

dog shit grammar, and im writing on my goddamn phone. also this is a danmachi fanfic.

Destroyer_of_69 · Anime & Comics
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well hello there,

great weather we're having today. it's nice and sunny, the cloud seems to be happy and the wind feels great.

oh, and the trees and grass are happily dancing. the world seems to be in a bright mood today.





hey, have you ever thought, you know of what's gonna happen next if you die. well what am i saying of course every human being at some point of their lives thought of this idea.

but seriously, what do you really think of what's gonna happen next. is there really heaven and hell or will it just be plain darkness, or you'll be reincarnated as a some sort of animal.

oh ohI know, maybe you'll be sent into a new and foreign world. haha quite an absurd idea,

because there's no way that this can happen.

Or is it.

haha jokes aside I am quite tired from all this thinking, I think I'll go in a little nap. so see you

later nice stranger.


this is the last thought of Alexander before he died after getting hit by a truck.

/unknown pov\

A man can be seen sitting on a desk with a lot of documents, and a weird looking device

right besides him.

the desk that the man is currently sitting on, is in the middle of a white and possibly infinite hallway. the walls of this hallway has countless different doors on it.

now the man's appearance is quiet handsome

he has defined and sharp jaw, big round eyes and the man is wearing glasses. and is also smoking a cigarette.

"next" after the man said this words, a white ball roughly the same size of the mans head suddenly appeared right infront of his desk.

the man then pick up one of the document on his desk and read it.


Name: Alexander


jobs:office worker

hobbies:anime, reading, origami

likes: anime, reading, dogs, cats and origami folding

dislike: his current job, dogs and cats getting hurt

current mind state: depressed


the man then put his hand over his chin

seemingly thinking something.

the man remain motionless for 5 minutes,

the man then remove his hand on his chin, and grab his fountain pen and write something in Alexander's document.

after writing for about 3 whole minutes,

the man then wave his hand to the left. the mans action seems to open one of the doors on his left side.

after the door opened a purple portal can be seen inside it. then the white ball suddenly got sucked inside portal, and then the portal made a weird sound.

the door closed, and then the man opens his mouth and said "may you find your worth in that new world"
