


Cold blooded Murderers-01

Tara woke up with a knock on the door.

Groaning at the soreness of her muscles, she curls into a fetal position, hiding the body from the harsh cold. Her throat parched and her nose got blocked. The door knocked again and she opens her eyes.

/"Vikram… Tara…/"

The troubled voice of her cousin reached her ears and she immediately jolted from her position to sneeze repeatedly. She has a cold. Sleeping on the floor during winter is not the brightest idea. Last night, she passed out on the floor while processing everything. It was a miracle she didn't have hypothermia. Her eyes flew to the empty and untouched bed.

/"TARA/" Varun bellowed this time and punches the door. His jaw ticking at the lethargy couple. Tara rushes forward, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Opening the door, she found an impatient Varun flexing his jaw. He looked mad.

/"Where’s Vikram?/"