
Mushoku Impact

A failed game developer/avid gacha player dies and reincarnates as Paul Notos Greyrat in the world of Mushoku Tensei. Everything appears normal at first, but things change rather drastically on the eve of his 5th birthday...

Einlion · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs


Though he couldn't resist the urge to reach up and grope Varuna's chest, Paul asked, "Aren't we supposed to be having brunch in thirty minutes? I don't mind getting straight to the point, but I don't want to keep Barbara waiting longer than she has to..."

Maintaining a calm disposition, despite the fact Paul was groping her, Varuna replied, "I asked you here in advance to inform you that Barbara has invited her 'friends' to accompany us. If it's Master, I'm certain you have at least some idea of who I'm referring to...?"

Raising his brows, Paul guessed, "Is it Zenith...?" with a hint of disbelief in his tone. He knew she and Barbara had become fairly close, but he didn't expect her to invite 'outsiders' to their reunion.

Adopting a faint smile, Varuna mused, "As expected of my Master..." before regaining her usual cold demeanor and adding, "However, you're short one person. Therese Latreia, the fourth daughter of House Latreia, will also be attending."

"Seriously...?" asked Paul. He knew Barbara had befriended more than just Zenith, but Therese should only be around ten years old, barely in her first year at the Holy Milis Academy for Girls. It made sense if she was tagging along with her older sister, but Paul's intuition told him there was a deeper meaning behind her attendance.

Seeing through Paul's thoughts, Varuna narrowed her eyes and mused, "Master's fame has spread far beyond the borders of the Asura Kingdom. There are many from your generation who look up to you, even in a place like this."


Recalling that his current body was barely fifteen, a wry smile developed across Paul's face. Those older than him regarded him as a monster that jeopardized the current order, but those younger than him viewed him as a kind of idol, someone to admire or surpass.

Nodding her head, Varuna said, "It's slow and gradual, but many already view you as a force for change, a beacon of hope that promises a brighter future. There will be those who seek to suppress you, but so long as you endure, countless others will flock to your side. That's how revolutions are wrought."

Seeing the 'seriousness' in Varuna's gaze, Paul released his hold on her nipples, a somewhat cheeky smile developing across his face as he said, "Then you should probably get changed. After all, I'm not the only one those girls look up to..."

Nodding her head a second time, Varuna replied, "Master is correct. However, as it has been some time since our last encounter, there is something I must do before that..."

Following her words, Varuna kneeled before Paul and began unfastening his belt. Her body hungered for greater intimacy, but penetration was far from the only way to quell her desires...at least for a short while...




With Varuna saying she would join near the end of the brunch, Paul made his way through the scenic courtyard of the Fontaine Estate, escorted by the taciturn Persha.

Stopping just as an ornate blue and white gazebo came into view, Persha pulled out a silvery bell and stated, "You will find Lady Fontaine's guests up ahead. If you require our services, please ring this bell."

Accepting the bell, Paul pocketed it and thanked Persha for guiding him before making his way over to the bevy of blondes observing his gradual approach. Noelle was presumably preparing tea and snacks, so everyone present, excluding Paul, had golden or strawberry blonde hair.

Expecting Barbara to come rushing at him, Paul was somewhat surprised when she simply rose to her feet alongside the other girls, smiling at him as he approached. Her appearance hadn't changed much since their last encounter, but her disposition had become noticeably noble and refined. There was a discernible 'hunger' in her eyes, but she managed to conceal it well with a practiced smile and perfect posture.

Interrupting the somewhat tense atmosphere, Klee bounced out of her chair, shouting, "Big brother~!" before rushing over and leaping into his embrace.

Catching the petite blonde out of the air, Paul asked, "Have you been behaving?" while Klee enthusiastically rubbed her cheek against his. In response, Klee momentarily ceased her over-affectionate actions and replied, "Of course! Klee made a promise, so she's been super good~!" with crossed arms and a fairly proud look on her face.

Nodding his head in approval, Paul pinched the diminutive elfette's cheek and said, "Keep it up, and I'll be sure to reward you once we return to the Inn."

Cupping her cheeks, Klee responded with a bashful, "Ehehehehe~" while Paul carried her back to the gazebo. There, he returned her to her chair before focusing his gaze on Barbara, smiling as he said, "It's been far too long..."

Though she did her best to maintain her ladylike appearance, Barbara's smile grew to its limits as an aura of giddiness gradually exuded from her body. She managed to avoid an outburst, but her voice bore an undertone of glee as she replied, "It really has been."

In an effort to prevent herself from squealing in delight, Barbara promptly shifted her attention to the two girls wearing the same uniform as herself, a fairly buxom blonde who appeared to be in her late teens and a visually similar girl on the threshold of pubescence. The two were clearly sisters, but the older girl exuded the air of a proper young lady, while the younger sibling gave the distinct impression of a tomboy.

Gesturing toward Paul, Barbara beamed as she said, "Zenith, Theresa, allow me to introduce you to Paul Greyrat, the Asura King's Greatsword. I'm sure you've heard of him~?"

Hearing Barbara's introduction, Zenith's and Theresa's eyes widened to varying degrees. The former managed to maintain her bearing, but the latter practically exploded, exclaiming, "Is that true!? Are you really 'the' Paul Greyrat...!?"

