
Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Lightning Flash

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Yuuki, a Japanese teenage girl who flees a life of torment and suffering, only to face a mysterious person before meeting a heartbreaking fate. However, destiny weaves a new thread as Yuuki awakens in a fantastical realm, reborn as an infant and now the twin sibling of Rudeus Greyrat. Experience this revitalized tale, a fresh rendition of the fanfiction "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Twin Sister of Rudeus Greyrat." The narrative delves into Yuuki's transformative role as the Lightning Flash, promising an enthralling exploration of her newfound existence.

TempestNotion · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The Lord, the Mayor, and the Young Lady of Roa

As the wheels of the carriage turned steadily along the winding road, the rhythmic clatter of hooves and the gentle sway of the vehicle created a sense of tranquility.

The landscape outside shifted gradually, transforming from the familiar scenery of our village to the unknown realms that lay ahead.

Within the confines of the carriage, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Beside me, my unconscious brother Rudeus rested peacefully, his features relaxed in slumber.

Though his journey was temporarily suspended, his presence was a constant reminder of the shared path we embarked upon.

Seated across from me, the beast woman Sword King, Ghislaine, sat with an air of quiet contemplation. Her one-eyed gaze fixed upon the passing landscape, and her thoughts veiled behind the enigmatic exterior she projected.

To break the silence, I decided to strike a conversation with the woman.

"Ghislaine," I began, my tone respectful, "I've heard many tales of your prowess as the Sword King from my mother. Your reputation as a formidable warrior precedes you."

The beast woman nodded in acknowledgment, her demeanor remaining composed. "Indeed."

"I must admit, it's an honor to have you accompany us on our journey," I continued, expressing my genuine admiration for her.

In response, Ghislaine's lips curved into a faint smile, a rare glimpse of warmth. "You remind me of your mother."

Her words were concise, reflecting her straightforward nature. In that fleeting exchange, a connection seemed to form, bridging the gap between generations and experiences.

"Thank you," I acknowledged her compliment.

After a while, Rudeus began to stir from his slumber, gradually awakening to the world around him.

"Ugh, my head. That damn Paul…" he grumbled as he shifted his body, his voice laced with mild irritation.

His gaze roamed his surroundings until it settled on me. I offered him a warm smile and greeted, "Good morning, brother."

"Reine? Why are you here? I thought father said I'd be going alone," Rudeus questioned in confusion.

I shrugged lightly, offering an explanation. "Well, it seems Dad changed his mind and wants me to accompany you."

Rudeus blinked in surprise, his grogginess giving way to understanding. "Wait, what? You're coming with me?"

"Yup, that's the plan. He thought it would be best for us to travel together," I confirmed, my smile unwavering.

He let out a groan, rubbing his temples. "Oh, great. Now I have to watch out for you too."

Ghislaine's chuckle broke the tension that lingered in the carriage. "It seems you have a lot on your plate."

Turning his gaze toward her, Rudeus's eyes widened in surprise. "Madam Titty Kitty?!"

Confused, Ghislaine responded, "Madam what?"

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment as Rudeus's comment objectified Ghislaine. I decided to address the situation immediately.

I firmly placed my hand on his shoulder and spoke sternly, "Brother, please refrain from making inappropriate comments. We're on a journey, and we should treat each other with respect."

"A-ah, I'm sorry," he apologized sheepishly, realizing his mistake.


With Rudeus's apology, the tension in the carriage seemed to ease, and Ghislaine's slight smile served as a reminder of the brief moment of humor that had lightened the atmosphere.

As the carriage continued its journey, the rhythmic sounds of hooves against the road provided a soothing backdrop.

"Brother, I'd like you to meet Ghislaine. She'll be joining us on our journey," I introduced Rudeus to the woman sitting across from us.

He nodded in acknowledgment and turned his attention to Ghislaine. "Hello, I'm Rudeus Greyrat. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ghislaine nodded back, then retrieved a letter from her pocket and handed it to him.

Taking the letter with curiosity, Rudeus examined it before looking back at Ghislaine. "What's this?"

"It's a letter from your father," Ghislaine explained straightforwardly. "I can't read, so I'll need you to read it for me."

With that, he opened the letter and began to read its contents aloud.

"To my dear son, Rudeus,

You might be wondering what's going on and not know what to do. Let that muscle-bound daruma doll and your dear sister fill you in.

Although both of them might have muscles for brains, none of them could explain your-"

"What did you just say?!"

While Rudeus was reading the letter, Ghislaine suddenly stood up from her seat and accidentally bumped her head on the ceiling of the carriage due to her height.

