
Mutually Assured Destruction

On the night of the Red moon Marie was given the opportunity. An opportunity to evolve; out of consideration for the safety of her family, she takes it and is thrown into three worlds with three different tasks. Her one job - to survive and conquer.

AalisWalker · Fantasy
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16 Chs

[Chapter 14] The Merchant's Ball [1]

"What a disgustingly rude imp," Ebel seethed; the prince's lecherous eyes had practically undressed his Queen without shame or decorum. He couldn't understand his words, but he could clearly see his face!

"Hahaha, he dies tonight," Seth murmured with a sinister smile.

Marie was only amused at her reaction; she decided to ask around about the royal family; she didn't want to walk into a wasp's nest due to ignorance.

"Excuse me, ma'am, do you know what's going on with the prince that threw a tantrum?" She stopped to ask one of the stall owners who had seen what happened at the restaurant.

"Your honour, that man that approached you is the second son of the Lord of this town." The lady was careful, fearing Marie was a noble who would lash out at any disrespect, and so she answered every question earnestly and was left with some silver change for her help.

First things first, this town was an independent nation. A tiny, tiny nation amidst huge cities and empires. She had never been to a country that had only one city, so this was a brand new experience. It made her rethink how she looked at this country.

The Merchant's Ball is an actual thing, hosted annually by the King of this place to satisfy the merchants that bother to trade with them. In this country, the royal family did not have as much money and was therefore under the power of the large merchant guilds. The King had only two sons and had formed this kingdom by himself in the last 20 years; they referred to him as a deity. She wanted to meet this deity for herself, so she set her mind on going to the feast tonight.

The wall home was definitely more interesting, the street performers had formed a circle where people from the crowd could join and dance. Marie stopped to watch it all unfold; Humans were charming; it was the little things like this that made her happy that humans survived.

The lead dancer must have noticed her satisfied smile as she danced up to her and took her hand, dragging her into the dance circle.

Marie felt deeply self-conscious, her eye looking at Ebel's, who encouraged her to dance. Listening to the rhythm of the tambourine, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before stomping her feet to the beat.

Her body turned, and her arms felt free. The crowd cheered in encouragement as she danced and danced. Her mind was only focused on the music, and her heart felt full. Her body loosened up as she took in everything.

She took the hand of the lead dancer, and they twirled together; half of her face was covered with a veil so only her piercing blue eyes and brown curly hair were visible. Her body was fully decorated, and every move caused a beautiful jingle to be heard. She laughed in glee as the two of them spun, and the song's tempo intensified. They spun faster and faster until the world around them became non-existent, and it was just them and the music.

Ebel watched in rising pride as she shone brightly even in a group of humans; there was only her.

His thoughts were interrupted by Seth, who had placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'd better go back; it's getting late."

Ebel nodded before cautiously walking to the dance circle to alert her.

Seeing Ebel walk in like he was afraid to break anyone made Marie amused; she understood it was probably time to go, but she felt like messing with him. Leaving the hands of the dancer, she held his, dragging him into the centre, much to his shock. He floundered, looking like a fish out of water.

"Queen Mother! I don't know how to dance!" Was the only thing he could say in his shock.

"Call me Marie, right now, right here, I'm just Marie." Her voice carried a hint of emotion they could not explore. Her body pressed against his as he held her waist.

"Dance with me."

As if her voice had bewitched him, he could not refuse her offer. He didn't know how to dance, but he could turn her around. He held her at her waist, hoisted her up much to her delight and spun her. Her dress fluttered in the wind, her hands on his shoulders, and after some time, he gently let her feet touch the floor, the crowd clapping and cheering.

"See, that wasn't so hard. Good boy, Ebel." Despite her words, she felt shocked he could pick her up that easily, but then she was reminded he was still a giant; his strength is not something a human could contend with.

The three left the main street shortly after, and they went back to the inn, stopping for some more clothes on the way.

As they walked back to the inn, Marie couldn't shake off the feeling of exhilaration from the dance. The cool night air brushed against her skin, carrying the sounds of distant laughter and the occasional clink of glasses from nearby taverns. Ebel walked beside her, his presence reassuring despite the earlier incident with the prince.