Nodding his head, Paul offered a relaxed smile as he replied, "Indeed. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances, Zenith and Theresa."

Balling her hands and raising them into a guts pose, Theresa's cerulean blue eyes sparkled as she said, "Incredible! You must teach me how you became so strong!"

Before Paul could offer a response, Zenith adopted a gently chastizing expression and tone as she said, "That's quite enough, Theresa. It's not polite to pester someone you've only recently become acquainted with."

Shaking his head, Paul supplanted, "It's fine. I'm not overly concerned with things like manners. Feel free to speak casually and question me at your leisure. So long as it doesn't turn into an interrogation, I don't mind assuaging your curiosities."

Piggybacking off of Paul's words, Barbara issued a soft giggle before stating, "Paul is a passionate but reasonable person. You need not be fearful of inadvertently offending him."

Adopting a slightly awkward smile, Zenith replied, "I see..." before asking the question at the forefront of her mind, specifically, "How is it that you came to be acquainted with Sir Paul, Barbara? Don't tell me he's the one you were referring to when..."

Understanding what Zenith was referring to, a faint but noticeable blush spread through Barbara's cheeks. It was well-known among the girls in the academy that she was affianced, but not even the Latreia sisters were privy to her future husband's identity.

Nodding her head, Barbara admitted, "Paul and I have vowed to love and protect one another for the rest of our lives..."

Discarding her ladylike demeanor, Zenith brought her hands together and exclaimed, "Oh my!" in a girlish tone. Gossip was strictly prohibited within the convent, but what young girl wasn't enamored with stories of love and romance? Before they were married off to strengthen their families, even the daughters of Nobles had hopes and dreams.

Pouring a bit of cold water on the conversation, Jean stated, "Please keep in mind that the relationship between Paul and Barbara is a secret. I want to believe in your friendship, but recent events have placed your family at odds with our Master. If the Order of the Temple learned you were friends with one of their enemies, they would attempt to exploit your relationship to their advantage."

Though rumors of Paul's exploits within the White Palace had permeated the entirety of Milishion, Jean's warning caught Zenith and Theresa a little off guard. Their family was political-minded, meaning they pandered to all three factions, but their most prominent association was with the Order of the Temple. It wasn't difficult to imagine their parents instructing them to betray their friend if it meant improving their standing. After all, they were already being pressured to use their relationship with Barbara to get close to Lady Fontaine...

Understanding the severity of the situation, Zenith adopted a serious expression and said, "I swear to Saint Milis. I will not disclose Barbara's and Sir Paul's relationship to anyone..."

Seeing her elder sister make a vow, Theresa felt compelled to do the same. Before she could, Paul shook his head and said, "It's not that big a deal. It might have been a few years ago, but things have changed pretty drastically since then. If anything, you should use your relationship with Barbara to ensure your family doesn't force you to do anything you don't want to."

Shifting his gaze to Barbara, Paul surprised her by adding, "You also shouldn't feel obligated to remain in Milishion. I won't stop you if you wish to stay and protect your friends, but I'd prefer having you at my side..."

Blushing up to her ears, Barbara pressed her hands to her chest, her heart beating madly within. She was originally planning to stay in Milishion until they had secured a foothold, but there was only so much she could do as a student. Most of her standing came from Varuna's backing, so the only reason she had to stay was her friendship with the Latreia sisters.

As fond as she was of Zenith, Angelica, and Theresa, Barbara's love for Paul was much greater. Thus, before her mind even had time to process the pros and cons of her decision, she enthusiastically replied, "If that's what my future husband wants, then of course I'll return to your side~!"

Though he was somewhat taken aback by Barbara's sudden vigor, Paul couldn't help smiling. He felt sorry for Zenith and Theresa, but while he felt obligated to ensure their safety and happiness, he couldn't put them before those he truly cared about.

Reinserting herself into the conversation, Therese exclaimed, "Wait! Does this mean sister Barbara's going to leave!? But what about becoming Holy Knights together...!?"

Temporarily restraining her excitement, Barbara turned to Therese and said, "I'm sorry, Therese, but my heart has always been with Paul. If he says he needs me, I must be at his side."

Demonstrating her lack of maturity, Therese began to tear up as she slammed her hands on the table, exclaiming, "It's not fair! Weren't we going to work our way up the ranks and fix the church from the inside!? We need you just as much as he does...!"

Seeing the hurt in Therese's eyes, a pang of guilt permeated Barbara's chest. She felt as though she had betrayed the young girl's trust, but her desire to accompany Paul was much stronger. He hadn't exactly said he 'needed' her, but that was how she interpreted his words. With that being the case, there was no way she could remain in Milishion.

Sparing Barbara the need to make excuses, Zenith abruptly hugged her little sister, her voice gentle and soothing as she said, "It's going to be okay, Therese. We've known for a long time that Barbara was engaged. It's clear she loves her fiance very dearly, so, as her friends, we should support her decision and pray for her happiness..."

Shifting her attention to the others seated around the table, Zenith briefly exchanged glances with Jean before meeting Barbara's remorse-filled gaze as she repeated words the latter had said to her many times in the past, "After all, the most important thing in life is to follow your heart and do what makes you happy..."




(A/N: Zenith is very mature for a thirteen-year-old...)