
Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Lightning Flash

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Yuuki, a Japanese teenage girl who flees a life of torment and suffering, only to face a mysterious person before meeting a heartbreaking fate. However, destiny weaves a new thread as Yuuki awakens in a fantastical realm, reborn as an infant and now the twin sibling of Rudeus Greyrat. Experience this revitalized tale, a fresh rendition of the fanfiction "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Twin Sister of Rudeus Greyrat." The narrative delves into Yuuki's transformative role as the Lightning Flash, promising an enthralling exploration of her newfound existence.

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52 Chs

Learning Magic in Secret

Another six months have breezed by, and here I am, a year old now!

It's been quite the adventure, transforming from a perplexed baby to someone who's starting to piece things together in this intriguing world.

From my cozy crib to my explorations around the house, I've managed to pick up a few essential tidbits.

First things first, I've learned my full-blown name now. It is Reine Greyrat, which is like my personal magical incantation that conjures me into existence here.

And while we're on the subject of names, I've cracked the code on the important people who populate our little abode.

Father goes by the name of Paul Greyrat. He's the rugged, sword-swinging enthusiast who seems like he could probably take on a dragon.

Then there's mother, Zenith Greyrat. She's the real magic-wielder around here, conjuring up magic spells that leave me in awe.

And let's not forget about our ever-helpful and kind maid, Lilia. She's like the unsung hero of our household, always there with a reassuring smile and a bit of skepticism.

Oh, and our cozy haven is tucked away in the charming confines of Buena Village. It's like a picturesque painting with its rolling fields and majestic mountains cradling us in nature's embrace.

But the pièce de résistance of my growing skills? I can walk. Well, sort of. It's a work in progress, but I'm determined to get the hang of this whole upright movement thing.

Step by step, I'm making my mark in this world. And with each new stride, I'm getting closer to unraveling the mysteries that surround me.

So, watch out, world. Reine Greyrat is on the move!


One day, I noticed my brother walking up the stairs on his own, and it seemed like he had something interesting in mind.

Being the curious and adventurous toddler that I am, I decided to follow him up the stairs and see what he was up to.

Eventually, Rudeus went into a room that I remembered as the study room.

I peeked through the doorway, watching as he headed toward a big wooden chest against the wall. He was having a bit of trouble opening it, which wasn't surprising given our young age.

Feeling mischievous, I entered the room, making sure he didn't notice me at first. He struggled with the chest, and I couldn't help but giggle quietly at his determined yet slightly clumsy efforts.

When it seemed like he was getting frustrated, I decided to reveal myself. I walked forward and playfully said, "Boo!" He jumped in surprise, realizing he wasn't alone.

I burst into giggles at his reaction. He looked a bit flustered, maybe a little annoyed, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes too. It was like he was saying, "Well played, Reine."

With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I nudged him with my shoulder and pointed at the chest, silently asking if he needed help. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded with a small smile.

Together, we used our toddler strength and managed to open the chest.

Inside, there were lots of books that obviously belonged to our parents. Each book seemed to have its own stories and secrets within its pages.

My brother, Rudeus, picked up one of the books and handed it to me. I took it eagerly, my eyes lighting up with excitement.

It felt like a special moment, a small exchange between partners in our little adventure of exploring the world around us.

As I held the book, I grinned at my brother, silently saying thank you.

In that simple act of sharing and camaraderie, I felt a stronger connection between us, a bond that hinted at the many more adventures we would have together.

After receiving the book from Rudeus, I opened it and saw a bunch of text that seemed very difficult to understand.

What kind of language is this? It doesn't look like it's Japanese nor English. It is entirely different.

I looked at my brother and showed him the book. Even he didn't understand the text.

In that moment, he gestured for me to follow him, so I complied.

We went downstairs where mother and Lilia were in the kitchen. We approached them and showed them the book we were holding.

Mother giggled gently and gestured for us to sit at the dining table. She helped us onto very high chairs and took a seat in between us.

After that, she began to read the book, making unknown gibberish noises that I assumed to be the language used in the book.

I carefully studied every word mother spoke and analyzed its meaning. My brother also did the same, and the two of us slowly but surely learned the language.

It was a fascinating process. Every word that mother uttered carried a weight of meaning, and with each passing sentence, we began to grasp the structure and rhythm of this new language.