"Que- Marie" Ebel's voice broke the comfortable silence between them. "Do you like it here?" He asked as though he were afraid she would say yes.

Marie glanced at him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It's... different, but in a good way. Humans have a sense of community and joy that I miss."

Ebel nodded, speaking with hesitation. "Yes, despite their humble surroundings, they try to find happiness in the simple things. And you, dancing like that... you brought so much joy to everyone."

Marie's cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. "Well, I couldn't have done it without your encouragement, Ebel. Thank you."

They arrived at the inn, the warm glow of candlelight spilling out from its windows. Inside, the atmosphere was cosy and inviting, with a fire crackling in the hearth and the aroma of home-cooked meals filling the air.

As they settled into their seats at a corner table, Seth leaned in with a mischievous grin. "So, Qu-Marie, are you planning to attend the Merchant's Ball tonight?"

Marie considered the question for a moment, her mind already spinning with possibilities. "Yes, I think I will. It seems like a great opportunity to learn more about this kingdom and its people."

Seth chuckled. "Just be careful, Marie. The Merchant's Ball may seem like a festive occasion, but that prince felt like an ingrate."

Marie raised an eyebrow, amused. They soon retired to their quarters to get ready for the ball that night.

Marie found herself staring at the mirror; she had changed a lot since she came to this world. She had lost quite a lot of weight since her stomach struggled to agree with the bacteria in the food here. She put on the body jewels and slipped on the deep purple dress with gold embroidery all over the skirt. Her arm had a gold snake cuff, and her hair was tied up in a simple bun, which was all she could manage. Sticking some gold and emerald hairpins in her hair and trying her best with her makeup with what she could find.

She was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Marie, the coach is here."

It was Seth.

"I'm sorry. Can you come in to help me with this?" She needed to clip the body chains up her back, and it wasn't something she could do alone.

"Yes, of course…" He came in and stopped; her back was facing him. "Um, what do you need me to do?"

"Can you help me fasten these chains? It would be embarrassing if they fell off tonight."

His cold hands against her warm skin made her jolt. "Your hands!" she hissed. "Too cold!" She turned to glare at him, only to see a flushed face.

"I-I'm sorry…" His words didn't have enough energy and instead came to a quiet whisper.

"Why are you so flustered?"

"N-nothing! Let me just finish this!" like he had been caught red-handed, he looked away.

Marie couldn't help but chuckle at Seth's flustered demeanour. It was endearing to see the typically composed and confident man stumble over such a simple task.

As Seth fumbled with the chains, Marie couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. The encounter with the prince had left a sour taste in her mouth, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something off about this kingdom.

"Seth, do you trust the royal family here?" Marie's voice was soft, barely above a whisper.

Seth paused for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. "I don't."

Marie nodded, she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Once Seth had finished fastening the chains, Marie turned to face him, offering him a small smile. "Thank you, Seth. I appreciate your help."

He returned the smile, though there was a hint of tension in his expression, like he was hesitant to leave. "Of course, Marie. Anything for you."

As they made their way out of the inn and towards the waiting coach, Marie couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding creeping over her. The Merchant's Ball was supposed to be a night of celebration and merriment, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that danger lurked beneath the surface.

The coach ride to the palace was quiet, the only sound being the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves against the cobblestone streets. Marie's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, and she found herself lost in her own thoughts.

As they arrived at the palace gates, Marie took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead. She knew that tonight would be a night to remember, for better or for worse.

The heavy door was held open, welcoming guests. She subconsciously grabbed Ebel's arms to calm her nerves. This was her first time going to such an event. She was scared it would all go wrong and she would look like a fool.

"Marie?" Ebel's voice grounded her; her anxieties came to a standstill. "You have nothing to fear; you are our Queen, and we will protect you." His gaze was deep, and she felt her feet on the ground. He was right. She was the chosen Queen of the Nephilim; there was nothing to be afraid of.