
Mushoku Tensei: Second Son

A young high school boy, Ren Nakamura, known for his empathy with the side of stubbornness, sacrifices himself to save a girl from assailants, which leads to his death. Suddenly, he awakens in a mysterious new world, reincarnated as the second son of the Greyrat family and the third younger sibling of Rudeus Greyrat.

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20 Chs

Seeking Refuge in the Ruins of Roa

After stepping into Perugius's teleportation circle, we appeared on the other side moments later. The place where we arrived resembled Orsted's dungeon-like dwelling, with cold stone walls and dim lighting casting eerie shadows. The air was dense with a musty scent, implying that no one had been here for quite some time.

We looked around the rooms, finding only empty, and dust-covered spaces. The atmosphere was heavy, almost oppressive, and it felt as though the walls themselves were watching us.

"The exit is over here," Orsted called out through the silence, his tone solemn and steadfast. He led us through a narrow corridor, his footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

As Nanahoshi and I followed the Dragon God, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The area appeared ancient and forgotten, a stark contrast to the magnificent and vibrant Chaos Breaker. Each step we took seemed to disturb the long-settled dust, sending tiny particles swirling in the dim light.

After navigating a series of twists and turns, we finally reached a bright doorway that led to the outside of the structure. Stepping through, we were greeted by a canopy of trees, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. The fresh atmosphere was a welcoming relief from the humid confines of the dungeon-like interior.

"Alright, where are we?" I asked, glancing around at the unfamiliar surroundings. The forest seemed serene, yet there was an underlying sense of desolation.

"We're at Red Dragon Upper Jaw, specifically the far right side," Orsted explained, his gaze observing the tree line. "Come on, the Fittoa Region should be close by."

Following his command, Nanahoshi and I pressed forward, the dense woodland slowly giving way to open fields. The transition from the oppressive forest to the expansive grassland was invigorating, filling us with renewed energy for the journey ahead.

Eventually, the green terrain turned darker, and the trees became gloomier. For some reason, the area felt disturbingly familiar, an uneasy recognition growing within me. Then I saw it—a haunting sight. It's my family's home, reduced to rubble and broken foundations.

My heart sank as I took in the devastation. The air was thickened with the scent of ash and decay, a grim reminder of the tragedy that had befallen this place.

{"Hey, where are you going? What is this place anyway?"}

As I approached the ruined house, I heard Nanahoshi calling out for me. 

{"This is... my home..." } I muttered, my voice trailing off as I investigated the interior, hoping to salvage anything worthwhile but unfortunately, everything was destroyed.

While I lamented at the wreckage, Nanahoshi stood beside me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. {"It's alright, Dante. We're here for you."}

Orsted, on the other hand, stepped forward, his stoic face a steady reminder of our mission.

"We should keep moving," he declared, his tone firm but lacking the typical warmth. "Staying here won't benefit us."

Nodding silently, we left my home and continued our journey to the refugee camp. The path was a somber one, filled with memories of what was now lost to dust, but also a resolve to help those who still needed us.


As we walked further along the melancholic field, I witnessed another ruined structure in the distance. Its walls had crumbled to a fraction of their original height, and a multitude of tents were scattered both within and outside the remains of the territory. The sight of the refugee camp filled me with a mix of expectancy and apprehension.

"This must be the place," I pointed out. "We should go there, and... Umm, Sir Orsted, why are you just over standing there."

Looking at Orsted, he stood several phases away from me and Nanahoshi, and his gaze fixed on the camp ahead. "You two go ahead. I'll stay here."

"Eh? Why? Is there something wrong?" I inquired, concerned about his reluctance.

He sighed, his expression serious but tinged with weariness. "My curse will affect the people in the refugee camp. They'll fear my presence, so it's better if I stay back."

Ah, right. It made a lot of sense. The curse he has caused intense fear and hostility in those who saw him. With that understanding, I nodded, "I understand, Nanahoshi and I will go and see what information we can gather there."

He gave a curt nod, his face softening slightly as he added, "Be careful. If you need any help, return to me."

With that, Nanahoshi and I continued toward the camp. But when we entered the vicinity, the grim reality of the situation became more apparent. The people in the camp were weary and strained, their faces etched with despair and uncertainty. 

{"This is awful. My summoning to this world did all of this?"} Nanahoshi expressed with a hint of regret and discomfort.

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. {"It's not your fault. We just need to concentrate on helping these people now."}

We approached a group of refugees huddled around a small fire. Their clothes were tattered, and their faces were worn with hunger. 

