"There you are! My lady, please come with me; my father would love to meet you." The prince's voice reached her before he did, a drink in hand as he grabbed her right hand with his free hand. "I'll bring you back to your escort; we can't keep the king waiting."

She nodded, allowing herself to be led away, but not before giving a warning to the two giants in their native tongue. "Don't do anything without my orders, okay?"

Seth and Ebel nodded in unison, their expressions serious, as they watched her depart.

Once they were out of earshot, Seth turned to Ebel with a heavy sigh. "Are you stupid?"

Ebel's face flushed with embarrassment once more as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, unable to meet Seth's gaze.

As they approached the side room where the King awaited, Marie's nerves were stretched thin. She was not a true merchant, and the thought of facing the King filled her with apprehension.

Inside, the room was dimly lit, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on the walls. The King sat at a grand oak desk, his expression unreadable as he watched Marie enter.

"Ah, Lady Marie, how delightful of you to join us," he greeted.

Marie bowed respectfully, her heart pounding in her chest. "Your Majesty."

The King gestured for her to take a seat opposite him, his eyes never leaving her face. "I trust you are enjoying the feast?"

Marie forced a smile. "Indeed, Your Majesty. It has been a splendid evening."

The King's gaze sharpened, his tone taking on a subtle edge. "In that case I won't insult you by skirting around the bush. Tell me, Lady Marie, where did you acquire that Mana stone?"

Marie's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question, why was that the first question he asked?

"My companions and I stumbled upon it on our travels, Your Majesty," she replied cautiously, her voice steady despite her growing fears.

The King's expression darkened, a flicker of anger passing over his features. "You would do well to reconsider, Lady Marie. Your refusal to cooperate puts not only yourself but also your escorts in jeopardy."

Marie's blood ran cold at the blatant threat, her stomach churning. "I assure you, Your Majesty, I obtained the Mana stone through legitimate means. I have nothing to hide."

The King's tone grew more menacing, as he was too impatient to deal with someone of her status. "We shall see about that," he said cryptically, rising from his seat. "Follow me."

With a sinking feeling in her heart, Marie obeyed, her mind racing with the implications of the King's ominous words. Her eyes flew to the prince, who did not look at her; instead, his face remained collected, which subconsciously made her feel better.

She reassured herself, knowing she could escape if she had too. She was not powerless.

She straightened her back, trying to keep her dignity. The two re-emerged at the top of the cascading stairs that led to the ballroom. Seeing them emerge, the guests' conversations slowly quietened.

As they ascended the grand staircase, the King's authoritative voice reverberated through the ballroom, commanding the attention of all present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests," his voice boomed, cutting through the murmurs of the crowd. "Tonight, we have a special entertainment for you all, courtesy of our esteemed visitor, Lady Marie."

Marie's heart raced in her chest at the mention of her name, her breath catching as guards encircled her, their grip firm on her arms.

The King continued, his words dripping with malice as he addressed the assembled guests. "You see, Lady Marie possesses an item of great value, a Mana stone of considerable power. However, the circumstances of its acquisition remain unclear."

Whispers rippled through the crowd, their curiosity piqued by the mention of the rare and powerful artefact.

"Tonight," the King declared, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent, "we shall decide the fate of this stone and its bearer. But fear not, my esteemed guests, for you shall have the opportunity to participate in this decision."

Marie's bones shook. The King was turning her predicament into a spectacle, using her as a pawn in his twisted game of power and control before the merchants. Which one of them wasn't interested in a Mana stone? If she knew such an item was of considerable value she would have never brought one here!

Ebel and Seth exchanged alarmed glances, their expressions reflecting the same anger that burned within Marie. They moved to intervene, but a stern gaze from Marie halted them in their tracks. She knew that any rash action could worsen their situation.

"Why is she stopping us!?" Ebel asked in panic; if they didn't do something, she would be in danger!

"Trust Marie, but be ready to fight!" Seth said, gritting his teeth.

Turning her attention to the prince and the King, Marie pleaded desperately, her voice trembling with emotion. "Your Highness, Your Majesty, this is madness! I do not know anything about mana stones. Please do not force my hand!"

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, the prince's face remaining impassive while the King's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. They had no intention of showing mercy or compassion.

In a last desperate attempt, Marie searched for any sign of empathy or reason in their eyes, but found none.

How funny.

"And now, without further ado, let us proceed with the trial."

Marie's mind thought back to her conversation with the lady at the market stall. 'The ball of Debauchery.'

"Hah." Her laugh was too small and insignificant to be noticed.

The guards who seized Marie's arms dragged her forward towards the centre of the ballroom. She did not resist; her eyes were now cold, watching the faces of the people around her as if she were a bystander and not the subject of humilation. The eyes of the guests bore down on her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"First," the King announced, his voice carrying across the room, "we shall determine the authenticity of the Mana stone."

Two men stepped forward, each holding a gleaming scale and the blue stone she had sold earlier that day. With painstaking precision, they weighed the stone, their faces showed no emotion. Finally, they nodded in agreement, confirming its authenticity with the crowd's murmurs of approval.

"Next," the King continued, "we shall hear testimony from Lady Marie."

Though she was called to speak, her lips did not move.

Thinking she had given up, the King scoffed and moved on.

"And now, esteemed guests, it is time for you to decide the fate of Lady Marie."

A hush fell over the ballroom as the King's servants passed out slips of blank parchment. An open check, what do you want to see done to a young, vulnerable woman? All for your entertainment.

The Giants watched Marie, their anxieties through the roof, waiting for a sign - for anything. They pleaded in their heads, not daring to speak in case they spoiled her plans.

As the last ballot was cast, the King's voice echoed through the ballroom once more. "And now, let us see the will of the people."

With a flourish, the advisors collected the ballots, their faces impassive as they tallied the results. Marie remained expressionless; she wanted to see her verdict.

Finally, the advisors approached the King, their expressions grave as they whispered the outcome of the vote into his ear. A cruel smile spread across his lips as he turned to face Marie, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

"The people have spoken," he declared, his voice cold and final. "And their decision is unanimous."

As guards closed in around her, their hands rough and unyielding, Marie knew that they were not worth saving; in the end… humans are scum.

"Hah…" she sighed as if accepting that this was it, but a small smile graced her lips as she looked up at the giants. Her lips moved slowly, revealing two words to them.

