

so these are some different fap stories that I made up. English is not my mother language so sorry in advance. ok enjoy NOTE:- I DON'T OWN THESE STORIES

Copy_Ninja · Teen
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114 Chs

Enjoying My Sister And My Stepmom (Part-4)

One more kiss sister, please one more kiss," I begged as she lay stunned underneath me.

Thinking that I just wanted another kiss, struggling to get up she turned her mouth away and said in a steady voice, "No Billy, let's move on."

What she hadn't noticed was that as we collapsed on the bed, both my legs had slipped between hers. However, as I went quiet she suddenly realized that her legs were either side of mine. She reacted immediately gripping her legs and knees together as tightly as possible.

Then with horror she began to realize that I was wriggling and moving on top of her, not to try and kiss her, but to maneuver my pelvis.

At first, thinking it was an unthinking action of a normal boy, she started gasping, "No Billy."

Then she could feel my boner inching towards her opening. She started crying, "NO! NO! NO!"

Her hands left her chest and started to push me hard to force me off. "MOMMY!" she screamed.

Her big full tits were now exposed to me for the first time. Her areolae were like large pink fruits at the end of her melons. Her nipples were not outlined, but I was certainly going to find them. Her tits wobbled and jiggled as she wrestled to free herself.

The feel of the tip of my boner touching the edge of her pussy lips was electric, both to her and me. She squeezed her legs tighter and tighter as she screamed again,"MOMMY!"

Although her legs were gripping me as tight as they could, they were fairly powerless to stop my oiled legs pushing them slightly further apart as my burning helmet nudged at the opening.

Every breath now was a scream of "MOMMY!"

Her pussy, which was already moist from my leg massage, was being excited from the heat of my glans and began unwillingly seeping juices..

"NOOOOO!" a cry of horror came from her as I pushed forward piercing her entrance.

Her legs were still gripping me, impeding my movement, but with each push I gradually was able to nudge another inch of my hard man meat inside her tight juicy cunt.

She was staring fixedly ahead. Her look was aghast as she must have been wondering where the hell Mommy was.

As I kept inching further inside her I whispered, "Remember my cock is not big, it's very, very big."

Her big blue eyes went even wider in horror as she realized I was repeating her own words and then she screamed again as I bent my head down to her right tit.

Her thrusting arms had become weaker as they had struggled and I was able to thrust them aside as I used my fingers to help push her areola into my mouth. Her nipple immediate burst into an inch of chewy rubbery flesh. I sucked and guzzled it, then transferred my mouth to her other tit, slobbering over the teat with the same enthusiasm.

Cynthia had been groaning loudly as I'd ravished her breasts. The juices in her genitals had started flowing freely and, as I'd been suckling her teats, my boner had slid further up her vagina so that it was now fully in to the hilt.

I pulled it back and thrust it in deep as hard as I could. Cynthia blew her breath out with an "Ooooh!"

With that hard thrust, her legs, which had been gradually loosening their grip, now relaxed completely. I pushed them back, opening up her pussy to the utmost.

Cynthia groaned as she realized I could now ride her as hard as I liked.

I started a steady fuck rhythm, "Thock - Thock - Thock - Thock."

She was starting to whimper as I enjoyed the grip of her tight juicy cunt as I thumped my hard hot meaty salami into her.

Letting go her legs, I squeezed a tit in each hand as I continued my pumping. Now her legs were free, she could move her pelvis which she started to push up in time with my thrusts.

Mocking her I said, "Glad to see you're enjoying it, Sister,"

I could see the utter dismay in her eyes that her body was betraying her.

"YOU BASTARD!" she groaned, pumping her hips, horrified that she could not stop her body responding to her horny little brother, who's organ was tightly packing her vagina.

Pretty soon her thrusts up were becoming frantic as she started orgasming.

Her eyes were watering with frustration as her vagina muscles gripped my boner in her spasms.

This was too soon for me. I gripped her legs again and pushed them even wider as I speeded up and began to really hammer into her, "ThockaThockaThocka".

I was fucking my sister with venom as I ejaculated and sent strong spurts of cum deep into her. Finally I collapsed on top of her.

