
Bach the Wonderful1

"Okay guys get ready we are on in 10!"


"Well damn he didn't need to close the door that hard-"

"Hey hey guys get focused this is our recital together us three, John, Daniel and Bach, the wonderful three!"

"John we aren't named that lets be serious, Bach is new to us c'mon we only had 4 rehearsals,"

"What would you know Daniel, he's amazing, right Bach? Now look I know your new to the group, and you are 3rd year like us, but you barely picked up again and we don't want to force you to play, alright? Just play well"

"Uh, well its been a while since I played in front of anybody.." of course I was terrified to play in front of a group, I mean I haven't played in a while, so I hope I do well for my first time in a while

"Okay Bach look just think of it like this, this is a all guy school, no girls to think about okay? You will do great, that's why you transferred here, no more drama girls to deal about and to only focus on school work, no worries, just don't forget your little solo that you do that'll spice things up alright?"

"A-Alright.." and he patted my shoulder, it was almost time, to see if I can still play like before,

"You guys are on in 1"

"Alright guys lets get this on the road, remember play your heart out and no mistakes got it?"

Me and Daniel nodded our heads, and we walked on to the stage,


"Welcome guys of the North Plains Music Recital program, today we have a couple of guys you may know, the wonderful singer, John Stalback!"

^Joohnnn!!! Let's gooo!!^

Lots of clapping are happening, I was the only keyboardist here, a singer and a drummer are much cooler.

"And everyone's favorite drummer, Daniel Lostwick!"

^wooooooooh!!! Drums!!!!^

Man I don't know what will be in for me

"And the newest member of the program... Bach Sebastian!"

^yeah what ever you play!^

Now I was really worried,

"Hey don't worry just play well and it'll all be fine ok?" Daniel was sure of it and and I took a deep breathe and we gone ahead and started playing,

🎵 all I thought was okay, Aflat minor, easy..

Once I stood, in the night, with my head bowed low,

in darkness, as black as the sea

In my heart felt alone, and I cried oh Lord don't hide, your face, from me...

Hold my hand all the way every hour every day from here to the great unknown,

Take my hand let me stand where no one stands alone...

[ piano]

Usually for most bands a solo had a meaning behind it, for a loved one, for the people, this one was for me, to unfold my journey as a musician, get known for how much I can play, as I played I looked at the audience, their eyes were gleamed by the way I played, granted only 5 measures in 3/4, but still it rocked their heart...

Like a king I may live in a palace, so fine,with great riches to call my own,

But I don't know a thing in this whole wide world, that's worse than being alone

Hold my hand all the way every hour every day from here to the great unknown,

Take my hand let me stand, where no one stands alone...

🎵 and I ended with a bell tone wind chime, like the bells outside your grandmas porch...

It was only silence for about 5 seconds...


And I thought it was John they were talking about,

^BACH THAT WAS AMAZING! HE JUST TRANFERRED?!?!^ everyone began clapping, even John and Daniel,

"Hahaha see I told you, you'll sound good!"

"Yeah nice one Bach! I bet you made the crowd happy on that one!"

I felt pretty good about it, not knowing I'll get this response, I think I'll enjoy this time of year, and maybe many more.

~ 30 minutes later


'Goodness, four missed calls from my mom I hope I'm not in trouble..'

"Hey Bach about time you answered your phone, but I got a call from the president of Ocarina school, he wants to talk to you."

"What, a school president wants to talk to me, about what?"

"He heard you play in the recital earlier, and everyone loved it, he immediately called me to have permission for him to see you, he wants to talk to you about a chance to possibly play with a better school and become more heard of, I'm glad your getting more known, your father would be proud of you-"

"Thanks mom, I'll be home in a bit and see if my principle knows, love you bye,"

Wow just one performance made him think that? I wonder where or when I'll see him.

