

Author: Exallion
Ongoing · 9.8M Views
  • 1146 Chs
  • 4.5
    699 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Mutagen

Read ‘Mutagen’ Online for Free, written by the author Exallion, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering APOCALYPSE Fiction, EVOLUTION Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: It was just a normal morning but it was unknown to many that the apocalypse already started.The origin was not determine...


It was just a normal morning but it was unknown to many that the apocalypse already started. The origin was not determined but the infected started to appear after a cosmic event happened just outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. The people and animals turned into man-eating mutants and zombies while some of the lucky ones gained superhuman abilities. Every living creature that had not "turned" started to evolve as the whole world was affected by the Mutagen. However, it seemed that Earth also had its hidden side that humans would discover in a very uncanny way. And was Mutagen the last of it? Unfortunately, not. Follow Mark, an Otaku, a Gamer, and a Shut-in that got trapped in the middle of the apocalypse due to an uncanny reason. Using his unconventional thinking, knowledge, and abilities, how far can he go in surviving the apocalypse filled with zombies, mutated beings, and dangerous people as a survivor in a world that was changing for the worse.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Inside the Mall
Volume 2 :Venturing Out the Infected World
Volume 3 :The Wave is Coming Back
Volume 4 :As a Mutator in the Mountains
Volume 5 :Storming The Eastern Coast
Volume 6 :The Anticipated Reunion
Volume 7 :Their Survival Base, Their Home Sweet Home
Volume 8 :The Spirit Dimension
Volume 9 :Going Home, The Eastern United States
Volume 10 :The Things They Needed to do, Preparation before the Second Wave
Volume 11 :The Chaos in the East, The Arrival of the Second Wave
Volume 12 :A Debris From Space, The Invasion of a New Pathogen
Volume 13 :New Earth and the Second Wave
Volume 14 :Gods of the Past, The Battles of Visayas
Volume 15 :Back to Luzon, Preparations for the Worldwide Journey
Volume 16 :The East Asia Adventures, The Land of the Rising Sun
Volume 17 :Back to the South East, A Visit to the Outer Lands


  • Overall Rate
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  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

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Things why this novel is at top of my apocalypse genre novel list. 1. The world background is really detailed and logically explained, the name mutagen really is well suited. 2. Anti-hero Protagonist who only helps people when he wants something out of it, it's convenient or just plain easy for him. 3. Updates every day with a new chapter. 4. The type of evolution that the zombies and mutants follow is very unique and has a good variety to them. 5. The MC makes rational decisions. And always tries to see a way to benefit himself or his team. 6. Loved the power which the MC possesses in the apocalypse, never seen it before in apocalypse novel. Overall it's an amazing apocalypse novel and it will be a great experience for all. It just has some Gore and scenes of mature content so read at your own discretion. Author really impressed with the novel, the quality of the chapters, and the one chapter per day update is really appreciated. Thanks for writing this novel and keep up the great work, i appreciate it. 😁👍


Hello everyone, Author here. This would be my first time to actually write a something so I want to thank those who wanted to read and those who had already gone through the current chapters. I'm not shameless enough to give my own writing a 5 star rating but I of course it still being a bit shameless giving this rating. Well, it's my own written story after all. As a newbie author I know that there is a lot that I needed to improve at but I guarantee that my concept in creating the whole background of the story to be quite interesting. Anyways, I would appreciate if you guys leave reviews or even criticize me for errors on my writing and things I needed to improve on. Again, thank you and have a nice read.


Fellows readers should give this novel a try up to 50 chapters and decide on your own if this is worth your time. Don't let other reviews stop you from reading. Remember, each of us have their own preference. Just because low ratings from others doesn't mean you have the same taste as him. Anyways for my review, we have the MC which you'll find frustrating from the start. It was explained at later chapters as to why he acts like that. As for side characters, side kicks and mobs in ** Arc that you think will be forgotten, no they will not. Besides it was also explained as to why the MC can battle like that. The pacing of story is also good. Thumbs up for that. But it lacks hype. What do we want in apocalypse novel? It's thrill and hype that can make our heart badump badump. LOL 🤣🤣 Need more scenes that would make our emotions in roller coller since it's dark days of humanity.


This story is nearly below average in everything. The grammar is abysmal, the characters aren't fleshed out ( but theirs only 25 as im currently writing this review, so it may change), and everything else seems *******ish. And listen guy, it's okay if you want to include dark themes like r@pe into your story but it has to make sense. Why after only 30 minutes of an apocalypse is rape already happening? Literally everyone would be trying to procure a safe haven and some supplies, nobody would even have the feckin time. The character interactions are cringy and the MC is already acting like an edge boi. Slow your roll man, take a deep breath and replan your story.


The novel did have evrything to have a great plot, but the Author decides to go with the Harem route, evry time the MC safes someone realy important (fighting capabilities/important background or some super Power) you guess it.... it's a Girl/Women or even a loli, i don't even care over the deus ex machina to Safe the MC or his friends evry time **** hits the fan, but the first time the Author went full deus ex cause the MC was done for, it was mostly done so he could add another women to his harem, so if you like a novel like that enjoy....


