

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The place I walked for about ten minutes was a cliff that blocked the rear of

Taewon Jinga. The pupil with a wide open mouth. There was a man in front

of him.

"Well, are you here?"

Brown bearish size and stern tone.

This is Jin Wei-kyung. I looked down and bowed.

"Hello, brother… … sir."

Jin Yu-kyung is a grievous being. It's because I'm very interested in me

because I didn't have an NPC family.

Look, I'm trying hard not to show off others' eyes.

However, if you look closely, your eyes are moist.

'Is it a real story of sensitivity?'

Apparently, the leader of the triad is also likely to step into one, but I don't

know how all these game characters are.

"I couldn't condone your conduct anymore, so I ordered the closing of the

house as owner of Soga and acting as agency of California. Do you have

anything to say?"

'Of course it is.'

However, it is a go-stop to salt and hit. On the way to Suryun-dong, I heard

the circumstances of returning to Weifang. There is a power battle between

the power classes in Taewon Jinga, and Jin Wi-kyung is acting as my shield.

That is, it is a show.

'Didn't Confucius say that he needed a training space anyway? Please be

patient for three days.'

I lowered my head pretending to reflect on the last words of Vifang.

"I will receive a sweet price."

The advantage of this play is that the lines are short. Jin Wei-kyung recited

the last line with a sorrowful look.

"Keep the criminal in the training center. I will inform you of the departure

date later."

Two warriors who were guarding the entrance to the training hall

approached and held my arms. Now that the play is over, it's time to leave.

I stood at the entrance to the Suyeon-dong.

-I brought what I needed. Just pay, don't overdo it.

He took the first step with Jin Wei-kyung's full sound.

* * *

In a word, Suryun-dong was a cave.

It is also an artificial cave made by digging a cliff. It was high and wide.

And it was wet.


How long would it have been to follow the samurai belonging to the

training center? When I was confused whether I was wearing leather shoes,

a huge iron gate appeared.

'Wow… …

The moment I saw it, my mouth opened. It filled the passageway and looked

more like a wall that prohibits any entry rather than a door.

The warrior who guided me shouted with a torch.

"Open door!"

That one

The huge iron gate slowly opened its mouth. It wasn't a magic spell like

sesame seeds, but an NPC waiting in advance pulled a protruding opening

and closing device, but it was an overwhelming sight.

And the moment the inside came into my eyes.

,,Wow. ,,

This time, I couldn't hide the leaking elasticity either.

When I first entered Suryyeon-dong, I thought of a damp underground

cave... … .

"What is all this?"

A fur blanket that makes you feel better just by looking at the spacious bed.

Instead of a damp, uneven stone floor, it has a neat gray ground.

'cement… … Of course not, is it limestone?'

Except for the cold air, no, it's a better environment than I imagined.

'Is this a punishment?'

As I looked around, I heard a cough behind my back.

When I turned around, it was a warrior in the training hall that served as a


"I have everything I need. Then I am 20,000."

Yes. As I looked at the slowly closing iron gate, I suddenly remembered the

electric sound I heard at the entrance to the training hall.

'I brought what I needed. Youngest, take care of yourself.'

Alas, it's the NPC's mind to think of a younger brother.

This ugly user sheds his neck.

* *

It happens a lot in reality. High-ranking people who have committed

corruption go to the prosecution in wheelchairs and are admitted to the

hospital's special room to avoid investigation.

Although it is a little different, I am the way I am now. I looked at the

special room of the training hall with an impressed face.

"This is the life of a gold spoon."

It is not only graphics and artificial intelligence that are realistic. It contains

a social message that gold spoons are the best no matter how far you fly and


Oh my god it would have been for me if it wasn't this character. My father

is Gaju, my eldest brother is Soga, and my second brother is a martial

genius. It is worth taking care of yourself.

'Jin Tae-kyung, this baby... …

As it turned out, he was a great sage who realized the reason for going

around the world at a young age.

I was thrilled with the realistic God-spoon system and wandered around the

100 pyeong training center. And I was able to find the'necessities'

mentioned by the samurai in the training center.

'First food.'

Food was kept in two jars. It is a rice ball with a strong smell of medicinal


[Excellent wall break]

Type: monocyclic

Rating: First-class.

Description: Byeokgokdan made by slapping all kinds of good medicinal

materials ignorantly. Rejuvenate when ingested, and gain additional effects

when prolonged.

"Ah, this is the wall of the wall?"

I saw a lot in martial arts novels. It is light and small in volume, so it is easy

to carry and even supplements nutrition. The rest of the jars were also full

of byeokgoks.

'I should put it in the inventory once.'

He grabbed the jar with both hands and muttered.

"Item acquisition."

If anyone else saw this, I would have been surprised. Two pots that had

been in good shape disappeared as if evaporated.

I glanced happily at the jars stored in the inventory.

'This solved the food problem.'

The second commodity I found next was water. The inside of the Suryun-

dong is a cave, and there is a cold underground spring in one corner to

solve the drinking water problem.

And the last third.


A weapon holder with several weapons hanging side by side. Of course, the

first thing that I held in my hand was a wooden spear that looked hard.

'Item emotion.'


[Training wooden window]

Type: Sergeant

Class: Third class

Description: Made for beginners.


