
Musashi Miyamoto Fan-Fic mha English

This story is not about reincarnation, but the protagonist is born in that world and does not know the story. There will be no harem either. If you stayed reading you must also be a little tired of harem reincarnation stories where the girls have no brains and only see the main character as a god, he is not stronger than a god in some cases, well this is more or less the synopsis : In the city of Musutafu - Japan, a baby was born with a gift that has a lot of potential, to be one of the strongest people in the world, but the strong need to be beaten by fate, by life, passing tests to see if they break, to show that not only because you have potential you will be someone, without hard work you will be left behind in oblivion like many others that no one remembers anymore, it will be our forgotten protagonist or it will be remembered in history as one of the most powerful beings that have ever set foot earth, follow Musashi on his adventure.

Dano_Pino · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Fight epilogue

After an intense fight, Ayari failed to dodge all of Raydix's attacks and finally defeated him with her virtue sword. The citizens applauded Ayari for his bravery and quick action to protect them.

Ayari walked towards the police station with Raydix handcuffed and escorted by two policemen. After arriving at the station, one of the officers approached Ayari and said:

"Virtuous Sword, you are amazing! I can't believe you captured Raydix all by yourself."

"Thank you," Ayari replied, humbly. "I only did what was necessary to protect the citizens."

The police chief came over and shook Ayari's hand.

"Virtuous Sword, thank you for everything you did today. Thank you for risking your life to protect our city. The citizens of this city owe you a lot."

"There's no need to thank me," Ayari said, smiling. "I only did what was necessary. The safety of the city is our shared responsibility."

"It's true," said the police chief. "But you've certainly shown that you're a true hero. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask us."

"Thank you sir," Ayari replied. "But I don't need anything more than the safety of the city and the happiness of my family."

The policemen and the police chief continued to thank Ayari and congratulate him on his heroism before escorting Raydix to his cell. Ayari walked away from the police station with a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had done the right thing.

After leaving the police station, Ayari was greatly relieved that she had handed over the villain and assured that he would not cause any more harm. He now he could relax and enjoy the rest of the day with his family.

Walking through the streets, Ayari thought about how much he had missed his wife and son. He remembered Yosu's smile when he said goodbye to her early in the morning and Musashi's excitement when he told him that he would play detective at school.

Ayari longed to return home and hug his family. He wanted to share his hero of the day experience with them and hear about his own adventures.

He pictured the scene in his head: walking into the house, being greeted by Yosu with a warm smile and a loving hug, and then running up to Musashi to lift him up in the air and hear him laugh.

Ayari knew that he couldn't wait to get home. He wanted to be with his family more than anything in the world and enjoy the tranquility and love that I always found there.

Back at home, Ayari felt exhausted from the fight, but also satisfied that she had fulfilled his duty as a hero. He changed out of his suit and relaxed on the sofa while his wife, Yosu, brought him a cup of hot tea.

Yosu and Ayari were a happy and engaged couple. After their day at work, they liked spending time together at home.

"You are made a hero, Ayari," Yosu said with a smile. "I am very proud of you."

"Thank you, my love," Ayari replied, sipping her tea. "But all I did was my job. Every time I go out as a Virtuous Sword, my goal is to protect the citizens and do the right thing."

Yosu noticed that Ayari was distracted.

"Something happens love?" Yosu asked.

"I'm worried about Musashi," Ayari replied. "I think he's struggling with his gift. I can't help but feel responsible for him."

"I understand how you feel," Yosu said. "But Musashi is a strong and confident boy. I'm sure you'll find a way to handle his gift."

"I know," Ayari said. "But I will always want the best for him. I want him to succeed in everything he does."

"I know, love," Yosu said. "But we must remember that Musashi has his own way to go. Our role is to support and help him along the way, not to control him."

Ayari nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in her husband's words. "You're right, Yosu. Thanks for reminding me."

"We are always here for each other," Yosu said. "That's what makes our marriage so special."

Yosu and Ayari sat together on the sofa, holding hands, enjoying the tranquility of their home.

"I love you, Ayari," Yosu said.

"I love you too, Yosu," Ayari replied. "You are my best friend and my partner in everything. I couldn't ask for a better husband."

Yosu smiled, feeling love and happiness filling his heart. "I'm thankful for every day with you, Ayari."

The couple hugged, enjoying the quiet time together, knowing that they were always there for each other, no matter what the future held.

After resting for a while, Ayari decided to spend time with her son, Musashi. She found him in her room playing with her toys.

"Hello, dad," Musashi said, raising his head to greet him.

"Hello Musashi," Ayari replied with a smile. "How was your day at school?"

"It was fun," Musashi said excitedly. "We played detectives and solved a mystery. And I also drew a picture of a hero!"

"A hero, you say?" Ayari asked, interested. "Who was he?"

"I don't know," Musashi said with a shrug. "I only imagined it. But he was strong and brave, just like you."

Ayari was moved by her son's words and hugged him affectionately.

"Thank you, Musashi," Ayari said with a smile. "You are a great support to me."

And so, the Miyamoto family spent the rest of the night together, enjoying their company and reminding themselves of the value of being a hero. Ayari knew there was a lot of work to be done, but he was determined to continue protecting the citizens and his family with everything he had.