
Must be magic

Carly moves closer to the school where her dad used to work at and she finds out things she didn't know about him.was he then man the she used to know? find out in MUST BE MAGIC

Just_Mari · Fantasy
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Must be magic episode 2

Carly pov:

Carly: I don't know this wasn't here when I checked

Nina: let's check it out

Carly: wha-  why

Nina:  because it could be a million dollars in here

Carly: really

Nina: come on please

Carly: ok come on

They crawled through  and see a big book and a golden ball

Nina: what is that

Carly: what in the world is this

Nina: I don't know but let's go closer

Carly: ok

Nina: woah what's this glowy stuff and what's a flaymorain

Carly: my dad used to tell me stories about it

Nina: lets open the book

They open the book  and the pages started  flipping 

Carly reads from the page

Carly: "to access the blood line witchcraft say"    "acceder a la brujería"

Nina: lets say it

Carly: what?? what if we not apart of the bloodline

Nina: oh well lets try

Carly's mom: Carly dinner!!

Carly: ok tomorrow morning

Nina: ok lets get out of here 

They close the secret door and go down stairs

Nina: I I'm think I'm just going to go home

Carly's mom: ok bye come over anytime

Nina: ok

Nina leaves

Carly's mom: Carly you didn't tell me you made a friend

Carly: I didn't know either

Carly gets done with dinner and go back up stair

Carly: let me jus-

Nina Knocks on window

Carly: what are you doing

Nina: couldn't wait come on

Carly: ok come

They open the closet and go through the secret door

Nina opens the book in turn to the page they were on

Nina: ok are you ready to say it

Carly: yes

Carly and Nina: acceder a la brujería   

Carly and Nina: acceder a la brujería

A lot of wind blows past

Nina: ok now what

Carly: I don't know

Nina: where is the gold ball 

Carly: I don't know where did you put it

Nina: I thought I set it right back down

Carly: really Nina

Nina: come on let's just go

Carly: ok I'll see you tomorrow

Nina climb out the window and go back home and Carly goes to sleep

Morning comes Carly little brother comes in

Dj: Carly mom said you have to get up from school

Carly: ok!!

Dj runs down stair with the door wide open

Carly: dj close the door

Dj: I'm already down stairs too late


The door slams closed and Carly turns around real fast

Carly: dj?

Nobody answers

Carly get up and brushes her teeth and heads down stairs

Carly's mom: you didn't have to slam the door

Carly: i didn't that was dj

Dj: no it was i been down here for 7 mins now

Carly: the door doesn't just magically close by itself

Carly: i will just go to school with Nina bye

Carly walks  outside and goes to Nina's house next door

Nina I'm coming

Nina opens the door

Carly: hi wanna walk to school?

Nina: that's like a 8 min walk

Carly: come on

They started walking

Nina: so do you think that thing that we did worked

Carly: umm not sure

Nina: so we just went into a creepy room for nothing

Carly: i guess

A few min later They get to school

Bell rings

Brooklyn: so we have practice tomorrow and a game Thursday so don't be late

Carly: ok

Brooklyn walks away

Carly: do she always sound mean

Nina: yeah

Cole bumps Carly

Carly: excuse you watch where you going

Cole: maybe you should get out the middle of the hallway

Carly: maybe you shouldn't talk to a girl like that

Cole smiles and walk away

Carly : weirdo

Carly rolls her eyes

They get into biology

Mr.linn: ok guys i want the boys to  sit next to a girl

Nina: hey Jordan

Jordan: hi

Carly have nobody to sit next to

Cole comes in with a note and gives it to Mr.linn

Mr.linn: ok we have a new student here

"Whispers" Carly: really another class together

Mr.linn: you can sit next to Carly

Cole goes to sit next to Carly

Cole: wassup Marly

Carly: its Carly

Cole: well Carly

Cole just sit there while Carly dissect the frog

Carly: aren't you going to help

Cole: nope

Carly rolls her eyes

Carly gets really mad and everything falls off of     the table

Class looks over at the table

Mr. Linn: is everything ok Carly and Cole

Carly:  yes Cole just kicked  the table because he was scared to touch the frog

Cole: what no i-

"Carly Whispers to Cole "Carly: yes you did now shhh

Mr.linn: ok

Cole: you kicked the table why did you blame it on me

Carly blames him because she don't know that it's her powers

Carly: I don't know why did I?

Cole: really

Bell rings

Nina: why did you kick the table

Carly: Cole was annoying me

Nina: oh ok if you say so

Carly: what's that supposed t-

Bell ring

Nina: bye

Nina walks away laughing

Carly goes to math class and sit down

Cole walks in and sits right next to her

Carly: why are you next to me

Cole: why are you so mean

Carly I'm not you just irritate me

Bell rings

Mrs.bras: ok so class we are just going to come up to the board and just do some random math problems table by table. First table

Kicks the table

Cole smiles

Carly: really you are so childish

Class continue then it ends

Carly goes to practice

Brooklyn: so guys we are going to do a pyramid Carly on top and end off with a backflip

Carly: ok

Brooklyn starts the music

Carly: ok this is a little high

Brooklyn: ughh don't be a baby just flip as high as you can

Nina: Carly you don't have to if you are scared

Carly: no its ok i can do a big flip

Carly uses her magic without knowing it and does a huge flip and

To be continued.....