
The takeover of hueco mundo.

Musashi found himself in an area with white sand and what appeared to be a building its quietness made him alert as if someone was going to attack and as he checked his surroundings out of nowhere a man with brown slicked back hair and a white robe had appeared and as Musashi looked at the man, he was slashed across the chest He laughed. It was funny to him!? that someone else could actually harm him as he drew his blade the man with the brown hair was surprised as if he had seen something truly horrifying as Musashi drew his sword the brown-haired man backed up, "I'd like to introduce myself as Aizen I'd also like to apologize for attacking you" Musashi would respond "Name's are not important I'm going to kill you anyway," As he used his sword technique "Split swords of heaven" he slashed Aizen in two cutting through that purple thing in his chest but as he did that it seemed reality had ripped, a complete slash through space and time itself it was quite impressive even Musashi himself was stunned to think a simple man like him could tear open space and time itself.

As he went closer to the rip in space and time it started to suck him in with the force of a blackhole as much as Musashi resisted, he couldn't break free from this vacuum of time and space will this be the end of him!? Musashi thought to himself, "I'll have to use THAT technique," as he dropped his blade's he muttered a Buddhist chant "Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa," As his hand's glowed a golden color as he used his special move "10,000 hands of buddha," As reality itself started to crumble from the sheer power of that move the rip in space and time was no more it was as if he erased the concept of it the very narrative of there being a rip no longer existed as he picked his swords back up he'd look at a man with orange hair "Are you next." said Musashi Ichigo lunged at him "Getsuga Tenshō!" Musashi tanked the attack head on and cut Ichigo's head clean off "Was that all I was excited, but I guess even this world has weaklings like you," and in the blink of an eye he was back facing the three doors but now the door that bored bleach now bores an X. What could it mean?