"Excuse me," I began gently. "Can you tell us what happened here?"

One of them, a middle-aged man with a weathered face, looked up as we came. He watched us warily before responding.

"A bright light... It came out of nowhere. Many of us were caught in it, causing some to perish while others were still missing. We... we... have no idea where they... Waah!" his voice broke, and suddenly, he burst into tears, lamenting his lost loved ones.

Another refugee, a woman with a pale face, placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to console him. "It's alright, darling. We're all experiencing the same situation," she reassured, her voice barely above a whisper. "All of us lost so much."

Nanahoshi and I exchanged a solemn glance, the weight of their despair pressing down on us. I took a deep breath and spoke again, "Don't worry, everyone. I will help all of you from your anguish. For I, Dante Greyrat aspired to be a hero."

The refugees were speechless. Some of them were hopeful but the rest looked doubtful. A man with a rugged appearance stepped forward, his face etched with skepticism.

"You, a hero? But you're just a mere child," he asserted, rejecting my comments. "How can someone like you be able to help us when everything is hopeless?"

I looked up at him, undeterred by his doubt. "I may be young, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to help people, no matter how small it is."

"Is that so? Perhaps you could help us with something," a voice called out to me from behind.

I turned around to see a man with a monocle approaching us. His gaze was discerning as he regarded me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about him.

"Um, hello there, mister. Can I help you?" I inquired politely, unsure of who he was.

The man bowed courteously before responding, "My name is Alphonse, I am the Head Butler of the Boreas Family and the leading executive of the refugee camp. If I heard correctly, your name is Dante Greyrat, right?"

"Yeah, that's me," I confirmed, intrigued by his sudden appearance.

Alphonse paused for a moment before turning his back. "Please, follow me, and let's discuss this matter in our headquarters."

With those words, Nanahoshi and I followed him, willing to learn more about what happened and how we could assist the refugees.


A few moments later, we arrived at a lavish-looking tent nestled at the heart of the refugee camp. Its whole exterior boasted elaborate patterns and vibrant colors, a stark contrast to the makeshift shelters surrounding it. 

As we entered, the air was heavy with the scent of incense, and the interior was filled with stacks of papers and other equipment, seemingly salvaged from somewhere.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," Alphonse gestured for us to take a seat on a comfy sofa in the center of the tent. "I apologize for the modest accommodations, but it's the best we can manage given the circumstances."

Nanahoshi and I exchanged a glance, silently informing her of the challenges they faced. We then took our seats, grateful for the opportunity to speak with someone who seemed to hold authority in the camp.

"Thank you for having us, Sir Alphonse," I responded, offering him a polite smile. 

Alphonse nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, Master Dante. Now, let's get to the matter at hand. What brings you to our refugee camp?"

My mind raced as I considered the myriad of issues we needed to address. Then I proceeded to inform him about the Metastasis event, the cause of this catastrophe, as well as inquiring about the current state of the citizens of this region.

"I see," Alphonse mumbled, his expression turning somber. "So that bright light... it teleported the citizens of Fittoa."

"That's right, they could be anywhere. Heck, I even got teleported somewhere within a wide empty grassland," I added, recalling the disorienting experience.

Alphonse listened intently, his brow furrowed with concern. "This is troubling news indeed... I need to inform the Lord about this immediately."

Before I could respond, the man stood up and left the tent, leaving me and Nanahoshi in the quiet, incense-scented room.

{"This situation is worse than I imagined,"} Nanahoshi murmured, her expression one of worry and uncertainty.

Placing my hand over hers, I tried to reassure her. {"I know, but at least we can help them."}

{"How? I'm just an outsider and you're just a kid,"} she depreciated us. {"We couldn't possibly help these people."}

{"You know, you starting to sound like that ragged man from earlier,"} I countered, stubbornly crossing my arms. 

Nanahoshi turned to me with a pouting expression, clearly offended by my remark. I returned the favor and scowled at her as well.

stomp... stomp... stomp...

Before we could continue our friendly banter, the successive sound of heavy stomping could be heard approaching the tent. Then, without a warning, the tent entrance opened wide, and a huge individual with a strong presence entered inside.

"Where is he?! Where is this individual who spoke about this Metastasis Event?!"

A middle-aged man with an imposing, brawny stature, shouted energetically in the room. He had an aura of authority, his eyes scanning the tent with urgency. I stood up, feeling a mix of tension and resolve as I prepared myself to confront this intimidating person.

Who could this person be?

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