
Mushoku Tensei Ralph

Just another JR fanfiction in WN

Roxy_Greyrat21 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

8-Birthday Party and Graduation

The two boys turned 5 years old.

They had a small party to celebrate their birthday. In this Kingdom, the ages 5th, 10th, and 15th were customary to give gifts. With this world's high mortality rate those ages were considered a milestone, and then you're considered to be an adult when you turn 15.

The house had a festive mood. There were various luxurious dishes on the table usually not seen in such a poor house.

Paul gave Rudeus a wooden sword used for practice. And Ralph was given a real sword. What a good father he is, giving his sons weapons for killing.

"Son, a man must always carry a sword within his heart. In order to protect what's important to you, you..."

Paul started a long rambling stream of advice until Zenith told him off by telling him, "Too long!"

Next Zenith gave a book of herbology to Rudeus. For Ralph he was given a pair of leather boots.

"Gosh, this feels really comfortable. Thank you very much, Mom!"

"Thank you, Mother! I wanted something just like this!"

Zenith felt really warm and hot swirling in her chest seeing her sons very happy with her gifts. She hugged them into her bosom tightly.

It was Roxy's turn. Rudeus and Ralph were given a magic wand. "I crafted it yesterday, it completely slipped my mind, since Rudeus has been using magic this whole time. A master is supposed to create a rod or wand for a pupil who can use elementary magic. My apologies for forgetting."

"Thank you master, I'll take good care of it!" Rudeus thanked her. But with Rudeus her master, her face turned grim.

Ralph turned and smiled sheepishly, "Thanks Roxy. I might not be as good as Rudy, but I guess I'm also a mage huh."

For two years, Ralph knew more than anyone else about the difference of talent between him and Rudeus. Ralph was only able to cast spells at Elementary ranked, except for Healing magic. Meanwhile Rudeus already mastered Advanced ranked spells.


The next day.

Ralph continued his own training doing his practice swings. This time it was rare since Paul wasn't there with him. It's because this will be the first time Rudeus would be taught with the basic forms.

"Take a step forward, like hngh, and then fwam!"

"Like this?"

"No, you dolt! That was a step forward like hmph, and then a wham! I said hngh and then fwam! Stay lighter on your feet!"

And Paul wasn't exactly the type to teach anyone. It was a miracle Ralph could even reach Advanced rank with a teacher like him.

In this world there are three main schools of swordplay. The Sword God Style, Water God Style, and North God Style. Ralph was already undergoing the Advanced rank training in both Sword God Style and Water God Style.

In the Advanced rank course, the practitioner would have to grasp the forms and techniques with Battle Aura. With Battle Aura, warriors could perform superhuman feats using the sword techniques. Ralph already was practicing these forms and techniques for two years now. And with his extensive sparring matches with Paul, his combat experience was already refined like a veteran.

Ralph is watching his brother clumsily swinging his sword. He chuckled at how silly Rudeus looked while getting lectured by Paul. "Pfft... hahaha.."

He shook his head and continued his practice swings. Right now his Battle Aura coated with a thick layer to every millimeter of his body. By manipulating it and extends the coating to the weapon, you could reinforce the weapon's durability and attack power. It's even capable of clashing head on with magic spells.

Ralph's mind entered a state of void. His eyes showed an undescribable glint as he continues to practice.


Ralph already stopped his magic lessons with Roxy after mastering the Advanced ranked magic spells. Only Rudeus furthered his studies by taking the melded magic course.

Months later was the schedule for the Graduation.

Rudeus had to cast a Water Saint rank magic spell. So they'll have to leave the village to prevent collateral damage.

"Guess today marks the day of the prodigy stepping up in life huh." Ralph was grinning.

Though Rudeus didn't seem to be looking forward to it. He looked really uneasy.

Noticing Rudeus' reaction, Ralph wondered and asked him, "Hey, what are you spacing out for?"

"Eh, but it's not even determined if I'll even pass." Rudeus said.

"And besides... I can't even leave the house on my own..." he muttered, though Ralph doesn't seem to hear him.

"Hmph, don't be such a wuss. I know you'll be fine." Ralph said. He was also Roxy's student in magic, so Ralph knew more than anyone about the amount of effort he did to get that amount of skill.

"Raaaaaalllph~ Ruuudyy~ Get down and have your meal~" Zenith's voice coming from downstairs calling for them.

"Hurry and get up already. Mother's calling us for breakfast." Ralph said and left.

Rudeus groaned and picked himself up from the bed following Ralph behind.


Right after their meals, Roxy and Rudeus went to prepare for their leave. Roxy held on the reins of the Greyrat's horse, Caravaggio.

With Roxy carrying the little Rudeus on the horse's saddle, they left the house.

Meanwhile Ralph and Paul was left in the house together.

"Oh, that's right. Father, I'm already thinking of taking it easy from now on too. Could I also get a graduation?" Ralph sneered.

"What's this, you think you could already beat your old man? You're still 10 years too far for that kid." Paul said with a proud grin on his face.

"Let's see if this kid could beat your ass this time."

When Ralph said that, he already dashed straight towards Paul with his sword.

Paul reacted and defended himself and blocked.

A fast series of exchange between swordsmen happened to the two. Their practice swords moved towards each other with the intent of taking them down.

With a Headon clash of their swords, a shockwave coming from their clash exploded separating in between. Paul backed by three steps, and Ralph made a small leap.

"You little... I didn't know you'd grow this much. But if that's all you've got, then you're still not good enough!"

"Heh, you overestimate yourself father!"

With that Ralph moved so fast, Paul was barely able to catch him with his eyes. An attack came from the side barely grazing Paul.

In the next moment when Paul thought of counterattacking, he suddenly felt something hit his wrists.


It didn't just stop there. His knees, stomach, shoulder, foot were all hit all the same.

Paul couldn't even react.

When Paul opened his eyes what caught his eyes was the tip of the wooden sword pointed to his neck.

"I win, father."