Mother would sometimes pause, looking at us with a warm smile, as if encouraging us to continue on this journey of discovery.

Lilia, our ever-present maid, observed with amusement, occasionally chiming in with her own explanations.

As the minutes turned into hours, our efforts began to pay off. The once indecipherable text started to reveal its secrets, and the language began to feel more familiar, like a puzzle falling into place.

By the time mother closed the book, we had made significant progress. It was as if a door had been unlocked, granting us access to a new realm of knowledge and understanding.

We exchanged excited glances, a silent acknowledgment of the achievement we had just unlocked together. Our world had expanded once again, and the bond between siblings had grown stronger.

From that day forward, my brother and I embarked on a linguistic adventure, eagerly devouring books and scrolls from our parents' collection. We stumbled, we laughed, and sometimes we even argued over the meanings of certain words.

But through it all, we were a team, partners in deciphering the mysteries of this enchanting language. It was a journey that not only broadened our horizons but also deepened our connection as siblings.

And as I looked at Rudeus, my partner in this thrilling exploration, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. Who knew that a simple book could lead to such a remarkable journey of discovery and camaraderie?

Our quest for knowledge had only just begun, and I was excited to see where it would take us next.


Several months whisked by, and let me tell you, Rudeus and I practically mastered that language thing. Our parents would regale us with tales from their room, and we'd soak up the knowledge like little sponges.

But, oh boy, let's chat about those nights. You know, the hours when the world is supposed to be slumbering? Well, turns out our dear parents have a whole other agenda after our bedtime stories.

Once they're done with their storytelling duty, it's like they've transformed into the stars of their own late-night show. And by show, I mean, let's just say there's some seriously passionate adult-level activity going on.

And here's the kicker – it's not a one-time thing.

Nope, it's like a nightly ritual or something. I mean, come on, don't they already have their hands full with two kids? Talk about being overachievers.

I swear, the walls of this house must be made of paper or something, because you can practically hear their, um, enthusiastic discussions echoing across the hallway.

Let me tell you, it's a real challenge trying to focus on a book while being serenaded by those, uh, distinctive sounds.

It's like a never-ending dilemma between wanting to cover your ears and hoping they'll wrap things up soon.

But enough about that, let's move on to other matters.

Since I've got the whole language thing down, my ever-curious brother and I found ourselves in the study room one morning, pondering our next move.

"Okay, brother, what's the plan?"

"I don't know. How about this one?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then his eyes landed on a particular book. He placed it on the floor, and I glanced over to see the title "Magic Guidebook" elegantly inscribed on the cover.

"Well, that's an intriguing choice."

Opening the book revealed a world of intricate diagrams, cryptic symbols, and captivating illustrations.

It felt like stepping into a realm where reality and imagination danced hand in hand. Those pages practically whispered promises of unlocking secrets and unveiling the enigma of magic.

As we flipped through the pages, we absorbed a wealth of knowledge.

First and foremost, we learned that magic requires an energy source – Mana – to manifest its effects in the tangible world.

The book also outlined two primary methods of spellcasting: incantations and magic circles.

Further exploration unveiled three distinct types of magic: attack, healing, and summoning.

With every turn of the page, my excitement grew. Magic – a realm of limitless possibilities waiting to be harnessed, a dimension where we could weave spells and summon wonders.

Each revelation fueled our fascination, transforming us into eager apprentices on the brink of deciphering an ancient manuscript.

"This is truly fascinating, isn't it, brother? Just imagine – casting spells, summoning creatures, shaping reality with our will."

"You're right. I can't wait to give it a try."

He stood up, clutching the book in his hands. Hold on, he's not actually planning to practice magic right here, is he?

"Wait a second, brother. Maybe we should take this outside?"

"Nah, I refuse. Besides, I'd rather keep it a secret from mother and father."

Hearing his response, I regarded him with a mixture of concern and bemusement.

"Brother, are you sure it's wise to dabble in magic indoors? What if things go haywire and our cozy little house turns into a magical carnival?"

He flashed me a confident grin.

"Don't worry, Reine. I've got this all figured out. Let's start with something safe... Like this spell."

He turned to a specific page, extended his hand, and began reciting an incantation.

"Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing burbling stream here and now. Water Ball."