I felt a sense of frustration at Father's choice of words. It seemed he was making fun of Ghislaine and me, and I questioned his intentions, feeling somewhat disappointed in him.

"Please calm down, Ghislaine! It's just a joke!" Rudeus panicked, trying to diffuse the situation with Ghislaine, who appeared visibly irritated.

She settled back into her seat with a sigh. "I see..."

Rudeus continued reading the letter with a slightly anxious expression.

"Let's get to the point, I've found you a job. You'll be working as a tutor for a nine-year-old young lady living in Roa.

The person accompanying you is the household's bodyguard and swordsmanship instructor.

She said that in return for teaching you and your sister Reine swordsmanship, she'd like to learn something from you two.

But try not to laugh at her, and say, 'Even you have muscles for a brain, what are you talking about.'"

"What did you say?"

Once again, Ghislaine's anger flared as Rudeus read the letter. She unsheathed her sword with a hint of restraint, exuding an intense aura.

Father's continuous attempts to provoke Ghislaine behind her back were causing my trust in him to waver. My faith in his judgment was starting to fade.

Rudeus shuddered at Ghislaine's intense presence and hurriedly read the rest of the letter.

"However, Ghislaine is a Sword King, and nobody can be a better swordsmanship teacher than her. Your father has never defeated her in combat, except in bed..."

As he read those words, his expression turned into a cringe, and I felt equally uncomfortable. Father's candidness was truly awkward to witness.

"From now until you and your sister turn twelve—five years in total—you'll be responsible for teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and basic magic to that household.

Reine will also have the chance to further her studies in the Sword God style under Ghislaine. Moreover, she might even be able to teach the young lady in Roa the Water God style.

Oh, one more thing, during your time in Roa, neither you nor your sister are allowed to return home or correspond by letter.... what?"

Rudeus and I exchanged incredulous looks upon hearing Father's restriction. The idea of being cut off from our family was somewhat absurd and frustrating.

We both sighed in frustration as he continued reading the last few lines of the letter.

"Because I felt like you and Reine were becoming too attached to Sylphiette, I've decided that it wouldn't be beneficial for any of you.

By working, earning money, and living independently, I'm looking forward to seeing you two grow into outstanding individuals.

From your wise and respectable father,


After reading the letter, the two of us were vividly annoyed by Father's words. It was clear he didn't want us to be too close with Sylphiette and decided to separate us from her.

"Looks like your father loves you both in his own special way," Ghislaine interjected, seemingly amused by our reactions to the letter.

Rudeus and I exchanged tired shrugs. It seemed we had no other choice. But then we noticed one more line at the bottom of the letter and read it aloud.

"P.S. Rudy, you can do whatever you want with the young lady in Roa. However, that daruma doll is mine."

That final line of the letter left us speechless. The utter absurdity of those words left me feeling deeply frustrated and disgusted.

Ghislaine took a deep breath and promptly said, "Remind me to send that letter to Zenith."

""Will do,"" Rudeus and I both agreed to her instruction.

We're all upset with Father, so we decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.


After a lengthy journey, the carriage finally arrived at its destination—a city characterized by towering walls and well-structured houses lining its bustling streets.

As the carriage navigated through the lively streets, we observed the diverse crowd of people and adventurers, each engaged in their daily activities. The city's energy was palpable, a vibrant pulse resonating with life.

Our journey led us toward the heart of the city, where a majestic castle stood with an air of grandeur. Its towering spires and imposing architecture marked it as a citadel of great significance.

The carriage continued its path, drawing us closer to the castle's entrance. The guards stationed at the gates exchanged words with Ghislaine, confirming her identity and our purpose for being there.

The gates slowly swung open, granting us passage into the citadel's grounds. As the carriage moved along the cobblestone path, a mixture of excitement and trepidation filled the air.

Eventually, we came to a stop before the entrance of the castle. Ghislaine guided us inside and led us down a corridor. The flickering torches cast dancing shadows on the walls as we walked.

We were directed to a guest room, and Ghislaine informed us that we would need to wait for a while. We complied, patiently standing by in the room.

Just as we were beginning to settle into the silence of the room, the door suddenly swung open with a resounding slam. Rudeus and I jumped in surprise as a hulking figure entered, exuding an air of authority.

"Where is it?! I want to see them?! Is it here?" the figure shouted, seemingly looking for something or someone.

Eventually, the figure found us and strode his way in front of us.

It was a man of considerable stature, his presence commanding the room. He wore noble attire, a reflection of his status, and his red hair was a distinct feature that caught our attention.

A butler then appeared and bowed respectfully before him. "Lord Sauros, these are the individuals Ghislaine mentioned earlier."