"Hey Bach sorry to come in after your performance but someone wants to talk to you, c'mon." Wow it's already happening, I walked out of the sitting area and gone back into the recital hall to see a man dressed in a black suit, nice as ever,

"Hello Bach! I am Oscar, the president of the Ocarina High school! I listened to your wonderful playing and wondered if you would like to talk at the café near the school district tonight? See what you have in stored, how about it?" I'm not usually good with introductions but if I have a better chance to play with a better school then I will most definitely try,

"Y-yeah sounds great! What time?"

"6:30 sharp, at the Cap Rock Café, just 7 blocks down the train station, see you then." And he turned around and walked off,

"Wow Bach you just transferred here and already getting heard of huh? I guess everyone knows you. Well if you need anything, big boy Daniel will take care if you. I'm here for ya dude, think of it like a job interview, you have a chance to be heard!"

I wanted to thank him, but I know he knows me because of my dad. He knows he teaches well in his classes, so no different for his son, but there is a reason why I came to a all guy school, I hope it's not a mixed school.

"Well okay guys I'm going to pack up my drums and I'ma head off, and let's do another song than Merle Haggard, because 'Where no one stands alone' is a good song, but we need something exciting, I hope your here for it Bach!"

"Don't be ridiculous Daniel, he is gonna head off to be heard of, we are the start of this for him, listen Bach, take advantage of this alright? It's going to be fine, now go home and clean up for your interview." Knowing he is right, I nodded my head, grabbed my music bag, and went straight home.

- 6:27 p.m. walking my way past the station

"Man the minute I play again someone sees my potential, I hope it doesn't happen again... OOPS!" I was walking down the side walk on my way to the café, I wasn't looking up and I ran into a girl and dropped her papers and books

"I am so sorry here let me help," I was picking her stuff up and noticed some sheet music and some names with song at the end, a songwriter? I looked up to see her face, a naturally brown haired girl, I've never seen her before, she wore a uniform I didn't recognize,

"I'm sorry I ran into you I wasn't looking up either, thank you for picking them up, oops one more,"

She turned around and bent over picking up the other paper of music, she was wearing leggings under her skirt, the sunset bloomed in, and I saw a purple lace, one string, I have never been this close to see one on a girl before, I was stunned,

"Are you done?" She caught me

"Uh uh, I'm sorry here you go, by the way what's your name?" A weird question for me to ask while running into someone, and I looked into her blue pretty eyes

"Well let me guess are you a music nerd? I know you saw the songs you picked up" I'm in the clear

"Ohh yeah, I am, I got transferred into the North Plains school, I wanted to go to a all guy school because.." don't give it away,

"Because I don't do well with girls around me, hahaha," coward

"Oh okay, what do you play?" The nerd of me is about to come out not to name everything I kept it simple

"Uh well for right now I picked up the piano again, the only thing I'm truly good at," I hope she doesn't ask me to in depth

"Oh well keep up I guess, now excuse me I have to go home, and fix this mess up," she started to walk off

"Hey wait!" I felt needy

"You didn't tell me your name?" She stopped and turned around

"The name is Euphomo Genkaku, you?" Wow a classy name, like a Euphonium player playing under the night sky

"Uh hello?" I was zoned out again, shoot

"Oh yeah um, my name is Bach Sebastian" she tilted her head with a stare look

"Okay Bach, have a good one, maybe we'll meet again someday," and she took off into the street lights, wow my first encounter of a girl without them being on me, I looked at my watch,

"6:35?!?!!? I'M LATE!!!" Well so much for looking good in front of a renowned person.



"Mr. Oscar, I'm so sorry I'm late," like I ran a 100 meter dash race,

"Bach, it's fine, your only 7 minutes late, you are fashionably late, I love that!" Well I guess it's all good then

"But don't do it again.." he had a serious face

"Okay let's get to business, sit down relax and everything is on me," I tried to stall my breathe and calm down but it didn't help, I looked at the menu to see if I liked anything

"Mr. Oscar are you ready for your usual?" A waitress already came, shoot I don't know what to get

"Oh yes, you know me so well miss Trinity,"

"Well you do come here everyday day at this time,"

"I have free time hahaha, and you Bach? What will you like?" I still didn't know what to get, or what I liked

"Uhhh, theeeee," I was blank

"Oh I know, Trinity he'll have the Music Brew, he is talented enough to have it, I hope you aren't allergic to strawberry." He winked at me, I'm not allergic to that, but to public speaking

"Okay I'll have it right up in a bit" she took our menus and went ahead and got our order ready.

