


A Secretary-02



At his words, her lips parted in shock, and her eyes immediately moistened.

/"But sir, I am… I am so sorry to disappoint you. Please give me another chance. I swear I’ll make it right this time./" She pleaded scared of losing the job as it was the only source of income in her house.

/"Sorry, Miss Verma, but I’ve deduced that you are incapable of working in this company. Please leave or I’ve to call the security. You are fired./" This time Vikram didn’t control the pitch of his voice and that rattled the poor woman from head to toe. A sob escaped her lips and she turned to rush out of his office as soon as possible. The moment she left, he relaxed back on his chair and massaged his temple, sensing a building headache.

He hated this, to fire someone. But if people start to take advantage of his generosity, he has to take action.