However, my sister was still unfinished and as I lay there I could feel her cunt automatically still squeezing my member. I hadn't deflated and soon I was I fully firm again and we were both fucking each other hard. In fact now my sister seemed to be more desperate than ever.

Utilizing her cock craving, I pulled her over so that she was now impaled on top of me. While she was momentarily bewildered, I leant forward and grabbed a buttock in each hand. I had only moved her backwards and forwards once when she took up the rhythm, forcibly grinding her pubes into mine.

Soon she decided this was not enough and began lifting herself up and down.

I slipped a hand under each buttock and as she lifted herself up I held her there. I was preventing her from impaling herself. Although with her weight she could push down a bit, I lowered my pelvis each time she did.

"You like brother's boner in you sister, don't you," I taunted. She just moaned with closed eyes.

"What do you like?" I teased. As I asked the question I tormented her with little movements of my cock at the edge of her pussy lips.

"BROTHER'S BONER!" she screamed.

As I let go her ass, she rammed her vagina down onto my hard young cock.

She leant forward and grasped the bedhead to give herself leverage, then began savagely sawing herself up and down my rigid love lolly. As she was fucking me, her eyes were watering with shame and hatred.

I linked my hands behind my head to emphasize to her that she was doing all the fucking, knowing there was no way she could stop.

I could see she was heading for an even bigger orgasm than her first one and as she slammed down on me she shrieked, "I HATE YOU, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

Just to make her feel even more mortified, I gasped "I am going to shoot all my cum inside you, Cynthia!"

I then started gobbling her teats which seemed to push her over the edge as she crashed down on my hard root for the last time and began spasming.

My orgasm seemed my strongest yet as my big boner sent strong pulses of cum jetting inside her. Her cunt was milking me, sucking my hard tender meat.

We both lay there for a minute exhausted, before I pushed her off and returned to my room.


The next morning I went down to breakfast to hear the two women arguing.

"I'm sorry Cynthia," Mommy was saying, "I must have taken two sleeping pills by accident."

As I entered, they both stopped talking and looked at me. Cynthia must have been fearful that everything was a con and that there would be no New York.

"OK Cynthia," I said in my best businesslike manner. "I've agreed with your University to pay for the Fall semester. I've also agreed rental terms with your New York apartment agent based on a month's notice.

Cynthia looked stunned. "But the University requires the Fall and Spring semesters to be paid up front and the apartment was a year's rent in advance.

"I fixed it all up before you arrived Cynthia," I explained. "The University was sympathetic over Dad's death and, in the circumstances, agreed to payment for just the one semester. And the apartment agent was looking to set up a real estate business in Boston. Well Dad had some connections in Boston, which I was able to use for the agent's benefit, hence the one month's notice."

Cynthia clearly didn't know what to think. She was pleased she was going to University where she wanted. She was pleased that she had the apartment she wanted. She now understood that I'd agreed it even before she'd arrived and that I'd just been tormenting her to enable me to have sex with her. But why the funding was effectively only for the first semester she didn't understand until I made it clear.

"You will come back here for the Christmas holidays of course. And we will have to see how you behave before I make my decision in terms of funding for the Spring semester and continuing the rent for the apartment."

Cynthia left the house quickly and quietly. Mommy explained that she was in a rush to obtain the "Morning After" pill and it made me think that I'd better get the contraception sorted as soon as she came home for Christmas.

Mommy wanted to know all the details of the previous night. She told me that she had been masturbating furiously as she listened to my sister's screams.

Later in the afternoon, Mommy and I were having a session in the office. Mommy was in full Christina Hendricks mode and I had her on the shiny desk. She was stripped except for her garter belt and her stockinged legs which were over my shoulders.

I had a hand grasping each thigh above her stocking tops with her garter straps biting into the backs of my fingers. I was pulling her towards me as I thrust into her and started planning my Christmas present to myself which I'd decided to be my sister's anal cherry.

With these thoughts of a wonderful family Christmas, I orgasmed happily spurting my cum inside my beautiful Mommy.