
Murim Gate: Endless Player

After getting brutally beaten by the 4 man team called the Kyung in the MMORPG game “Murim Gate” championships, 18 year old Jenn decides to quit gaming forever after becoming a laughing stock, and his girlfriend and team left him to be with the leader of the Kyung. But after a day, the VRMMOROG version of Murim Gate comes out, and it’s way better than the original version, with all new quests, items, skills, abilities; etc. It showed up on Jenn’s doorstep. Jenn was tempted to play it, but never play in competitions or tourneys, but as he puts on his VR headset he noticed something was off. He was already Zero rank, the highest rank in the game, with all max level stats. As he slaughters through the competition under an anonymous alias, and gaining recognition in the real world, will he be able to get rich, gain fame, and make an impact and be known as a gaming legend? But something deep inside of him…tells him that Murim Gate is much more real than he knows..

jxsh116 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Demon Hunter

Jenn sat near his computer, he hadn't even set up his game yet. He had his arms folded, thinking deeply.

'Hmm. Should I really do this? My ex-girlfriend and ex friends are having the time of their lives with team Kyung…'

Jenn opened his phone, and he went on social media, the most popular one was called The Radar, with 700 million active users per year. People would go live, post videos and pictures with comments under them, reels, threads, and more. The main hot topic on the Radar? Murim Gate. Millions of posts on it, and even millions of posts of Jenn, being humiliated.

Jenn gritted his teeth, "I hate them all."

As he continued through the Radar, he came across Team Kyung's Radar page. Where the entire team Kyung roaster was standing together, posing. With Yuna hugged up on Kage,

The caption of the post was: "Just bought our new game house! I'm happy to start playing with these amazing losers!"

Jenn said, "I can just imagine who made that post.."

Jenn slammed his fist on the computer desk, "Tch! Rubbing it in my face..Kage, Kaoru, Hiroshi, Yumi, and Yuna. And Kage's other three teammates that I played against at the tourney, The twins Zemy and Remy, and Sho. And there's a bunch of other random people around them that I don't know, but they're wearing the same white and black Kyung outfit. New members? This guy really went and started recruiting people.."

Zemy and Remy had red flaming hair with a black and white headband around their forehead , with light brown eyes.

Sho had light brown skin, with white hair in a wavy faded undercut style, and he had blue eyes.

Jenn said, "No doubt these guys are going to play the new Murim Gate. Yuna was even a gamer, she just didn't like to compete. THIS IS ANNOYING!"

Jenn ran outside, leaving his door open, and started running out on the sidewalk.

"I need fresh air! This is still too much!"


As he ran past people, he said, "Excuse me! Excuse me!"

People commented:

"That's Jenn?!"

"Yeah that's him!"

"Is he going to go jump off a bridge?"

"After what happened yesterday, I wouldn't blame him-."

Jenn came back to those people, and snarled, "Shuuuut up! Mind your business!"

As Jenn ran forward more, he thought, 'Maybe if I threw myself in front of a car, then I would actually wake up from this nightmare. My ex girlfriend Yuna..my old team..I knew them for years, and they just UP AND LEAVE!'

Jenn bumped into a girl with long black hair, dark red eyes, and square glasses, but she had a scar on her neck, and she was wearing baggy clothes, and she had a sucker in her mouth.

She grabbed Jenn by the collar of his shirt, and said, "Oi, watch where you're going. I know you see me walking here?"

"Let me go, nerd."

"Nerd? You're the one with glasses, fucking dork."

"You have glasses too! Can't you see I'm sulking right now?"

Jenn continued to speed off, and the girl just stood there, thinking, 'What a weirdo.'

The girl kept walking down the street, and she got a text message from a friend, and it said: "Wassup Seven?"

Her name was Seven, and she replied, "What do you want now? You keep blowing up my phone."

"You got the package, right?"

"What package? Oh, nevermind. I haven't gotten to the house yet, but I got an email notification that Murim Gate got dropped off."

"Are we gonna compete this year?"

"Ehhh….with team Kyung playing, this shit is gonna be a pain. We gotta be losers if we're gonna actually win. Meaning we have to no-life this game. Everyone is talking about the money system in the game, with each quest completed, players earn money in real life. I need that money so I could pay for my fathers treatment and all that. So it's a possibility we might compete."

"It would be so nice."

"Okay bye."

Seven put her phone in her pocket, and continued to walk ahead.

Minutes later, Jenn was back at his apartment, sitting at his computer again.

'So I'm not dreaming then. I ran around a lot to make sure I'm awake. But it seems this all really happened. Ugh. Okay.'

Jenn stood up and started to set up his VR.

'What am I doing? What am I doing? I'm really going through with this..'

It took 30 minutes to set up his game, and Jenn turned on his console, grabbed his VR goggles, and put them on.