"Okay Bach down to business, I talked to your mom already about this, she said it's perfectly fine, now I bet you are tired of people comparing you to your dad, I would hate that to, so for the soul purpose, I want your talents and no one else's," I felt happy he said that so I calmed down even more

"Okay so looking at your transcript you did really well on today's performance in North Plains, but before hand you where in a public school and you left because a incident happened, now if it's to personal you don't have to tell me, but is this correct?" Oh no that situation, I try my best to stay away from it, but it always crawls back

"Yes, I personally don't like to talk about it Mr. Oscar, but yeah reasons for why I transferred," I felt like I didn't want to go down this route and talk about it

"Okay with that aside. I'm here to talk about your musical talents mainly, I've heard you just started to play piano again, and today's performance really showed that you can play with only a few rehearsals. You touch deep in my feelings with that solo, I am really impressed," well it's impressive when it's hard. But for me, it's fairly easy, it's just chromatics, oh god I'm nerding out again

"So I wanted to talk to you about a chance to be known, you are in a good school program but Ocarina has a wonderful music program and I would like for you to be apart of it, so how about it?" It's not really a day to day thought, but I did have a question

"Well I do have a question, will there be girls involved?" He tilted his head

"Hahaha, young Bach do not worry you will be fine! You are a flirt type aren't ya?" Well he doesn't know why. But I'll just assume there is no girls

"Well no, but I accept the offer, I know I need to talk to my advisor to switch me up-"

"Don't worry, I already got that covered, I knew you where going to say yes so you are in! You start next Monday" huh? I froze, I really looked pale, but if I'm that good for him I guess

"Here you go Mr. Oscar, and for you sir,"

"Thank you Trinity, trust me Bach you'll love this, you might be a regular like me after the first sip" he has such a happy face. I looked at the cup of what looks coffee in front of me, but only pink, but I took a sip to taste it

"Wow, this is really good!"

"Aha! See I told you young Bach, by the way I recorded that solo for you to listen and to know how I felt." He pulled out his phone. The video was all ready in view, it caught me off guard as I drank more but I stopped, and he hit play. Only to hear 3 measures of it, and he gets a call and stops, then

"Oh my hello Bach..." She dropped her platter and she got close to her breasts pushed against me leaning in closer, to close, what is this? Again??

"Woah woah, Trinity this is Bach, he is wonderful with music, as you can tell by his playing, but please go back to work we are in a session- oh yes sorry I'll have to call you later," I turned to see Trinity on her knees right next to me, she had a seductive look on me, don't tell me its still stuck on me

"Well I hope you come back Bach" and she winked at me and picked up the platter and swirled off,

"Don't mind her she can be touchy, but back to business. I'll play this another time I have took a lot of your time. You start Monday, and I will have someone hand deliver your new uniform, had to be made since we don't have any," I was confused when he meant by that, doesn't have any? I hope they just made new ones for everyone..