A training wooden spear made for beginners. It's the right thing for me

now. Just one more here is perfect.

"Inventory open."

I smiled and pulled out a secret with [Jingachangbeop] written on it from

my inventory.


-Would you like to learn [Jingachang]?

(3 of 10)

"Of course yes."

I like the system. Sometimes it's lovely.

* * *

I first learned it yesterday while learning the true value method. The fact

that there is not only one system notification, Tiring.

And how unpleasant that sound is.

The operation has failed.


Number of successes remaining (2/100) Failure message. It is a system

window that pops up without fail when there is a beep. I don't know how

many times this message is seen.

I looked at the [training wooden window] in my hand.

'I was wrong

It's a wooden window, so it's light. If you stab, it moves as fast as you poke,

and if you swung it, it moves quickly. So it's a problem.

'It's too light to control.'

It is difficult to fine-tune, so it keeps getting crooked. There is no way that a

dirty system will close your eyes for such a small mistake.



The operation has failed.


Remaining Success Count (5 / 100)

"Aoh fuck."

Eventually, I threw a [training wooden window]

[Sharp Spear] was taken out of the inventory.

The length or the thickness of the spear matches the spear I used in reality.

But why didn't you take it out from the beginning?

"It's dirty heavy. Really."

The weight is not a joke as it is made of whole steel. It is a monster that

weighs only 50kg.

After swinging this for hours and hours, my stamina cannot stand.

My current state has borrowed the power of the second-rate and system,

but it is impossible to wield the weight of more than half a bale of rice like a


'It's not where the tiger's energy comes out.'

That was when I thought about it.

"… … uh?"

What did I just say? Tiger power?

"Is there?"

This is a game. It has a system and has stats. And there is aerodynamics.

Ten years of dedication that can be drawn out through mental methods!

The fact that I had forgotten for a moment is a sell-off.

"I should have used something like that… …

He said he knew that he had eaten meat. F-class hunters are F-class for no

reason? Mana is treated with a bare body, so even hunters are treated as

half a penny.

'But one problem was solved.'

Heo-huh, I smiled absurdly and picked up the spear. And slowly and

carefully raised the spirits.

In my mind, the phrase of the true feeling of the system imprinted on it

quickly rewinds and leads the aeronautics to a fixed path.


The reaction was immediate.

The ten-year spirit that was crouching in Danjeon spreads to the whole

body. Because it was a game, I felt that the energy that I could feel as a

Moorim was spreading to the Sajibaekhae.

'This… …

The whole body overflows with power. The remarkably upgraded physical

ability and sense gave me an enchantment once again, who had lived as an

F-class hunter.

'You can be different like this.'

I grabbed the spear and opened [Jingachangbeop]. The 50kg iron fence,

which no longer feels heavy, pierced and cut through the air along the path

I wanted.



-Remaining number of successes (6 / 100) The waiting notification started

to sound.

Jin Wei-kyung opened her mouth with a worried face.

"Would you be doing well?"

"You must be doing well. If you have a mind."

"I'm still not good at it... … Will it be okay?"

"If you don't know, I think Samkongja will work tomorrow. It's better to

apply saliva that much."

"no. I'm saying it because you don't know how weak the youngest was since


Replied with a face full of stomach.

"Even the elixir and an aphrodisiac that went into the mouth of Sam

Confucius would fill a room. And have you forgotten already? The

Baeknyeonseolsam theft case last year!"

"Oh huh. that's… … 「

"At that time, the Yakwang-dang-ju was outraged and rallied to try to split

the ship of the Samkongja, but honestly, I felt that way even though I dried

it. Gala is also self-defense."

Jin Wei-kyung avoided his gaze.

Eventually, it ended with compensating Jin Wei-kyung's personal personal

information, but the anger of the Yakwang-dangist at the time was great.

"Since I've taken that elixir, I don't know if I don't know, but I won't take

care of it until I die."

"It's still not enough. You don't know at a glance? I feel sorry every time I

see the youngest. It looks like the child has some flesh on his bones. I have

no strength because of irregularities every morning."

"You have no strength?"

Vipin instantly recalled rumors from the past. It was rumored that among

the prostitutes in Taewon's red light district, Jin Tae-gyeong was called by

the nickname Yawang (? 王).

'How the hell is it?'

It looks like you got one of the medicine hairs right. Weifang lifted his

forearms without knowing it and imagined the size.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, no."

Jin Wei-kyung sighed, looking at the pile of documents piled up like a pile

of documents.

"The youngest, too, is a matter of care inside and outside the family.

Especially… … I am reluctant to see them."

"You're talking about the harbor checkpoint."

Sanitation check. The weight of the name was never light.

Decades ago, since an indestructible old man posted a signboard, he has

grown at a terrifying rate, and at present, it has threatened the position of

Taewon Jinga.

"What is the intention?"

"I'm trying to find out about them."

Jin Wei-kyung fiddled with the letter from the Hangsan Checkpoint.

Why? For what purpose do they come? At the end of the question of biting

the tail on the tail, there was one conclusion.

"Please inform each branch of Shanxi Province. Whatever the purpose of

the sanitation check, be prepared."

This is Moorim.

Only those who are ready will survive and meet tomorrow.