
Must be magic

Carly moves closer to the school where her dad used to work at and she finds out things she didn't know about him.was he then man the she used to know? find out in MUST BE MAGIC

Just_Mari · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Must be magic episode 10

Nina pov

[nina runs to carly]

Nina: no no no no no no no

Nina: wake up your not going to die

Jordan dad: good thing we thought of a plan just in case somebody got hurt. But there could be a side effect

Nina: what?

[Flashes back to when Carly went to Jordan's dad house]

Carly: what's that

Jordan's dad: Carly this is a jar

Carly: I know it's a jar but what's in it

Jordan dad: it's a potion I got it from a witch that I knew not many witches can make it but she was a powerful witch

Carly: what do it do

Jordan's dad: it will save whoever gets hurt but it could be a side effect you could go a little evil let's go

Carly: wait wha-

Jordan's dad: come on

[present time]

[Jordan's dad give her the potion]

Nina: so it will bring her back

Jordan's dad: let's hope so

Nina: come on Carly

[Carly coughs]

Nina: oh my god

Jordan's dad: lets prey she doesn't have the side effect

Carly: wh- what's happening

Jordan: let's get out of here

Nina: no I need to find my mom

Jordan's dad: Jordan stay with Nina I'll get her out here and hurry we have to go

Jordan: ok

[Jordan's dad takes Carly out of the building]

Nina: MOM

Jordan: she's over here she's bleeding

Nina: we have to get her out of here come on

Carly's pov

Carly: Where am I?

Jordan's dad: a safe place I told your mom you were at my house with Nina and Jordan

Carly: where is Nina and Jordan

Jordan's dad: Nina is at the hospital with her mom

Jordan dad: Jordan is upstairs

Carly: is Nina mom ok

Jordan's dad: yes but she doesn't remember what happen 2 days ago

Carly: it's been 2 DAYS w-why am I just now waking up

Jordan's dad: it takes a while for someone to wake up but since you are a powerful witch yours took longer

Carly: what about school

Jordan's dad: your mom still think your upset about you know so she called in sick

Jordan's dad: I have to go get Nina and her mom you stay here I'm bringing them here it not safe for them to go home

Carly: but what if Nina's mom find out about witchcraft

Jordan's dad: we have to tell her to keep her safe

[Jordan comes down stairs]

Jordan: so you finally woke up

Carly: I guess so

Jordan's dad: keep an out for her I'm going to go get Nina and her mom

Carly: umm you don't need to watch me I'm fine

[Carly tries to get up]

Carly: ow!

Jordan: did you forget you got stabbed be careful

Carly : bE cArEfUl

[Carly mocks Jordan]

Carly: I cant believe I'm 16 and I'm getting stabbed by a witch hunter oh and lets not forget im a witch

Jordan: stop whining and lay back down

Jordan's dad: I'll be right back

[Jordan's dad leave]

Jordan: did it hurt when you got stabbed

Carly: do you want me to stabbed you so you can find out

Jordan: woah no need to get angry

Carly: then shut up

Nina pov

Nina: mom we have to talk when we leave

Nina's mom: ok about what

[Jordan's dad walks in]

Jordan's dad: hello ma'am I'm here to take you home

Nina's mom: hi I'm beth

Nina's mom: umm o-ok

[ he takes them to the safe house]

Nina's mom: this is not my house take me home now

Nina: mom it's ok we are going to stay safe here

Nina's mom: what do you mean we are safe

Nina: mom this is what we needed to talk about I know it's hard to believe but I'm going to tell you anyway

Nina: I'm a witch

[Nina's mom starts laughing]

Nina's mom: a witch you sure your nose look kind of normal and you don't have any warts

Nina: not those type of witches

[Nina's mom stop laughing]

[Nina tells her everything she knows]

Nina's mom: so let me get this straight Carly is your sister and you both are witches and so is Jordan's father and Jordan is a psychic and witch hunter attacked us and stabbed Carly but she is ok now because of some witch potion

Nina: yes

Nina's mom: ok I need to lay down my head is spinning

Nina: ok you can go up stairs

[Nina goes down stairs to check up on Carly]

Nina: so how you feeling

Carly: ok but I could be better

Jordan's dad: Nina say this with me "her pain seems unreal so make her cut heal"

Jordan's dad and Nina: "her pain seems unreal so make her cut heal"

[Carly cut heals]

Carly: your just now healing me when I've had this cut for 2 days

Jordan's dad: you needed to be awake

Carly: these witch hunters are not going to stop coming after us so we need to train

Jordan's Dad: your right and I know just the people I'll call them here now

Nina: wait we're going to start now

Carly the sooner the better

Jordan's dad: I just called them they are on there way

Dj pov

Dj: since Carly isn't here lets see what she have in her room

DJ's friend Kevin: but why

Dj: because I want to see if she has anything I want duh

[dj and Kevin goes into Carly room]

Dj: this is a mess I feel like throwing up

Kevin: there is nothing here except this old looking book the says "good spells"

dj : welp let's take it I like to read

[they leave her room}

Carly pov

Jordan's dad: this is sue and albert they are going to be training you for the next couple of months

Carly: ok I'm ready Nina you?

Nina: y-yeah sure

Jordan: ok lets start I think we are ready 

To be continued......