
Mutt : The Path To Strength

Alex lives in coexistence with gods, demons, spirits... you name it! However, this can only be expected due to the effects of the 'unforeseen ragnarok.' All "pure" beings hold a power, even humans! Unfortunately, Alex is a mutt, a mix-between the races, and mutts tend to lack any abilities. However, when Alex is given the chance to gain strength, what will he do with it?

OmegaChr1s · Fantasy
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4 Chs

You've Been Invited

We sat next to one another on stools, while silently eating our food, which Razel had finished preparing and laying out onto the counter during the time that I had buried my head into the couch cushions. I welcomed the silence, not wanting to be reminded of what happened only moments ago, but the silence was soon broken.

The open-room design of the apartment allowed the sound of the mail flap opening to reach the kitchen, which was Razel's queue to turn to me and say, "I'll get the mail!"

She ran over to the door, grabbed the mail, then quickly examined the front of each envelope to check the names listed on each. Her hands stopped shuffling through them midway, then she made her way over to me.

Holding out an envelope to me, she excitedly said, "This important looking one is for you, Alex!"

I mumbled a quick thanks, examining the crimson stamp on the front of it. It had a Union crest, the Union being the council that is comprised of the leaders of each major group that participated in the war. However, this crest was different than the original Union crest, which had a cross, sword, and fire. This new crest had a new addition, an out of place blank circle in the middle, that seemed to call to me. It is probably some kind of mistake, I thought to myself.

Why would I even get a letter from the Union? That question pulsed through my mind, the excitement making me have to force myself to neatly pull up the flaps of the envelope. I unfolded the letter inside, Razel looking over my shoulder, then began to read.

'This document is only authorized to be read by the addressee.'

'Any unauthorized person(s) that view its contents are committing a felony.'

'Felonies are punishable by death, especially so regarding this document.'

Razel let a disappointed sigh as she pulled away from my shoulder, then began opening her mail as a distraction.

'Hello, Alexander Morningstar.'

Well, I now know the letter is definitely meant for me.

'You are a mutt, those of which usually "lack" abilities.'

'They're completely useless.'

'Miserable outcasts.'

'Are these not descriptions of mutts?'

Well, obviously. Is the Union just sending out messages to poke fun at mutts? The Unforeseen Ragnarok made it painfully obvious that human's weren't bound by fate, and could even control it! Most mutts can't even do that much...

'If you agreed to those being accurate descriptions of mutts, you are horribly mistaken.'


'Alexander Morningstar, as of today, the Union has put in motion the Ability Education act.'

'Essentially, this requires educational institutions to put a focus on the proper development and enhancement of abilities.'

Great for those with abilities, so why was I sent this?

'You're probably wondering why you, without any abilities, were sent this. Well, a private study was conducted last year. The volunteers were all mutts, those of which all "lacked" abilities.'

'During the study, ambrosia, which has been proven to enhance abilities, was introduced to the volunteers. Almost immediately, they reported that they felt a sense of clarity and something new, yet familiar, pulse throughout their bodies.'

No way this is going the way I think it is going.

'The volunteers exhibited abilities, powerful and/or rare abilities at that. Even today, they can still use their abilities, possibly even better than when the ambrosia had initially awakened them.'

What. The. Fuck.

'If you haven't already taken it out, there should be a packet of ambrosia in your envelope. You are welcome to consume it, but know that once you do you will accept the terms below.'

I don't care! I immediately picked up the envelope, now noticing the slight bump inside of it, then took out the packet.

'As the act has only been rolled out today, and the fact that it will take a while for traditional school systems to adapt, we have founded an educational facility with the development of abilities as its sole purpose. Once you consume the packet, you are required to enroll.'

'Yes, Alexander Morningstar, you've been invited.'

That letter was a lot to swallow. I had only read the front yesterday, not realizing there was any writing on the back in my excitement. My curiosity was the only thing that had enabled me to discover the writing on the back, which had, in summary, told me that someone would be at my residence to pick me up and escort me to the school sometime this week, if I had consumed the ambrosia. I actually haven't even eaten the ambrosia, not knowing that someone would be in contact with me sometime this week. Razel, oblivious to the whole ordeal, lazed about on the carpeted floor of my room.

Well, it only said that she couldn't read the letter, but I also don't want to have her prodding me with questions if she saw me eat it.

My decision made, I asked her, "Hey, Razel, could you please step out for a second?"

She tilted her head, making it evident that a question was lingering on her lips, but she pushed it aside as she teased me, "Alright big boy, I know a growing boy has his urges."

