
Mushoku Impact

A failed game developer/avid gacha player dies and reincarnates as Paul Notos Greyrat in the world of Mushoku Tensei. Everything appears normal at first, but things change rather drastically on the eve of his 5th birthday...

Einlion · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Heartfelt Desires

Following a seven-hour 'session,' Paul and Varuna were relaxing in a large tub when the latter noted, "You seem distracted. Is something troubling you?"

With Varuna straddling him and staring directly into his eyes, Paul didn't beat around the bush, answering, "Yes, though it isn't anything serious. I was just thinking about my homecoming. I wasn't particularly close with my kids, but I can't help worrying about them..."

Though he still had misgivings about his son being a reincarnated otaku, Paul chose to believe in Aiden. More to the point, he believed in the man Aiden or, more accurately, Rudeus had become in the original Mushoku Tensei. He may have been an incorrigible pervert, but he was still a good person who cared about his family, friends, and loved ones to the point of fighting against the world's strongest entities to protect them.

Adopting a faint smile, Varuna's tone was uncharacteristically soft as she said, "You shouldn't worry too much. If Aiden is who we believe him to be, he must have a powerful fate. His proficiency with Earth, Water, and Spirit Magic is a testament to that fact."

Nodding his head, Paul adopted a faint smile of his own as he replied, "I know. That's why I said it wasn't anything serious. If anything, I'm more concerned about our father-son relationship than the trials he's bound to face. I'm not exactly a great father figure..."

Shaking her head, Varuna became serious as she asserted, "You're wrong. There's more to being a parent than constant vigilance and oversight. You may not have been there from the moment of their birth, but you've gone to great lengths to ensure they are protected and able to pursue a path of their choosing. In this world, that makes you exceptional..."

Punctuating her words, Varuna linked her arms around Paul's shoulders and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. She held the 'old-fashioned' belief that mothers were primarily responsible for rearing children, so she didn't believe Paul had done anything wrong. To that end, she harbored a deep appreciation for Paul's mother and a fair amount of disdain for Reida...




As it would have been suspicious for them to stay the night, Paul, Jean, Klee, and Noelle departed the Fontaine Estate around 9:40 PM. By then, Klee could barely keep her eyes open, so Paul held her in a koala hold, gently caressing her back as Varuna's carriage ferried them back to the Inn.

Catching Paul a little off guard, Jean broke a fairly lengthy silence by saying, "I wanted to apologize and thank you. In hindsight, I realized my words complicated matters unnecessarily. I-"

Shaking his head, Paul's expression and tone were soft as he said, "It's fine. I would never rebuke you for being true to yourself. I will, however, accept your gratitude. Just not right now."

Seeing Paul punctuate his words with a wink, a faint but noticeable blush spread through Jean's cheeks. It appeared she wouldn't be getting much sleep that evening...




With little else to discuss, Paul, Jean, and Noelle sat in silence the rest of the way to the Inn. Most of the girls had gone to sleep, but Ganyu, Ei, and Yae were still awake, gathered around the hearth on night watch.

Waiting near the room's entrance, Ganyu, wearing her characteristically sleepy smile, offered a slight bow before saying, "Welcome back, Master. Did you enjoy your visit to the Fontaine Estate?"

Interjecting before Paul could respond, Yae teased, "You're back early. Did you miss us~?"

Without missing a beat, Paul responded, "I would be lying if I said I didn't." before handing Klee over to Ganyu. She immediately understood his intentions, so after a brief exchange of glances, she dutifully carried Klee off to her room while Paul made his way over to the hearth, taking a seat in a high-backed leather chair.

"Does Master still require my services?" asked Noelle.

Though he was tempted to accept, Paul shook his head, answering, "Get some rest. I'll more than likely have you accompany me tomorrow, so take it easy tonight."

Bowing her head, Noelle replied, "Understood." before rising to her full height and adding, "Good night, Master."

With Noelle promptly departing the room, Yae didn't hesitate to tease, "Is it just me, or did she seem disappointed~?"

Instead of responding to Yae's teasing, Paul gave his left thigh a few light slaps, indicating where Jean should plant her pert and perfectly sculpted posterior. The presence of Yae and Ei made her feel a little apprehensive, but she eventually sat down and made herself comfortable by leaning into his chest.

Planting his hand on Jean's left ass cheek, Paul allowed it to rest there as he surprised everyone by asking, "Are the three of you happy with the way things are? And even if you are, is there anything I could be doing to make you happier...?"

Reacting almost immediately, Ei adopted a resolute look as she replied, "I am perfectly content with the current state of affairs. I greatly anticipate the day our mission reaches its conclusion, but I no longer feel the same sense of urgency I had when I was first summoned."

Piggybacking off of Ei's words, Yae added, "I'm also fairly content with the way things are. If there's anything I would change, it would be our constant traipsing about. I'm not against traveling, but I prefer to stay in one place. Once we settle down, I plan to open a publishing house like the one I had back in Inazuma."

Nodding his head in approval, Paul remarked, "This world would certainly benefit from having more books," before shifting his attention to Jean. She had yet to respond, so he was curious to hear what she had to say.

