
Muse of the Dragon Rider

This is the tale of Lily, a young child from a tiny town who was unexplainably transported to a continent where a prominent academy summoned a gifted magus—selected by a dragon egg to be its rider—every year. Lily begins a journey of magical education and training within the walls of this institution, eventually developing into an overpowered force in the world of magic and dragons. Lily is a powerful dragon rider herself, but why does she being called "Muse of the Dragon Rider"? Author's Note: This novel will be updated daily. Add to your collection so you will be notified. Thanks for reading! :)

Koko_Palibino · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Academy's Enrollment

Lily embarked on a journey across a stone bridge while holding Amaria's hand. The bridge was surrounded by the enchanting glow of crystal lamps suspended on either side. These lamps illuminated the entrance to the prestigious academy, which was separated from the vast expanse below by a majestic waterfall. 

As Lily approached, a colossal castle stood proudly, its grandeur accentuated by the presence of a silver-armored dragon that had gracefully landed on top, looking at the people walking inside the academy. Lily couldn't help but admire how majestic it was, only seeing its golden eyes. 

Standing guard at the gate were two knights adorned in silver armor, each wielding a spear. 

The air within the academy resonated with a captivating melody that seemed to emanate from every corner. It was as if an enchanting orchestra had composed a symphony of magical tones, captivating the hearts of all who had the privilege of hearing it. 

As they ventured further, they found themselves standing at the center of the academy, where a grand stage awaited. The people seated upon it dressed in white robes with golden lining, on the stage commanded attention and respect. 

Colorful flags fluttered proudly from the sides, representing the symbols of the magic within the academy. The open expanse before them was vast, capable of accommodating millions of students and their accompanying guardians, all eager to partake in the wonders that awaited them.

The music suddenly ceased, capturing the attention of all who were present. All eyes turned towards a distinguished lady in her fifties–in a flowing white robe with intricate golden lining. A magnificent golden crystal adorned the center of her robe, glistening with an otherworldly radiance. Adjusting her glasses, she surveyed the vast crowd before her.

With a voice that resonated through every corner of the academy, she began her speech, "Welcome, one and all! It is with immense pleasure and excitement that I stand before you today as the headmistress of the esteemed Dragonscale Academy. As you embark on this extraordinary journey of knowledge and discovery, I assure you that you have chosen a path that will shape your future in ways beyond your wildest imagination!"

The silence was palpable as the headmistress's words hung in the air. Every individual present was captivated, their attention solely focused on the words that flowed from her lips.

"Our school stands as a beacon of excellence, where the realms of magic and academia intertwine to create an environment like no other. Here, you will not only learn the intricacies of spells and potions but also cultivate the values of integrity, perseverance, compassion, and becoming an excellent dragon rider. Our dedicated faculty members and guardians are committed to nurturing your talents and guiding you towards becoming the best versions of yourselves." 

As Lily surveyed her surroundings, she couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Just as Amaria had described, the majority of the children gathered around her were of similar age, with a few who appeared slightly older, perhaps a mere three years ahead. 

It was a sight to behold as the boys carefully cradled their dragon eggs with scales of various vibrant colors. 

Lily's eyes widened in awe as she noticed the array of black, green, yellow, blue, and red eggs, among many others. However, what truly caught her attention was the rarity of her white dragon egg, a sight she had never before encountered. 

Amidst this enchanting scene, the girls stood proudly, their presence serving as their connection to the magical world, as they did not possess dragon eggs of their own.

"Children, I encourage you all to seize every opportunity that comes your way, both inside and outside the classroom. Engage in lively discussions, participate in extracurricular activities, and dare to dream big. Remember, the limits of magic are yet to be fully explored, and it is your generation that will push the boundaries of what is possible.

In conclusion, I extend my warmest welcome to every one of you. Our Academy Examinators will guide you to our magic test. Your guardians will be waiting for you inside the Academy. May your time at our magical school be filled with wonder, growth, and unforgettable experiences. Together, let us embark on this extraordinary journey, united by our shared love for magic and the pursuit of knowledge.

Good luck, and thank you! May your magical endeavors be nothing short of extraordinary."

As the headmistress concluded her inspiring speech, the atmosphere in the place was charged with anticipation. Suddenly, the air was filled with the enchanting melodies of an orchestra, their music resonating every corner. The sound swelled, captivating the audience and filling their hearts with joy.

As the orchestra played, the students and faculty couldn't help but be swept away by the magical ambiance. Applause erupted, echoing from the crowd as everyone showed their appreciation for the mesmerizing speech. The headmistress, with grace and poise, acknowledged the crowd's enthusiasm, her hand gracefully waving in response.

Meanwhile, high above the academy, majestic dragons soared through the sky. Their magnificent wings glimmered in the sunlight, casting a shadow over the grounds. It was as if these mythical creatures were joining in the celebration, welcoming the new students to their magical journey.

Lily stood silently amidst the applause that filled the air. While others clapped their hands in excitement, Lily remained observant, her mind filled with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

As the crowd began to disperse, Amaria, looked at her with a reassuring smile. With a gentle sweep of her hand, Amaria removed an invisible speck of dirt from Lily's robe, a small gesture that conveyed both care and encouragement.

"Lily," Amaria spoke softly, her voice filled with warmth. "The academy examinator will be guiding you to the exam area. There, you will have the opportunity to test your magical abilities for each of the elements. I want you to focus and simply imagine the magic you wish to conjure, alright?"

Lily nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and apprehension. She had never possessed any magical powers before, making this experience all the more bewildering. Yet, she trusted Amaria's guidance and resolved to follow her advice.

What can a five-year-old kid do with magic anyways?

Beside Amaria, Leon offered his words of caution, his concern evident in his eyes. "You can do this, Lily," he said earnestly. "Don't be afraid to show your power. Amaria hasn't sealed all of your mana, but remember, if you exceed its limit, the binding spell may break. So, you must be careful. We will wait for you inside the academy."

Lily listened intently, she nodded in response to her guardians after absorbing every word. Confusion mingled with determination as Lily contemplated her next steps. 

She had no prior experience with magic, but she would trust Amaria's advice and simply imagine the magic she desired to conjure. With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Lily nodded, silently affirming her readiness to take the exam.

As the students gathered in anticipation, the examinators' voices echoed through the crowd. "Students, please form a line," they announced, their words carrying a sense of authority and purpose. 

As if from out of nowhere, Lily was taken aback by a voice that seemed to originate within her thoughts. 

"Do not be afraid, Lily. You now possess the ability to harness my power," it was Leviathan's voice. "I will help you even if your full mana is sealed."

Lily nodded in response, clenching her hands into a fist.

"Thank you, Leviathan." 

Hello! I just want you to know, whoever reading my story, or none lol—that I've been on vacation for weeks so I haven't updated the story yet but I will finish this. I promise. Please comment so I can know your thoughts and motivate me to write. You may also add this to your collection to keep you updated! Thank you for reading!

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