I began to sputter out a reply, but she had made her way out of the room before I could. I laid back onto my bed, letting out a sigh as the afternoon sun hid behind a cloud, enveloping the room in momentary darkness. I pulled the packet out of my pocket, eyeing it with wonder. Could something like this really awaken my abilities? Knocking, which was coming from the front door, interrupted my thoughts.

I could hear Razel call out that she was making her way to the door, as I walked out of my room.

I stood behind Razel as she opened the door, a woman in a black suit with a red tie was awaiting her, then the woman asked Razel, "Hello, I am looking for A..." The woman paused, looking down at a slip of paper, then continued her question, "... Alexander Morningstar. Is he here with you?"

This must be who the Union sent out to get me, I thought as Razel turned to me to say, "You heard the curvy lady," then stepped aside to allow me to walk by her.

The woman seemed to squirm in her suit, her face shaded to a light red, then she looked me in the eyes, "Will you be attending the school?"

Worry edged into my voice as I asked her, "I haven't eaten the ambrosia, but can I still attend? I truly want to attend the school, but I think I'll eat it once I arrive at the school..."

She parted her lips, paused for a moment, then gave me an understanding smile as she said, "Of course! We understand that it may be an odd experience, having a letter suddenly promising you something you thought you could never have, then being dragged off to a school. The school will actually host an event for the awakenings that occur on campus... although, I'm not sure when."

After the lengthy reply the woman gave me, I sighed with relief, but I knew Razel was behind me, completely clueless.

The woman seemed to notice this, smiling at Razel behind me as she said, "Oh, you haven't told her yet. Well, don't worry, we will send out letters to family members and close friends to inform them about the whole situation. Actually, many of those who received a letter told us that they haven't consumed the ambrosia or told their family, so it is perfectly fine."

I smiled, then turned to Razel to say, "Well, I'll let the letter tell you what is going on, but, in summary, I'll be going to an actual school for once, instead of you relaying what you learn to me."

Razel, who I could tell was slightly unhappy that I was leaving based on her puffy cheeks, told me, "W-well, alright... but you can't give your body to any other girl! I- I'm excited that you get to learn for yourself, or whatever, but I can't have anyone taking your pale little body f-from me."

I raised my hand to pat her head, then reassured her, "Alright, alright." Then, lowering my voice into a whisper, I teased her by saying, "No promises..."

My home city had been far from sight for miles, the seemingly same trees passed by the window every second. The woman, who's name I discovered to be Irina, played classical music and relaxing jazz on the cars radio. Now that I've gotten a chance to fully look her up and down, she is pretty hot. She has delicate pale skin, allowing the blush of her cheeks to stand out like a rose in the snow. Her body had curves in all the right places, a seemingly hour-glass figure, her hair flowing down to her hips as if to frame her body.

Perhaps she had noticed me staring, because the intensity of her rose-red cheeks only grew with every glance she took at the rear-view mirror.


We had long since entered the city, the repeating trees were now a thing of the past. Now, there were malls, stores, gyms, etc. filling my view. According to Irina, this particular city was built around the school in order to support its development and to provide recreational activities for students. The city itself, however, is only slightly bigger than the on-campus dorms, cafeterias, gyms, classrooms, testing rooms, and courtyard combined. The reason for this is that many, many, students will be attending this school throughout the years.

It should be noted that, for the first year, there will only be a few thousands students. This is only because the first group of students will be the test subjects to make a better school for the other groups. Well... that explains the little traffic as well. The only cars or magic-bikes I see around are parked at businesses.

"How much longer is it to the school?" I asked Irina.

"You should be able to see it once we turn this corner... there it is!" She enlightened me.

Holy shit! She wasn't fucking kidding when she said it could rival the size of the city itself!

Spanning the entirety of my vision, were massive school facilities. The courtyard lay in front of us, bushes and sakura trees lined the paths spreading throughout it, while awestruck 1st-years wandered about. Off to the right was a building lined with bronze, an odd sense of chivalry and humility overwhelmed me as I gazed at the bronze sword hung from its highest tower. Shining from the left is a building lined with silver, from it came a sense of pride and nobility, a magical insignia of a lion shined above it. Outshining and standing far above the other school buildings, in between both the lion and sword buildings, was an exceptionally massive building, golden statues of fallen deities and demons lay in front of it as a sense of suppression radiated from it.

Just what the hell is this school?!

That is the thought that is the most prominent in my mind. My sense of wonder is cut-short as Irina opens the car door. Apparently she had already parked during the time I was basically in a trance.

As I stepped out of the car, she bowed slightly while saying, "Welcome to Fate Academy!"

If you are enjoying my story so far, please show your support, even if it is a simple, "Thanks," in the comments, it'll motivate me to do more. Also, feel free to give me suggestions on how to improve the novel!

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