Feeling as though she had been put on the spot, an embarrassed smile developed across Jean's face as she replied, "Long ago, I used to think the most important thing was completing our mission. I was willing to do whatever it took to that end, but my thoughts have since changed. Seeing you work so hard to ease our burdens..."

Unable to properly convey her feelings, Jean's words gradually trailed off as her complexion reddened. Nearly ten years prior, she was prepared to 'force' herself to fall in love with Paul. Now, after watching him grow and getting to know the type of man he was, she genuinely couldn't imagine a life without him.

Sparring Jean the need to explain herself, Paul began moving the hand he had resting on her bottom, his eyes narrowed into a smoldering look as he whispered, "You're so fucking adorable..."

Swallowing hard, Jean averted her eyes and muttered, "Language..." in a nearly inaudible tone. This gave Paul an overwhelming urge to tease her, but he was forestalled by Yae musing, "Ah, to be young~" with a distinctly vulpine smile.

Meeting the mischievous pinkette's gaze, Paul ceased beating around the bush, revealing, "Jean and I will be retiring to my room shortly. Would the two of you like to join us?"

Speaking for herself and Ei, Yae narrowed her electro-purple eyes and teased, "You little scoundrel. Are you asking us to neglect our duty to play around~?"

Without waiting for Paul to respond, Yae intentionally wiggled her droopy, fox-like ears and added, "Sounds like fun~" in a sultry tone. Then, pulling Ei's hand, she rose from the sofa she was lounging on and scampered out of the room in advance. Paul and Jean followed soon after, but not before meeting each other's gaze and sharing a chaste but lasting kiss...




Feeling a familiar sensation enveloping his dick, Paul opened his eyes to find Yae in the midst of relieving his morning wood. She could barely take in more than half his total length due to the angle, but the weak electro-energy she infused into her tongue caused Paul's toes to curl as shivers spread through his body.


Noticing Paul's reaction, Yae ceased sucking him off and gazed up at him with her characteristically vulpine smile, her lips close enough to tickle his glans as she playfully mused, "Good afternoon, sleepyhead. Tell me, were you having a pleasant dream~?"

After a moment of pause, Paul extended his hand to caress Yae's silky smooth and somewhat fluffy hair as he replied, "I prefer the reality I just woke up to..."

Narrowing her eyes into a squint, Yae gave the tip of Paul's dick a quick lick before remarking, "That was the correct answer..." Then, instead of continuing her blowjob, she sat up and positioned herself so that Paul's shaft was sandwiched between her steamy vulva.

Catching Paul a little off guard, Yae said, "I was thinking about what you said last night. You know, the whole asking us what you could do to make us happier?"

Though alarms began sounding in his mind, Paul's previously ravenous expression gave way to a calm yet serious countenance as he said, "Go on..." while staring directly into Yae's eyes.

Maintaining her vulpine smile, Yae caressed Paul's muscular chest with the nail of her index finger as she whispered, "Look at you...so serious..."

Preempting Paul's response, Yae gave him a shallow cut as she revealed, "Sorry to disappoint, but I have no interest in becoming a mother just yet. What I want is for you to take better care of Ei. She isn't like Venti, Varuna, and Murata. She isn't going to demand your attention, so you have to give it to her of your own accord. Can you do that for me...?"

Sliding her hips forward so that the tip of Paul's cock was nestled near the entrance of her pussy, Yae waited for him to open his mouth before adjusting her position and accepting his full length in a single motion. She already knew how he would respond, so she began rocking her hips with the finesse of a dancer as she said, "Actions speak louder than words..."

Demonstrating her point, Yae placed her hands against Paul's abdomen and started raising and lowering her hips with vigor. She usually left the more intensive movements to Paul, but that didn't mean she couldn't go on the offensive. Rather, since it was just the two of them, Yae felt like giving Paul a taste of her 'true' self...

Responding to her intentions, Yae's electro-purple eyes began to glow as five tails unfurled behind her. She maintained her human appearance, but her features became sharper and more vulpine as the nails on her fingers and toes elongated. A sakura pink hue framed her eyes, but the change that caught Paul's attention was her ivory white canines, reminiscent of a vampire's fangs.

Though she was slowed by the weight and undulation of her tails, Yae's movements gained an extra 'oomph' that was greatly appreciated by Paul. He could have done without her nails digging into his chest and abdomen, but it wasn't the first time he had sustained an injury during sex. Atofe had outright shattered his pelvis during a particularly intense session, so Paul just grinned, supported Yae's waist, and matched her movements.

Feeling it a lot more than usual, Yae was about to kick things up a notch when the door to Paul's room abruptly blasted open. She and Paul were so focused on the moment that they had completely lowered their guards. Fortunately, they managed to avoid the worst-case scenario as the person who burst into the room was Diona, exclaiming, "We sent you to wake him up, not fool around! Now hurry up and get dressed! Everyone's waiting so we can eat lunch together...!"

Without waiting for the duo to respond, Diona issued an indignant 'hmph!' before leaving the room and slamming the door behind her. In her wake, an awkward atmosphere began to permeate the room, but it was quickly dashed as Yae met Paul's gaze and mused, "Looks like we need to speed things up..." before clamping down on his cock like a vice...




(A/N: Yae has a wild side O w O...)