- Harem - Deus Ex Machina to get one more Harem member...wrote a longer review but it got deleted... - MC thinks he is not a hero but safes evry damsel in distress...endangers his life for people he knew for 5 or 10 minutes


DISCLAIMER: I only made it to around chapter 20, the review is based on those chapters. Oh boy. This novel is absolutely horrendous. To start of, writing quality is a dumpster fire, there are tons of plot holes and inconsistencies which you cover up by saying, ‘Mc who has no real life experience and only stayed home watching anime until the story started made a backup plan to the ****ty plan he made in the first place’ for example, him letting the other gangsters run away and *past* the zombies the Mc attracted w/ his gunshot instead of back into the theater. What was the backup plan anyway? Something along the lines of ‘he had a backup plan for that anyway’ just doesn’t cut it. And don’t even get me started on him not destroying his wrist with his shotgun. He shot it ONE HANDED. a SHOTGUN. instead this kid who happened to be the Mc has pinpoint Accuracy and insane logical thinking. Now, the side characters. Ignoring that for some reason they’re all female except the poor shop workout without a name, it feels like even the ‘fleshed out’ ones are just cardboard cutouts. And why did you think TWO chapters of FILLER BACKSTORY would be a good idea? Nobody cares about this character and wasting time isn’t gonna help. And please nobody even say something like ‘hmph, you are simply low iq without patience, the novel gets better you absolute cabbage..’ I don’t care if it gets better, the beginning is what hooks your reader. I’m not wasting more time reading more of this poor excuse for a novel.


A cliche MC with a Harem, i realy wanted to like this, but after the MC received some super powers to add one more Girl (and survive) to his harem i had enough!


To many fake 5 star reviews for another harem garbage story.Waste of time. ........................,........................... ....... .....


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Contains r*pe, what else one could say i think some author doesn't understand some things are uncomfortable to read especially things like this and don't even try to justify this saying *it's the truth of world*. Even if it is most people read novels and fanfics to pass the stress and boredom after a hectic day while these things makes it traumatizing and futher disturb the readers. If someone says i am being overdramatic then there's something wrong with your mindset.


Keeping it short and simple. Slight spoiler at the first point 1. Lets talk about our protagonist(s). To think that the description and the first 10 chapters keep on mentioning that he is a shut-in, and cant be social at all, does not do the novel justice. In no way shape or form, does the novel express how our MC is an Otaku, besides being a “Shut in”; yet they only became a shut-in due to mental illnesses. Thought it was unique and all, Otaku + Apocalypse. A shame. 2. The plural s in the first point. Not a single chapter after the very first few had a dedicated “Otaku” MC alone, ever. Could have simply made the description actually describe who our actual protagonists are, which is better than the false advertising there. The first 2 were just what disappointed me about it, the upcoming 2 were what made me drop it after only 100 chapters. 3. Characters and their development. I cannot begin to stress how these stupidly useless baggages are. They are just there to either A) Anger you or B) Just to fill in the messing anger you would feel towards any character(you can never get attached to anyone at all, not even the MC). Each character that continues to stay with the MC has an average of 2 chapters only for them and how they got to that certain moment. I bet skipping all of the characters’ “fillers” would just make the novel from 300 chapters long to 100 chapters. 4. The Mutagen apocalypse of cliches. You will undoubtedly be able to guess what will happen and when; every chapter where our MC fights will be met with an almost perfectly predictable situation. You will never get a bad plot twist, let alone a good one. What more would you expect from the cliche apocalypse, the amount of cliches it has is absurd. Consider dropping the novel after you reach 50 chapters, the rest is completely predictable even the ending is as well.


I have read nearly 700 ch of this novel and all i can say is this novel is one of the best if not the best novel out there. -the characters and the world background are properly fleshed out, you can tell that the author has done some really good research on locations, folklore and co. -mc has no harem, he only has his wife and adopted children -really refreshing and diverse abilities which follow a logical consistency for all characters -mc is coolheaded, doesn´t save everybody, he calculates the danger his actions mean for his companions and he screens ( with his ability) the savee if they are worth it to be saved or he gets paid for it -mc believes in equal exchange ( doesnt do shit for free) -he strengthens his family so they can protect themselves ( massiv plus point) -writing quality is good better than 90% of the other novels out there, there are still some grammatical and spelling errors. The author uses his and her right (balsam for my poor soul) -and the most important of all : IT IS NOT REPETITIVE give it a try its a really good and sometimes funny read sry for the engrish, its not my first language ( same for author)


The story is a bit slow and the MC is your average apocalypse junkie like you most likely he has a decent backstory overall the key difference between most story's like this recently is there is no real "game elements" and the MC has a heart problem overall story is good but slow the chapters are also small but it's a good story Luv you author for your first story it's great


Reveal spoiler


140 characters yoho 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters yohoho 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters yohohohoho 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters


Soo my review should be the first one from the reader. In these 28 chapters, my judgement for this novel is 100 !!! The story is about apocalypse, but unlike other novel, there are no superpowers involved so far, which makes this novel very interesting. How do they survive the apocalypse without any superpower? The mc is not a saint, but he is a good natured man and smart, and apparently not a sporty person. But well he is good at fighting so that justify how he survive these 28 chapters. Additionally, the girls character are defined and interesting and thats why i rate this novel 100/100


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating