
Mushoku Tensei : Reincarnation of The Playboy!

A legend, a billionaire, a famous playboy, father of 100 children, dream boy of every maiden which would have been our MC. If he was alive. Alas, that is but a dream that will never be fulfilled in his life. But fear not, for I, Author is here! Our MC will have all the above and some. Now stay will my MC as he live a life that you guys never will! _____________________________________________ Hello~ author here. So, I want to say something first before you started to read this fanfic. First of, this is my first time writing any kind of story. I will make mistake and make stupid plot. Also this is the rewritten version of synopsis. The first one was garbage. I am saying that myself. Now about this fanfic: 1. The MC will be very sexually active. He will not care about what other think of him. Also I write this fanfic to vent all my fantasy. I will advise whose who doesn't like this kind of story to not read this one. I will make this fanfic as smut as I possibly can. 2. I will give a shot explanation of the MC. Simply he will be a HeEro( He= Hentai, Ero= Eroge/ Ecchi). 3. Don't expect regular updates. I write in my cheap phone. Name Oppo A7. The tags: [ Simple Action ] [ Handsome Protagonist ] [ Harem ] [ Incest ] [ Reincarnation ] [ Lolicon ] [ Strong to Stronger ] [ Pregnancy ] [ Child Birth ] [ Evolution ] [ Human MC ] [ AI Assistant ] [ Realistic Protagonist ] [ Godly Enemy ] [ Beautiful Female Lead ] [ Strong Female Lead ]. I will add more if I think like it.

Arnab_Panday · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Life is wonderful....{Rewriting}

~ Mc Pov ~

Well, hello there my brothers and your sisters. How are you guys doing in this fine day. Hope aren't just lazying around because I sure aren't.

Now, I know you aren't interested in leasing to some random person's life story but I am not a random person. As I, the MC of this fanfic is the person who's life story you will be reading. Be grateful!

Without further, let's start this entertainment....




Well, hello there. My name is Rajiro Tutsu or in Japan Tutsu Rajiro. If you don't know, in Japan surname are pronounced first. Anyway, we are getting sidetracked.

Cough! Where was I? Oh yes. I am Rujiro Tutsu. 18 years old this year. I live in Japan.[ AN: I live in Bangladesh.] I am in my last year of high school. I am within top 10 in class as usual. That is too after restraining myself.

I am 6.5 ft tall. I am tall by Japanese standard but not much compared to some African people. In some villagesin Africa even women's are 7 ft tall. Can you believe that!? Cough, we are getting sidetracked again.

As I was saying I am 6.5 ft tall. Clean skin and fatal factual, dark hair that reaches my neck. I also have the rare sky blue eyes. Overall, I am very handsome.

Now we are going to talk about my love life. Don't get jealous all right?

I have three girlfriends right now and planning to get another one next week. That's means, yes I have a harem in real life. Yeah! You heard it right virgins! I have a harem lol!

Now, you might be saying that it's not possible and all that. But you must be forgetting something. With enough power and money nothing is impossible in this world. { Not absolutely anything. You get what I mean right? }

So, the thing is, I am rich and have insane physical strength with a sharp mind as bonus. Also, unlike in the anime I had sex with every single one of them, even had some foursome.

Now, you might be wondering why am wasting my time with talking you guys instead of focusing on my girlfriends right?

Remember I said having insane physical strength? Well, it looks like it was not that insane after all. As I am dying right now after getting hit by just a truck.

You might be wondering how I got here right? For that we will have to start from the very beginning.....






In Japan, in a middle class family, you can see a ordinary man fuccking a beautiful woman in a very awkward motion. If you lo-

Wait wait wait wait!! Not this much back! Star from my childhood dumm ass! Stupid author![ A.C: Fuck you! ]

As much early as I can remember. I was always interested in opposite sex beside my mother. I always question why are they so different from my mother. Obviously, both have boobs but I feel different feeling from both of them.

I was six years old when I was thinking about it. One day I was out playing in the park by myself and it started to get cloudy suddenly. I fear rain would start shortly. So I started heading home but alas, it started raining suddenly. I took shelter under a closed shop.

After some time two young ladies also took shelter with me. They were wet with water all over them. It was clear that they were both not ready for this sudden rain. But somehow I couldn't take my eyes of their breathes. I could see though their clothes thanks to rain water.

I started to feel hot and something was starting to get hard in my pants. It was then, that I had all the answers to my question.

Women are are born to make men complete as a whole. Men aren't complete alone. The more ambitious and strong a man is the more women he needs. And mother are just that mother.

After that I suddenly didn't feel cold anymore. I looked at there bodies for some more without their notice. After the rain stopped I ran to my home and quickly enter my room.

Not wanting to lose the sensation, I quickly become naked and see my pee pee till ong and hard. I touched my 2 ince long pee pee and started rubbing it following my instincts. That was the first time I masturbated.

After my sexual awakening I started to see the world in new light. Everything started to look more beautiful the women started to became more beautiful in my eyes.

I started to masturbate more almost every day. Something I even masterbade two times a day and still not satisfied. I searched in the internet about this and learned that masterbade is not the write thin to do to revil stress.

I watch a video, in the video was a young bald rich man saying what I should do dk be more successful in life. I become motivated from that, I started to change. I started to exercise from that day.

Yes, you heard it right. I started to exercise from the age of six. I started to masturbate less and less. I started to talk my future seriously. I know I can't fullfil my dreams of having a big harem and loving with them in the future if I am poor.

I started to learn how to make money. My parents were very supportive of me. They thought I just wanted to play games on the phone that's why I was saying that. What they didn't know I was fully serious back then.

* Time Skip 8 years *

And just like that 8 years have passed. I have changed a lot in this passed 8 years. First of all I became a handsome kid. Because of my regular exercise my baby fat is no more. Instead, you will see a tall handsome and muscular boy.

I also rich now. Now billionaire but just your small time milliner. But I don't plan to just stop here. I will be my bloodlines first billionaire.

I also meet many types of girls in this time. Oh, I also have a sister. I forget to mention it. She is one year younger then me. The funny thing is I also find her applying as a opposite sex. I can also say the same with her. As she is in puberty right now she became known to the opposite sex and keeping a certain distance from me. If I didn't see her looking at my body secretly when I come out from bathroom or didn't caught her sniffing my clothes, I would have thought she started hating me.

Hehe, Japanese are sure wonderful. In here you can see the oddest of relationships. Not that I am complaining. Oh, where was I? Ah, yes women.

I meet many kinds of women. From Milf to Loli. And I come to love them all. I can now control my still increasing lust.

I am now in my second year of middle school. I am 1st of class in both written and athletic score. Well, if you exercise life me from a young age everything become easy.

I have also started my plan to start my harem. I have to think here because foundation is always important. I can't choose a arrogant or proud full female as my first girlfriend. I have to find a girl who will see my happiness first. I have make the girl yandere for me.

Now, you might be wondering yandere girls are bad or such. But, you might not know this, there are many types of yandere. Jealous type, murder type, stalker type, etc. like that there is a type of yandere who take their happiness their main gole. I will have to have a girl like that.

And as always, luck is always by my side as I found just the girl for that just after a week. You know, I said that I am very handsome right? I also have fan girls in my school and class. I don't interact much with this girls. I might be a bustard but I know every hole is not a gole. If I give one of this girl a bit much attention than the other then she would be bullied by others. And I don't like causing problem among girls because of me. Well, not like I will care about everyone but I just do it for self-satisfaction.

Anyway, that day was our PE class and girls were watching me as usual. I was thinking which type of girl I should fu*k. I wave my hand towards my fan girls. I remember pretty much everyone there. I mean, if you have brain as good as mine you could pretty much remember everyone. That's why when I saw a new face I stare at her a bit longer then others. It didn't help as the girl was easily beautiful as any movie heroine.

I also have a girlfriend. Her name is Kumi Shijukawa. I met her when she was being bullied and like a gentleman I am how could I let a beautiful girl be bullied under my watch?

So, I saved her and since then I have become her only friend. After one year of hard work, I have made her my first girlfriend.

I also have plans to make a harem and she is a good start as won't have a problem as I have raised her like that. She just needs a push and I will give her that when the time is right.

You might call me a scum but so what. I will love them a lot and make them happy.

By the end of one month of our relationship, I had her have sex with me.

The first time I didn't use condoms as it's too tight. Anyway, she had a pill so it's no problem. Also, I don't like using condoms as it doesn't feel right.

The first time was amazing as I imagined it to be no it was even more amazing.

After the first time, we did it many times, and every time she passed out first I had to satisfy myself. Sometimes I let her watch so that she take the lead in my harem plan.

And it worked just like I wanted it to be. After she saw me sometimes satisfying myself. After the end of 2 months, she came to talk about it when I was satisfying myself behind the door.

* door opening sound *

" I am sorry Ranjiro. I couldn't satisfy you even when I give it my all I always pass out first *hic* ."

she said the last part crying.

" Haa don't be wary about it. It's just sex I can control it and besides you are getting better every day. And do you think I love you for sex then you are very wrong. I love you as who you are. So, don't be wary about it. Okay. "I replied by hugging her and she didn't notice the sly smile I had.

' All according to the plan hehe.'

She was still depressed and said that she would find a solution for that.

And I can guess who she will go for help. And I was right. The next day she came with my little sis Rosy.

She must've known that my little sis loves me as a man, not as a brother and I also do the same because I give her hints from time to time.

After she came she said what I wanted to hear,

" Ranjiro I have talked with your sister about our problem and she agreed to share you with me. I also know that you love her as a woman but don't say it. That's why I gave permission. As long as you still love me I don't have any problem with how many women you have."

I didn't show any expiration on my face but invalidly I was happy. I had to fight the urge to smile like an ideate.

"Are you sure about this? As I have said before as long as you are happy I can control myself. And what about you little sis Are you ok with sharing your brother?"

I asked knowing their answer.

"Yes. As long as you love me I am ok with anything thing "

my girlfriend said with a shy tone.

"As long as I am with onii-sama I can do anything."

my little sis said.

From that day on I also started to date my sister She is only one year younger than me.

I also have no problem with age. Call me Loliconor whatever I don't care.

When I took my sister's first time I found out something new about her. It turns out my sister is a masochist. I like begging to me for more that I went overboard with her for the first time.

I think I am a sadistic.

The next few days she couldn't walk properly even after sleeping till evening. But she still had sex with me with my girlfriend.

I think I might break her like that.

( 3 years later)

And just like that my middle school life came to an end.

In the last three years, I also made another girlfriend. Her name is Chuka Fujumatshu.

She has a noble and elegant aura around her that makes men lose confidence in having her as a girlfriend. But for some reason that doesn't work for me.

At first, she seems normal but that's not true. I don't know what I did but she seems to be obsessed with me.

Even after knowing that I have a girlfriend she still confesses to me.

When I asked her why she confessed to me she said,

"It looks like Ranjiro-sama doesn't remember., Well, it has been many years. So, I don't blame you."

Now I am really confused. I ask her what I don't remember.

"It was when I was six years old. An old pervert tried to kidnap me.

I thought if I screamed someone might come to help but nobody came. I almost gave up hope.

Then you came and in anger kicked his balls. As he screams in pain you take my hand and rub away.

I knew then and there that you were the only one for me.

As I stared at you you said something that I didn't hear and left me beside my parents.

Since then I have been searching for you but couldn't find you. Then when I came to this school at first I didn't pay attention to the school.

Then after a year of here, I finally saw her talking with some other girls.

I also heard you have a girlfriend but that doesn't affect me. As I knew a man as great as Ranjiro-sama can have more than one wife.

Since then I have been waiting for the right time to confess to you ."

After a long explanation, I finally remembered.

I became shocked and embarrassed by her answer.

Embarrassed because It was the beginning of my puberty. Thank God she didn't hear as I must have said something stupid.

Shocked because she doesn't have a problem with harem.

After that, she became my girlfriend and I told my first girlfriend about her.

When I took her the first time she became a massive pervert and she also seems to like anal s*x.

Anyway, enough of my love life now I am starting my high school life. My girlfriends are also in the same school.

Today is the first day and I arrived early today as I will be late for the rest of the year.

As I walked toward my school I saw a red-haired girl with a wooden sword practicing her swordsmanship.

She looks very beautiful and has above-average boobs. She is tall for a girl and she looks very wild with her sword.

As I saw this I knew my high school life would be very wonderful.