
Mutant Spider

Peter Parker is your average nerd, he is super smart but physically weak, he has no friends besides his friend ned, but that all changes when he gets bit by a spider it gives him super strength speed reflexes durability bio electricity he can stick walls and even has stringers coming from his forearm but this also unlocked his X-gene the ability to assimilate any organic and inorganic thing, how will he deal with all these new things in his life read to find out.

TM_Orbit · Anime & Comics
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I woke up feeling great, feeling better than I have in all my 15 years of life. but before I could relish this feeling I noticed that I was way taller than beforehand like a whole 7 inches taller. Yesterday I was a good 5'9 now I felt like I was a good 6'4 or a good 6'5 and when I looked in the mirror I was right I was a good 6'5 and I also had an athletic body but I never worked out before so I did the only thing I felt was right I screamed.

Peter " AHHHHHHHH!!!!"

May " what is it peter are you okay."

May " ahh peter what happened to you did you hit a late growth spurt."

Peter " I do not know I think maybe."

May " Well as long as you are good love ya.!

Peter " Love you as well."

None of my clothes fit me so I had to use some of ben's since he is close to my size. I was able to get a black jacket some black jeans and some black shoes. as I was walking down I could see may making some breakfast and ben sitting in a chair at the dinner table

Ben " aye how you doing champ I heard about your late growth spurt may said you are even taller than me."

Peter " you would be correct I seem to be around 6'5 guess what I even have a 6 pack."

Ben " well to keep that body looks like you might need to start working out."

Paker "all right I will take that advice looks like it's about time my bus gets around here, I will see you guys after school love you."

May " love you."

ben " Love you."

As I was walking I started to think about the changes to my body including my size and weight increase, I think it might be because of that bite from whatever bug it was. well since we were in the spider department I think it's safe to assume that it was a spider. so maybe that spider was genetically modified to have an increase in body size or something else possible.

I saw the bus coming towards me so I got ready to be ridiculed for some weird reason, but no one seemed to say anything when I got on the bus. I think that's cause they think this is not me since I used to be shorter than I am now.

we got to school and I went to the class and it was almost ready to start so they started roll call.

Mr. Baker " has anyone seen parker??? Ned, have you seen him? "

Ned " Nah not today I don't think he was even on our bus."

Peter " sir I am here."

As I stand up and take off my hood.

Mr baker " ahh well Mr parker it seems as if you have gone through some changes since yesterday go ahead and have a seat."

We started the class and ned asked how did I grow so big and muscular and I said I have no idea it just happened. the class kept going on and on, I was just ready to get lunch but when I went to the cafeteria it seemed as if everyone was looking at me I wasn't used to this attention so I got my lunch and started going out the cafe but I was stopped by flash and his goons.

Flash " you think since you got big and stuff like that your all that don't you."

peter " when did I ever say or act like that.'

Flash " since you have been ignoring our insults and taunts."

Peter " that makes no sense no human would keep listening to insults no matter what.:"

Flash started looking mad and before I even know I know it he is throwing his fist at my face and the next thing I know is I flipped over it. And threw a punch of my own and he got knocked down. I didn't want to get into trouble so I started running to my house not before grabbing my bag of course, as I was running I started to think about what has happened since that visit to Oscorp my body has gone through a lot of developments including my weight height and my strength it also seems as if my speed and stamina are way better then before because I have been running for the past 10 mins and I don't even feel slightly tired. I think that spider has done some things to my body and I plan to get to the bottom of this.

I got home before both may and ben, since he is still at work for the firm and may, is still probably at the hospital. I went down to the basement we have with all my science equipment, I first went to the microscope and nipped myself let's see what has happened to me.


I think it has been around 20 mins since I got here and I have found some interesting things about my blood it seems to my blood and cells reproduce way faster than normal like an absurd amount of time I have also done some strength, speed, and stamina tests.

I first started out by doing the strength tets and I will like to say I can lift a couple of tones the reason I was able to find this out was a junkyard a couple of blocks from my house I tried lifting a whole bunch of stuff like lifting a car which I can do with one arm and I tried lifting a whole crane which I can't cause I think that weighs around 100 tones.

I tested my speed by fixing a broken speedometer from the junkyard. I can proudly say I am the fastest human I know cause I can run around 96 mph that's is inhumanly fast.

I also ran some tests on my stamina and I can constantly run 35 mph for more than 20 minutes which is a really good rate.

I also found out I can stick to walls like a spider and the funny part about that a lot of my power have been spider-themed I even learned I have 4 slits in my arms with something I like to call stingers that can come in and out very quickly it also seems as if they are dosed in poison but that is a test for another day. but the three biggest things I learned is I can make a web-like substance come from my arms and it can carry my body weight I was even able to swing around it was cool!!! I am also able to produce something akin to bioelectricity something I like to call venom, I can coat my whole body in it to up my speed and strength I am also able to put it through my webs and stingers. I also learned that these 4 spider-like appendages can come from my back like spider legs I have increased mobility on walls and other surfaces I am on. the good thing about this is just like my stingers there are little holes on my back that can be retracted too.

I don't know what people would think if i had these out all the time. this day has been very fruitful I think I might want to be like iron man, a superhero who saves the day no matter what, but that's a thought for another day time to head home.


A/N hey guys and gals I hope you liked the story leave a review comment or something else tell me if you like or hate it anyway peace out and i will try to geta chapter out for tomorrow.