"Okay well I think this concludes this session," he held his hand out for a handshake,

"Thank you for agreeing to my terms, don't worry you are going to a good school of music, you can trust me on this, and since it's Thursday, you get tomorrow off, you will be getting your new supplies once you enter and go straight to my office, you will be in class D-5, that has all the music heads in there, so you'll enjoy, and don't worry, it's paid for" so much was thrown at me but I shook his hand, and nodded and we got up, I didn't even realize I finished the coffee, I hope I don't stay up

"Well have a safe trip back Bach, I will catch you later," he walked out and waved to the other guys working there, my life was turned to the better, I am going to a better musical school, I wasn't hoping for this. But I hope Trinity doesn't stick to me-

"Oh hey Bach, since Mr. Oscar is gone wanna stay with me here??" Trinity popped out of no where and she was closer than ever

"Uh uh, actually I need to go home and get some rest because of how tired I am you understand that right??" Now I'm not the best looking, but I'm decent, but I had to turn down Trinity

"Oh maaaan, okay fine, but come back at the same time to see me again," she winked again, and twirled around and her flowing blonde hair moved with her, I was fairly attracted to her green eyes, but I know I can't do that again I was lucky he played only 3 measures and not a full 3 minutes, so this does mean I still cant play in front of them...

- 2 year ago, in Bach's old public school

"Listen to me Bach, you are going to do wonderful, you practiced so much on this piece, I know you got it!"

"T-t-thank you dad!!"

The incident was a years ago during this time of year, and early autumn started, I was performing my first recital in my public school as a first year, both boys and girls are watching me perform the Moonlight from the famous Beethoven, I practice so much, even my father has helped me play this and many other instruments, but playing this was a different move in emotion,

"Okay Bach, go show them how to play this!!" And I ran out on to the stage to see a lone piano on front of me, one light shined on it, and the crowd was pure dark, but I know I have to play for my dad, so I sat down, open the music and played, not the full 15 minutes, but the first movement which was only 7 minutes, but I played it normally like any other performer, calm and collected, and once I finished on my final note, instead of clapping...

"WHO IS THIS??!!? COME HERE MY LOVE!!!!" Suddenly all the girls ran to me upon the stage, not knowing what to do I just fearfully covered myself up, but my dad came by in time to get me

"Everyone stop!!! I know he played wonderful but please stay away!!-"

"NO I WANT TO FEEL HIM!!" GIVE HIM TO ME!!!" Not knowing what was happening I looked around and seen all the guys get up and wondering to

"Why is my girlfriend after that freak?-"

"GIVE HIM TO ME NOWWW!" Even the teachers

"Miss Shayla why are you here to you should be helping me!-"

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HIS MUSIC MOVED ME AND I MUST LOVE HIM FOR IT!!" Jeez I was only 15, but did I do this? My dad is now holding me above his head to protect me

"I'm sorry son I can't do this any longer they are pulling me down.." he gradually fell lower and lower and dropped me into the crowd of girls, all the touches I felt, they were fighting for me why?

"Get.... OFF OF HIM!!" My dad sprung up and through me to the crowd of guys who were confused

"Run Bach!!!!!" And all the girls chased after me, knowing I had to run I booked out and barely made it to a room and I locked myself in and no one noticed, I sat there breathing hard, and what was that? Why did that happen just now? Just the girls not the guys? Well honestly its best to be only girls...

}45 minutes later after the incident

*knock knock* "Sebastian, where are you?"

Finally my dad, I didn't hesitate to open the door. But to find..

"Son are you okay? Listen to me, did you drink anything from the sweet tea your father made?" It was a police officer, I looked at him very confused, everyone dranked from it..

"We are suspecting that the tea your father made may be the cause of why the girls did that, by a sexual drug that your father put in the tea, our guess in that only the girls were affected from it, and was to target him but only went to you." Why would a officer tell me something like that out of the blue? No it wasn't a drug, my father was trying to help me from what was going to be a massacre, he wouldn't do such a thing, why did this happen??

"I'm sorry son but we have to take you home, your father is going to see time.." the officer put his hand on my shoulder, I felt scared for no reason, I don't think anything sexual, but for my age you would think, why him? Will I enjoy this or suffer it? Well all I could do was cry. And as I followed the officer to the car the girls who once chased me, gave me a dirty look, calling names

"Why would his dad do that?- maybe we can get him later- I didn't drink any and I still fell for him.."

I didn't know what was going on, but I know my mom would not enjoy it, so on the way home, I thought what was to come...