As the incantation left his lips, a spherical ball of water materialized before him. I watched in awe as magic manifested right before my eyes.


The sight of that suspended water ball was nothing short of mesmerizing. I couldn't believe my eyes – my brother had conjured actual magic right here in our study room. A mixture of wonder and excitement danced in my gaze, my eyes widening in awe.

"Brother, that's incredible!"

"See? I knew it would work. Magic is quite something, isn't it?"

I nodded enthusiastically, my mind already racing with the new possibilities unfurling before us. It was so captivating that I felt an urge to try it out for myself.

"Absolutely! I can't wait to give it a go."

"Sure thing, Reine. Just pick a spell from the book and... Ah..."

Just as Rudeus was about to hand me the book, the water ball he had conjured suddenly slipped from his control, landing with a splash and creating a small puddle on the floor.

I couldn't resist a playful jab. "Oops, looks like someone made a little mess~" I teased, earning an exasperated look from my brother.

"Give me a break. Here, hold the book for a moment. I'll grab a cloth and clean this up." He handed me the book and quickly left the room, presumably in search of something to mop up the spill.

Watching him go, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Even in the midst of our magical escapades, his determined yet sometimes clumsy nature never failed to amuse me.

Left alone with the book in my hands, I decided to explore further, flipping through its pages to gaze at the various spells and incantations.

Each page held the promise of a different kind of magic, a new way to interact with and shape the world around me.

As I perused the contents, my mind began to wander, conjuring up visions of endless possibilities that magic could offer.

I imagined myself summoning gusts of wind, crafting intricate illusions, or perhaps even communicating with mystical creatures from realms beyond.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't immediately notice when Rudeus returned, cloth in hand and a slightly sheepish expression on his face.

"Alright, I've got the cleanup crew ready," he declared, crouching down to start wiping the wet floor.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, appreciating his lighthearted approach to the situation.

"You know, you could have just used magic to dry the floor, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I suppose I got a bit carried away. But honestly, it's more fun doing it this way, isn't it?"

With a smile, I nodded in agreement, still engrossed in the book that held the secrets of magic.

"Absolutely. So, what kind of spell should I try?"

"Hmm, let's see. Fire and earth might cause a bit too much havoc, especially indoors. Water is out of the question after our little mishap. I'd say wind magic might be the safest bet for now."

"That makes sense. Let's do that."

I turned to the page on wind magic and walked towards the window. Then I extended my arm and proceeded to chant.

"Let the boundless currents of air converge at my command. I evoke a tranquil zephyr, spiraling with newfound might. Wind Sphere."

I closed my eyes, focusing on the words and the mana flowing through me. As I opened my eyes, a small sphere of wind began to form before me, swirling gently in the air.

I couldn't help but grin at the sight, feeling a rush of exhilaration as I realized that I, too, was now wielding the power of magic.


The wind sphere I conjured swirled in the air before me, a visible result of the magic I had cast. It was amazing to see how my abilities could shape the world around me.

"Look at you, Reine, a natural magician already," Rudeus said with a smile as he finished cleaning up the water spill.

I chuckled, feeling proud and excited. "I guess all those stories and magical nights were worth it."

Rudeus grinned back, his eyes shining. "Definitely. But remember, magic is powerful and we need to be responsible when using it."

I nodded, understanding that magic was something to be careful with. It had the potential to do great things, but it also came with risks.

With a wave of my hand, I moved the wind sphere closer to Rudeus, who looked fascinated.

"So, what's next, brother?" I asked playfully, curious about our future adventures.

Rudeus leaned against the wall, looking thoughtful. "We could keep practicing the same spell. But we also need to be cautious. Not everyone in this place would accept us if they knew about our magic."

His words reminded me that our abilities were special and needed to be kept secret.

"Right, we'll be careful," I agreed, already thinking about how we could use our magic to help others.

Rudeus smiled, showing that he was proud of me. "We're in this together, Reine. Learning, practicing, and using our magic wisely. Agreed?"

I reached out my hand, shaking his with a smile. "Agreed."

Our handshake felt like a promise, a sign that we were united in this magical journey. As we left the study room, I felt excited for the adventures that awaited us, as siblings who shared both blood and magic.

Magic was now a part of our lives, a secret we would protect and use for good. And as we stepped out into the world, I knew that Rudeus and I would face whatever came our way, side by side.


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