Lord Sauros, as he was called, seemed agitated, his gaze shifting between the butler and us. "So, you're the ones Ghislaine brought here? You better have a good reason for being in my city."

Rudeus and I exchanged a glance before my brother stepped forward, maintaining a respectful tone. "It's an honor to meet you, milord. My name is Rudeus Greyrat and I was brought here for a job."

He naturally bowed as he greeted the authoritative figure in front of us. While I am quite impressed with my brother's introduction, the lord himself doesn't seem to be.

"Hmph, you don't even know how to greet properly!" he haughtily disapproves Rudeus's greeting towards him.

The butler quickly steps forward and explains the situation. "Milord, young master has never left the village. It seems he was still young and doesn't know much about etiquette. Please forgive their-"


However, the lord shouted at the butler, effectively silencing him.

Lord Sauros turned his attention back to us, specifically me. "How about you?! Who are you and what are you here for?"

Hearing his thunderous voice and oppressive tone made me extremely nervous. However, I took a deep breath and determined to make this right. I tried my best to remember that one time where I asked Lilia how to greet, I executed it.

Stepping forward, I lift the hem of my dress and bowed elegantly before greeting Lord Sauros. "I apologize for any offense. My name is Reine Greyrat, and I am honored to be in your presence, milord. I was brought here to further my studies in the Sword God style under Ghislaine."

My words were measured and my tone respectful, despite the anxiety that churned within me. I hoped that my greeting would be deemed appropriate and would help defuse any potential tension.

Lord Sauros regarded me with a critical eye, his expression unreadable. After a tense moment of silence, he finally nodded, seemingly satisfied with my greeting.

"Hmph, at least you know how to address your superiors," he remarked with a hint of approval. "Ghislaine spoke highly of your swordsmanship skills. Let's see if you live up to the praise."

"I am truly grateful for your kind words, milord," I replied, expressing my appreciation for his acknowledgment.

With a nod, Lord Sauros turned on his heel and made his exit from the room. It seemed that I had successfully navigated the initial encounter and eased the tension that had initially hung in the air.


As the Lord departed, a palpable sense of relief washed over the room. Rudeus and I exchanged a glance, both recognizing the significance of our initial meeting with the lord of Roa.

"You know, Reine, I never thought you could greet someone like that," he said in disbelief.

I chuckled softly, a mixture of amusement and pride bubbling within me. "Well, I've been learning a lot from Mother, Lilia, and observing how you interact with people. It's all about showing respect and adapting to the situation."

Rudeus scratched his head sheepishly, a bashful grin on his face. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I need to work on my greetings too."

Our conversation was interrupted as another figure entered the room. This newcomer was a man with a slender build and bright tea-colored hair. His eyes were narrowed, and he wore a smile as he approached us.

"My father seems to be pleased when he walked out of the room. I wonder what happened here," the man spoke with a curious tone, his eyes flickering between my brother and me.

The butler approached the man and explained the situation. "Lord Philip, it seems the young lady over here impressed Lord Sauros with her greeting."

"Is that so? Well, that's impressive," the man named Philip remarked satisfyingly.

Stepping forward, I offered a polite smile and elegantly greeted the newcomer. "Greetings, milord. My name is Reine Greyrat, and this is my brother Rudeus. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The man's smile widened, and he executed a small bow in return. "The pleasure is mine. I am Philip Boreas Greyrat, the mayor of Roa. Welcome to our city."

I nodded respectfully, acknowledging his position. "Thank you, Mayor Philip. We are grateful for your warm welcome."

"Please, take a seat, both of you. Let's discuss the matter at hand," Mayor Philip suggested, gesturing toward the chairs in the room.

We followed his lead and took our seats, settling in for the conversation.

"As you may know," Mayor Philip began, "I have requested your assistance in tutoring my daughter, Rudeus."

"Yes, milord," brother responded, "my father sent me here to tutor the young lady in exchange for the tuition of Ranoa Magic Academy."

Mayor Philip nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I see. It seems we have an agreement in place."

He then turned his attention to me. "And what about you, Reine? What role will you play in our arrangement?"

I straightened in my chair, meeting the mayor's gaze with a determined one. "I will further my study in the Sword God style under Ghislaine's guidance while also sharing my experience with the Water God Style with the young lady."

Mayor Philip's eyebrows rose in curiosity. "Water God Style? That's quite intriguing. I'm sure my daughter will benefit from your expertise."

"I hope to be of assistance, Mayor Philip," I replied respectfully.

The mayor leaned back in his chair, his expression contemplative. "This arrangement serves both parties well. My daughter will receive a comprehensive education, and you both will gain valuable experiences. However, I must warn you, my daughter can be quite a handful."