"WHAAAAAT? HE WOULDN'T DO SUCH A THINGGG!!" My mom knew he wouldn't do that, but the officer only put his hand up to her, knowing she can't help, and she fell to her knees as they left, and all I could do was comfort her, not knowing why this happened all of a sudden, but just like my father told me 'you play for what you love, and it will attract attention for what you play' did he mean it literally? I didn't know what was going on, but I know that this was caused because of me playing in a concert, never again, and knowing this, I was forced to be home-schooled for the remaining year, and my second year, until my mom asked permission to go to an all guy school this year, for safe procedures..


As I was walking back to my home all I could think is what if the same thing happens again? Is it the music I played, did the music do this? I haven't played in front of any girls for a year, but when he played that video it showed something

"Excuse me?" A girls voice, I turned around to see a almost white haired girl, red eyes. But really shy


"I was.. hoping you would know where the train station is..." she was really shy, at a time like this I would be scared to ask question myself

"Well if you go down this block right here and keep going down you'll eventually hit the station-"

She ran to me and held my shirt,

"Can.. can you walk me there, I just left my friends house for the first time alone and I get lost easy..." I couldn't just let her down like that, so I let her follow me

6 minutes later

"You can let go now" she didn't notice she was too attached to me

"Oh oh, I'm s-sorry.. thank you for taking me here" she bowed low but knowing I might see her again

"What's your name?" I felt weird for asking but walking her this far would be nice to get a response

"My name?.... my name is Clara Nintai.." wow what a nice name, but I guess I can have a few girl friends, no way that's gonna happen again, right?

"Oh what a wonderful name, my name is Bach Sebastian, I'm glad to bring you here safely, have a safe trip back" I felt bad for getting straight to the point but I was feeling tired and wanted to go home it was 4 blocks away

"Oh... okay thank you.. Bach" and she bowed again and she turned around and took off to the train and she headed home, and I did as well..

"I'm home!"

"Well it's about time how was the talk in the café?"

"It was nice mom don't worry, he gave me a chance to be heard so im'a take it"

"Well it was a random call but he told me he heard the last name and knew who you where, but the school is closer here so it'll be great for you, I just hope we can visit your father soon and tell him your big plans.." my mom put her head down, knowing it is sad for what has happened before, but nothing can't change from it, only what the future could hold, so I went straight into my room and fell straight into my bed. Hoping to fall right asleep..

-next morning 9:30

"BACH YOUR LATE!!!" I sprung out of bed, but I remembered

"Hey mom he told me I don't have to go today, I start Monday, he said I should be getting a uni-"


My door was cracked open, what felt was perfect timing

"Get that lazy ass!" I really didn't feel like moving but I dressed quickly and went straight to the door

"Be there in a sec!" I rushed to put on my slippers and opened the door it was..


"Hey Bach, hope you enjoy your day off, but I was told to bring you your uniform here you go" she held it out, what a wonderful color, matching hers

"So your telling me I'm going to the same school as you?"

"Yes, when you go on Monday I will be waiting for you in the front gate and guide you to his office, until then, have a wonderful weekend" she turned back around and walked off, this time not wearing leggings so I saw her full gleaming legs

"Are you done?"

"AHHH MOM" got caught

"What came in?"

"Oh uh, my uniform for the school"

"Wow what a pretty color, so you do start Monday, good so that means you can go out and get groceries for me early then, I'll wash this for you, and I'll get the list for you, dress better and you forgot your pants"


"AHHHHH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE!!" And I ran to my room, embarrassed, but I got dressed and just thinking, if this is a mixed school, I have to tell him on Monday on why I cant play

*Knock Knock*

"Also Bach before you head out, watch what you do, I don't want anything to come up again somehow"

*sigh* she was right I forgot.. hopefully I don't meet anyone new. I just need to get what she needs, and I'll rest for the weekend, okay I can do that, just need to find pants and I'll be off.

To a new start of my new life, no.. musical life...

Next chapter