

This is the story of our fathers , a story lost in time. The tale of our father land long before civilization. ( A fiction based on Nigerian history)

Ehi_Fedora · History
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18 Chs


The members of MAJALISA sat in silence awaiting the arrival of their SARKI (King), they had all been present at the last meeting and understood the importance of today's meeting.

" ABIN DE KA DAUKAR TSAYI ?"( What is taking so long?) Hamidu asked getting impatient.

" We have been waiting quietly for almost three hours" he complained.

" Whatever is making our SARKI ( king) late must be important, KA YI HAKURI" ( Be patient)Bawa adviced.

He is the king he is free to some whenever he likes" another council man spoke from behind.

" But you not think it is unlike him to make us wait this long" Hamidu asked.

" Aren't we supposed to make our final decision today ?" Hamidu asked again.

" Be patient" Bawa adviced once again.

" Hmm I do not blame BABBAN ( chief ) Hamidu at all , this time the bodies of the missing people were not found" Yakubu informed.

" This is getting out of hand , the people are getting suspicious" a council man with bald head complained.

" Suspicious?!, Hamidu scoffed BABBAN (chief) Kamil do they want us to tell them the truth"

" Yakubu shook his head, we cannot do that, it will throw the whole northern region into confusion"

" And that is exactly what we are trying to avoid" the SARKI (king) confirmed

as he sat on his KURSIYIRI( Throne).

The council members bowed in respect to their king.

" NA SARKI, SANU DA ZUWA" ( My king, you are welcome) Yakubu greeted again.

" NA GODE ( Thank you) " the king replied.

" I told the general to select two guards he trusts to undertake the task at hand" Gado announced.

" However, he continued speaking, I was not comfortable with his choice hence I made the choice myself.

" Hasan , call them in " Gado ordered his son.

" NA SARKI (my king), have you put this into consideration sending them into a strange land is very risky , besides what are we going to tell their families ?" Hamidu asked as Hasan entered with the two young men.

" That is exactly why I chose these young men specifically"

" Daran and kabiru please face the council" Gado ordered.

"These young men have underwent thorough training, they are very fluent in the language of the westerns and understand their culture and before I forget they are cousins to Rashidi our general". The king informed his council.

" I see the sense in this my king , you chose vibrant young men from a family who serves the throne directly, excellent!" Kamil exclaimed.

" What did their mother have to say ?" Bawa questioned.

" She was stubborn at first but eventually her obligation to the throne prevailed" Gado answered.

" Was her permission really needed, she should not have been asked, is she not a servant to the throne, when did we start asking for a woman's permission ? " Hamidu asked

"Watch your tongue !! " Rashidi warned.

" I speak the truth, she is a woman and did not have any right to refuse his request, she should have considered herself honoured to be asked by the king " Hamidu answered Rashidi.

" But did she not later agree?"Yakubu asked.

" What I'm saying is our king should not have asked her in the first place, what a poor display of character showcased by that woman" Hamidu stated.

" I will not allow you speak of my aunt in such manner, watch your tongue!!"Rashidi warned again.

" General, it is the truth"

Rashid suddenlyi drew his sword and pointed it at hamidus neck.

" It would take me less than a second to cut your head off" Rashidi spoke through clenched teeth.

" General , stand down, !!" The king ordered.

Rashidi sighed and drew back his sword.

" I am sorry my king" Rashidi apologized, but i will not allow him speak lowly of that woman my aunt AMINA, the UNGOZOMA assisted in the birth of all your children Hamidu, no child has ever died under her watch during childbirth and then you talk against her even in the presence of her sons, if this ever happens, I swear I will seperate your head from your neck" Rashidi promised.

" That is enough, Hamidu, I believe the message has been passed across? " GADO asked .

" Daran and kabiru will depart in 3 days and are expected to stay for 10 days before returning" Gado informed.

" How long is the journey ," Kamil asked.

"Twelve days" Gado replied..

" it won't be easy but stay out of sight and do not get into trouble, if you are found there it won't be a good sign"the king adviced.

" May ALLAH be with you" Rashidi prayed.

" Alright then, I believe that is all" Gado announced and stood up to leave.

"UBA, this is very dangerous, was there no other way?, Hasan asked as they stood in the balcony outside the council room.

" No ,my son" this is the only way.

When Rashidi joined them outside , Gado gave Hasan a signal to leave them. Gado

stared at his friend and could tell he was not happy , Gado blamed himself kabiru and daran were like his children and he had probably sent them to their deaths.

" Rashidi, I am...

" Do not even try to apologize" Rashidi warned.

" But Rashidi,....

" Gado I made my choice and you tell me you are not comfortable with it then the next thing you are picking my boys , my boys !! Rashidi shouted.

" Rashidi but you know they are the only ones we could trust, their mother serves the throne so explaining things was not too difficult" GADO tried to explain.

" If my boys do not come back alife, Gado you will be shocked to discover what I am truly truly capable of " RASHIDI replied and stormed out of the balcony.