Rudeus and I exchanged a glance, a shared understanding passing between us. The prospect of tutoring a spirited young lady presented both challenges and opportunities.

Mayor Philip chuckled, his demeanor lightening. "Nevertheless, I believe this experience will be a valuable one for all involved."

"We are committed to providing the best education we can offer," Rudeus assured him earnestly.

"Excellent. I am pleased to have you both on board," Mayor Philip concluded, his tone conveying a sense of finality. "With that settled, let us proceed to meet my daughter right away."

After our conversation, Mayor Philip led the way, prompting us to follow him through the hallway and head towards the room where we would finally meet the young lady of Roa.


When we arrived at the door of our destination, Mayor Philip paused and turned to us with a reassuring smile.

"My daughter can be a bit reserved at first, but I'm sure she'll warm up to you both," he said, his tone a mix of fatherly concern and pride.

Rudeus and I exchanged a glance, a mixture of nervousness and excitement bubbling within us. We were about to embark on a new chapter of our journey, one that involved shaping the education and growth of a young girl.

With a nod from Mayor Philip, he gently pushed the door open, allowing us to enter the room. The interior was tastefully decorated, adorned with elegant furnishings that spoke of the family's status.

"Oh, Eris, my dear. Your tutors are here," the mayor called out to his daughter.

At the center of the room, a young girl was standing, currently in the midst of being readied by maids. Her back was turned to us, and we could only catch glimpses of her delicate features and the fine fabrics of her attire.

The young lady, Eris, then turned to face us as we entered the room, her gaze curious and slightly guarded. Her striking red hair caught the light, framing her fiery crimson eyes.

"Good day, milady. My name is Rudeus Greyrat," my brother greeted with a polite bow, setting the tone for our meeting.

I followed suit, curtsying gracefully as I addressed her. "And I'm Reine Greyrat. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young lady."

In response to our greeting, Eris crossed her arms and raised her chin. She furrows her brows before responding to us with a fierce voice.

"What is this?! They're younger than me."

Rudeus and I exchanged a glance, slightly taken aback by her reaction. It seemed that Eris was not pleased with our presence or the fact that her tutors were younger than her.

Nevertheless, it's important to correct her while we still can. Thus, Rudeus spoke first, addressing the matter. "Milady, I don't think our age seems to be an issue here."

"Indeed, our qualifications and expertise are what matter most in this endeavor," I joined in, my tone gentle yet firm.

The young lady seems to be not pleased with us correcting her, so she snaps at us. "What?! Do you have a problem with me?!"

"Not particularly. But there are some things we can do that you can't, young lady," Rudeus tried to reason with her.

Then suddenly, while my brother was explaining, I noticed that she was approaching us and raised her hand.

Recognizing that gesture, I quickly stepped forward and grabbed her hand before she got the chance to slap Rudeus.

My grip was firm yet gentle, and I met her gaze with a calm yet determined expression. "Milady, it is unreasonable for someone like you to resort to such violence. We are here to assist and guide you, not to engage in conflicts."

Eris's fiery gaze met mine, and I could sense a mixture of surprise and defiance in her eyes. The tension in the room was palpable as we held each other's gaze, neither of us willing to back down.

After a tense moment, Eris finally pulled her hand away, her expression a mix of irritation and annoyance. "Hmph, don't think you can boss me around just because you're younger than me."

"Oh? So, that means you're willing to give us a chance to be your tutor?" I playfully inquired.

However, the lady furrows her eyebrows and gritted her teeth. I quickly realized that my playful tone might not be the most effective approach in this situation. It was clear that Eris was not easily swayed, and my attempt at humor had only added to her frustration.

"Not a chance!" she exclaimed as she turned and walked out of the room in a huff.

I shifted my attention to Rudeus and Mayor Philip. They both sighed in exasperation, a mixture of sympathy and amusement in their expressions.

"I apologize for her behavior. Eris has always been... passionate," Mayor Philip said, his tone a mix of fondness and resignation.

Rudeus chuckled softly. "It seems like we have quite the challenge ahead of us."

I nodded in agreement. "I know right, but challenges often lead to growth and valuable experiences. We'll do our best to convince her."

Mayor Philip offered us an understanding smile. "Thank you for your patience. I have faith that you both will make a solution to make my daughter study."

As we left the room, Rudeus and I exchanged another glance, a silent acknowledgment that our journey in Roa had just taken an unexpected turn.

The fiery-haired young lady, Eris, had made a strong impression on us, and we were determined to find a way to connect with her and provide her with the education she needed.

Red-haired Tsundere is here!!

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