
Muse of Victor Vincent

The old love story of a muse and a sick nobleman. Will the muse become a bird with wings flying freely or become an angel with broken wings? Please look forward to reading it~ Note: The story borrows inspiration from feudal, Western, and classical times. I'm just writing for fun, so everyone just relaxes and enjoy it~

ThienHa · Urban
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Marriage is like hell

- A bitch like you should rest on your laurels and earn money for me to drink.

A man's gruff, high-volume voice that make others feel shrill and hostile echo in a small house. The man has a tall but weak body, his face is pale-yellow and ugly, and his eyes are what made people feel disgusted. It is these eyes that made his face, already pale-yellow from alcohol, become even more distorted and disgusting. His eyes are full of darkness and death, lifeless like a corpse, but also fill with madness and violence as he looks at his wife kneeling in front of him.

The woman is just 25 years old, the most beautiful and brilliant age, but she is devastated and withered. Her whole body is covered with wounds but is hidden by a long white dress, her face is covered with bruises, and one eye is purple. Her white feet are swollen from the pain and bitter cold of winter. She bows her head, her hands trying to hug her body to protect herself from her demon-like husband.

- I... I will try to earn money... Please don't sell me... to those people... Please Clement...

The woman, regardless of her body being in pain from the wounds, crawl to hold the hem of her husband's pants and beg. Once she is sold to those people, life will be hell. These bastards specialize in trading slaves, children and women to the nobility. Slaves were brutally tortured and beaten beyond human form, sold to nobles and could only work until death for the rest of their lives, without rest. 

As for children and women, the outcome is more tragic. Children are better off than women. Children sold to nobles could become servants for their young masters, playmates, or even more, become toys for their children. 

The fate of women is more horrifying, they are like sex toys sold to many people, beautiful girls who are still innocent and virginal will be sold to aristocrats as tools to release lust or become concubines. If they are sold to people with sick hobbies and torture, there is only death ahead.

She had many times witnessed those young girls with their bodies ravaged and covered in wounds being dragged mercilessly on the road. Semen was still continuously flowing from their bodies, their painful, lifeless and dumbfounded faces made her feel extremely sad. She wonders why the fate of women was so ironic and painful?

- I heard that Vincent's noble family is recruiting a nanny to take care of their precious son who is living in a vegetative state. Go there and apply for the job, Victoria. I heard they will pay someone very well who takes good care of their son while they go to the next city to do business for a few months.

The husband narrows his eyes, he wants to extract all the value that this whore can bring to him. A wife should provide money and obey her husband obediently. He laughs loudly when thinking about the huge amount of money he is about to get to entertain friends, gamble and drink. He rubs his stubbly chin and grabs Victoria's bun, making it fall loose. He looks at his wife's face, which was full of wounds but still very beautiful and could not hide that beauty.

- I plan to sell your virgin body to those people for a big profit. But it seems I can take a longer route. You will seduce the Vincent family's son, making him marry you as his mistress or concubine. 

He pauses for a moment then continues, his hands holding tight his wife's hair, his voice growling like a demon in human form:

- I don't care, just use your body to please him so he can pay a lot of money. Then you have to give me the money. You definitely don't want to disappoint me, right, sweetheart?

Victoria looks at her husband in shock, as if she can't believe those words came out of the mouth of the person who had promised to love and care for her when they were still lover. It turns out that he hadn't touched her in a year because he was planning to sell her to those traffickers for money. She feels like both her soul and body are in unspeakable pain, a pain that seemed to want to pierce her heart.

- Y... Yes, husband... 

She bitterly bit her lip until it bleeds and nod in agreement, because she knows that if she don't save herself, no one will save her. Accepting to listen to him is better than being sold to those traffickers and becoming nothing more than a sex toy. In this society, a woman is too small to protest against men and this damn class is like a knife hold close to the necks of women.

First time writing a story, if there are any mistakes, please forgive me.

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