
Mushoku tensei: Reincarnated 100 Years Before The Main Story

In "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated 100 Years Before The Main Story," we follow Edward, a young boy with memories of his past life in a modern world. Reborn in a time long before the main events of the beloved fantasy series Mushoku Tensei, Edward begins his new life as the child of simple farmers in the quaint village of Buina.

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Chapter 2: Reflections and Realizations

A couple of years had passed, and I was now four years old. I had started to accompany my father out to the fields, not to work in earnest, but to observe and help with simple tasks. My small hands were better suited for picking up stray stalks of wheat and carrying them to the cart than for wielding a scythe.

The early morning sun cast a golden hue over the fields, its warmth a gentle reminder of the new day. I stood beside my father, Thomas, as he prepared the tools for the day's work. Harvesting was hard labor, but it was an essential part of our lives. As we moved through the rows of crops, I found my mind drifting back to the peculiar reality I now inhabited.

Each stalk I picked up brought me a step closer to understanding the world I was born into. I had lived before, in a place where technology reigned supreme, where magic was confined to stories and screens. Yet, here I was, in a world that seemed to leap out of the pages of the books I once cherished. A world of swords and sorcery, of ancient legends and hidden powers. This was Mushoku Tensei, a world I knew intimately and yet found so alien.


The rhythmic sound of scythes cutting through the stalks was almost meditative. I glanced at my father, his strong frame bent over his work, moving with the ease of someone who had done this all his life. Thomas was a good man, simple and honest. He had no idea of the weight I carried, the knowledge of future events that loomed like a storm cloud on the horizon.

"Edward," he called, breaking my reverie. "Pay attention to your work, son. We need to gather enough for the coming weeks."

"Yes, Father," I replied, refocusing on the task at hand.

As I worked, I couldn't help but reflect on the memories of my past life. They were a jumbled mess, fragments of a time and place that seemed so distant now. The hustle and bustle of city life, the constant connectivity, the relentless pace—it was all gone. In its place was a serene village life, where the days were dictated by the rise and fall of the sun, where hard work was a necessity, not a choice.


The realization of my reincarnation into the world of Mushoku Tensei was a double-edged sword. On one hand, I had a second chance, an opportunity to live a life free from the regrets that had plagued me before. On the other, I was acutely aware of the events that would unfold, the challenges and dangers that lay ahead. Knowledge of the future was both a blessing and a curse.

I knew about the calamities that would strike, the wars that would rage, and the heroes and villains that would rise. Yet, this foreknowledge came with a heavy burden. Could I change the course of history? Should I even try? The butterfly effect weighed heavily on my mind. A single action could ripple through time, altering the world in ways I couldn't predict.


As I moved through the fields, my thoughts turned to the characters I once admired from afar. Rudeus Greyrat, the protagonist, would be born a century from now. He was destined to be a powerful mage, a key player in the events that would shape this world. What role would I play in his story? Would I be a mere spectator, or could I influence the outcome of his journey?

The village of Buina, our home, was a place of tranquility and simplicity. But beneath the surface, the currents of destiny flowed. I was part of this world now, not just as a passive observer, but as an active participant. The choices I made, the actions I took—they all mattered.

"Edward," my father's voice interrupted my musings again. "Stay focused, son. There's still much to do."

"Sorry, Father," I said, shaking off the lingering thoughts. "I'll work harder."

We continued harvesting in silence, the weight of my reflections settling in my mind. I had to be cautious, thoughtful in my actions. There was so much I didn't understand about this world, despite my prior knowledge. The intricacies of magic, the nuances of politics, the depth of relationships—all of it required careful navigation.


As the sun climbed higher, signaling midday, we paused for a break. Sitting under the shade of a large oak tree, I took a moment to absorb my surroundings. The beauty of this world was undeniable. The lush greenery, the vibrant life—it was all so different from the concrete and steel of my previous existence.

I turned to my father, watching as he took a long drink from his water flask. "Father," I began, hesitant at first, "do you ever wonder about the world beyond our village?"

Thomas looked at me, his expression thoughtful. "Of course, Edward. There's a vast world out there, full of wonders and dangers. But our place is here, tending to our land, taking care of our family."

His words resonated with me. My place was here now, in this village, with these people. But my destiny, it seemed, was intertwined with the greater events of this world. I had to find a balance, to honor my new life while navigating the complexities of the future.


The rest of the day passed in a blur of work and reflection. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the fields, I felt a sense of resolve solidify within me. I would embrace this second chance, learn all I could, and prepare for the challenges ahead. The journey would be long and uncertain, but I was ready to face it.

As we walked back to our home, the weight of my reflections settled into a quiet determination. I had a role to play in this world, a purpose that extended beyond mere survival. With each passing day, I would grow stronger, wiser, and more prepared for the trials that awaited.

This was my new life, my new beginning. And I would make the most of it, one step at a time.