
We are getting Married

Hey my lovely readers I'm back, and yes, the exams were stressful and tiring but anyways, I'm sorry for not sticking to the appointed time of update, so without further Ado, let's go!✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧


"It's for my safety... security reasons," all playfulness in her disposition changed to that of the one and only Ivy Li everyone knew her as, serious, cold and unfathomable.

"I have enemies... a lot. That's why I need your help. I don't know exactly where the source of these moles is but my former secretary was one of them. They want my company to perish. Even though I found out about one of them, which was my previous secretary, I know for a fact that there are more of them. I can't tackle all of them by myself, that's why I have no other choice but to turn to... to you... for... help," she felt embarrassed telling all this to one of the most powerful and influential men in the world.

She needed his help and to get his help they had to become close through a marriage alliance, it will be improper if they become close if they are not married, thereby tainting their image. They had a lot of problems at hand and they didn't need more... at least not now.

She was the one and only Ivy Li, no one dared to cross her path, and she could deal with anything and everything all by herself. After all, growing up wasn't a bed of roses for her.

But despite the indecipherable expression he had on, she could still feel a sense of warmth and comfort behind that stoic mask of his. She didn't know why, but for some reason, she was comfortable telling him this. She wasn't one to openly discuss her matters no matter how serious it was. But with this man, it was on a whole different level, she felt like she could throw all her burden on him and find refuge beneath his wings.

Given the type of person he was, she didn't expect him to say anything, so her gaze trailed off to the window, she wasn't actually seeing anything, she was absent-minded, lost in thoughts while she played with the gemstone emerald ring on her right hand. Then suddenly a masculine, cool but calm voice was heard...

"I understand," he spoke up, her head snapped toward him and their eyes met. "I have enemies too... especially from the Wangs. They are the cause of my company's slow downfall. I still don't understand how an ally to the Wangs managed to threaten one of the most important staff in the Qin Empires. And the worst part is... I don't even know who they are exactly or what they look like."

This was the longest statement she had ever heard him say in one breath. It was shocking, but that wasn't the matter at hand, there was something much more important than that. "Isn't that the rival company? The one which rose weirdly to one of the tops in the country?" she asked as she leaned back on her seat with her head slightly tilted, maintaining their serious eye contact while he nodded his head slightly and then continued.

"I hired the best investigators in the world, I also tried investigating myself, but to no avail. They always seem to leave their tracks spotless and they have a very clean record, but something's fishy, it's as if someone I'm close to gives them the info of what is happening in the company because there's no way they can always be on point and one step ahead every time," he said, then took a sip of his coffee.

"Wang," Ivy repeated to herself as if trying to recall something she had kept hidden in her subconscious memory. Just then, a certain 'LW' initial flashed in her head. Then she leaned in on the table, supporting her chin with her entwined fingers.

"Lisa," her eyes barely widened at the realization, and Xavier's gaze on her intensified as if prompting her to tell him where she was heading as if he didn't know. "Lisa, that's her name, right?"

"It's not what you think it is. I've known her since my college days and from what I could gather about her, her full name is Long Wenling Lisa. So the 'W' doesn't stand for Wang, it's actually her other name."

Ivy nodded her head and bit her inner lip slowly at the revelation. "But with the way she has been trying to get close to you, are you sure?"

She was still curious to know because Lisa had always been a leech to Xavier, she always wanted to be around him. This is what she could conclude from the few hours she had been with her. She was always persistent no matter how much Xavier ignored or pushed her away, not giving her any attention and the insults Xander threw at her, she never gave up. It was as if she had a hidden intent behind it all. It seemed odd so she couldn't help but ask.

"I'm sure, she doesn't have any ulterior motive, I have just been something kind of like a childhood crush to her. She doesn't seem like a smart person to be involved in any serious agenda like that. All I do is ignore her," Xavier always had girls crushing on him but he had never seen one as forward as Lisa given his cold disposition toward everyone, he also thought it was odd, but he couldn't blame Ivy for feeling that way, he had also felt it too sometimes.

Ivy reluctantly nodded her head in agreement, she was still not convinced but she had to move on, she couldn't force what she thought anyways, maybe it was just her acting up.

"Let's leave her out of the picture," he said and she nodded compliantly.

"I'm really worried about their sudden rise, I have a bad feeling about this. But... why is their focus mainly on your company and not on me? If the two main companies are yours and mine, why is all their focus on yours instead," she pointed out which made Xavier go into contemplation because what she said made complete sense.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that they are planning something worst."

"You may be right," she replied, shaking her head worriedly.

"What's the point, they must have already known that we are getting married in a few days from now," she tsked while she brought out her phone to check the time, she was about to put her phone back inside her purse but her hand was just midway to her purse when her gaze flew back to him almost instantaneously at what he said.

"It mustn't be on a fixed date," he suddenly stood up and aligned his suit, and took a glance at his wristwatch.

"I don't get what you're trying to say... what do you mean," she stood up along with him, hanging her purse on her shoulder.

He beckoned for a waiter with a snap of his fingers and the waiter came running. He paid the bill and started heading for the exit with Ivy tailing behind.

The moment they came outside, the sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. It was sunset.

Xavier halted and looked up to the sky with his hands buried deep in his pockets.

Ivy came out to be greeted with the amazing view of the sky that cast an illusion of amber flecks within those emerald orbs of hers which dilated at the beautiful sight.

Her gaze trailed off to his broad back before she came in front of him and their eyes met. "Are you trying to say-"

"Yes we are getting married now," he cut her in between her sentence and her mischievous side came out once again. She didn't know why she was acting like this toward this man, but it was fun getting on his nerves and teasing him, even though she wasn't the type to play or joke around. Her lips curved into that of a wide but mischievous smile.

"But what about my list of -"

"We're in the middle of a serious matter and you're looking for a wedding ceremony. Which is more important? Your company or a wedding ceremony?"

She fell silent, nibbling on her lower lip to stop herself from smiling. She was just trying to pull his legs and she succeeded a little.

"I thought so too," he said and strode toward his car.

love you tons(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Lili_Jcreators' thoughts
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