Suddenly, Jenn's emotions were in awe all at once.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He yelled.

The VR blocked out his surrounding vision, and he saw nothing but a bright white light.

'Did the game crash already? Was this a prank set towards me..?'

Suddenly, Jenn dropped feet first in an all white platform surrounded by white walls; he heard music playing with a hard hip hop rap beat. But as soon as he dropped feet first, a giant red and black minotaur with yellow curling horns dashed towards him with a large black sword, slashing it at him.

Jenn dodged it just in time, saying, "Whoaaaaa!"

Jenn slid back, saying, "It feels so real…I can breathe in this game..blink..smell…feel…what the hell…this is awesome but..how do I STAY ALIVE?!"

The Minotaur roared as he charged towards Jenn again, slashing twice at Jenn. Jenn dodged the first one by ducking, but was hit in the arm, and he crashed against the wall, with his arm bleeding.

The Minotaur tried to stomp him further into the wall, but Jenn rolled to the left off the wall, rolling forward on the floor, thinking, 'How am I supposed to fight..?!'

He looked down at himself, and saw he had no figure, he was just a shadow.

'What am I?!'

Suddenly, a system window appeared in front of him, saying:

{Welcome to Murim Gate: VRMMORPG}

Jenn replied sarcastically, "Oh hi! Thanks for arriving when I'm in the middle of getting CLOBBERED!"

{Please do not raise your voice at me. Customize your character.}


The Minotaur was dashing all over the floor, and even threw his sword at Jenn. Jenn jumped over it, and the sword blasted against the wall. But as Jenn was in mid air, the Minotaur ran towards him and rammed its horns through Jenn's stomach, making him spit out blood, and roll across the floor.

Jenn sat up, holding his stomach, saying, "Okay…WHY DID THAT FEEL LIKE I WAS REALLY HURT?!"

{Screaming will not heal you.}

"You're a smart ass system aren't you?!"

{Create your character.}

The Minotaur pursued Jenn with his sword swinging at him over and over again, and Jenn kept dodging it.

Jenn scrolled through the system window, looking through the clothing.

'Last time, my character was super mysterious with a crow/human hybrid. Do I want to use that same character..? Nah, not this time….I'll choose something badass and edgy this time. Should I? Yeah, yeah I should.'

He chose a black sackcloth with a hoodie on it, that was over his head with no sleeves, no undershirt, he chose a six pack for himself, red jean shorts, white socks, and white sneakers.

'This looks decent..right? Would I stand out like this? To other people it looks tacky, but I like it…'

Then for his character's appearance, he made it to where he had wavy black air, pitch red skin, and dark yellow eyes with black tattoos all over his body.

'Okay I look badass…'

Jenn kept running as the Minotaur chased him still.

Jenn yelled, "AGHH! STOP CHASING ME!"

The Minotaur just roared.

{Choose your class}

The choices were plenty:

1. **Paladin**: Paladins serve as the paradigm of virtue and discipline. Known as holy warriors, they combine the martial prowess of a Warrior with the healing magic of a Priest. They often have the ability to tank or heal, and their abilities tend to revolve around protective magic and smiting enemies.

2. **Warrior**: Warriors are the primary brawlers in many MMOs. They swing swords, axes or hammers, and are generally pretty good at tanking thanks to their high health pools and armor.

3. **Mage/Wizard**: Mages or wizards are typically damage-focused spellcasters who use elemental magic like fire, frost, or arcane powers to take down enemies. They usually have weak physical defense but can dish out high amounts of damage from afar.

4. **Rogue/Thief**: Rogues are known for their stealth and their ability to deal enormous amounts of damage quickly. They specialize in things like backstabbing, pickpocketing, and lock picking. They're often squishy, but use evasion and misdirection to avoid damage.

5. **Hunter/Ranger**: Hunters or rangers are proficient at tracking, survival, and ranged combat. They commonly have a mechanic which allows them to tame or summon pets, and they typically use bows or guns for distant combat.

6. **Priest/Cleric**: Priests or clerics are the classic healers in most MMOs. They have access to healing and protection spells, along with some forms of light-based attack magic. Some games include shadow or dark priests, who focus more on damage than healing.

7. **Druid**: Druids are versatile performers who can fill various roles such as healing, tanking, or DPS, due to their ability to shapeshift into various forms, each with unique abilities. They often have affinity with nature, and their abilities can involve plants, animals, or elemental forces.

8. **Warlock**: Warlocks use shadow and fire spells to damage and debuff enemies, and can summon demons to aid them in battle.

9. **Necromancer**: Necromancers control the power of death. They often have abilities that involve summoning the dead, casting curses, or using deathly energy to deal damage. They might also leech life from enemies to heal themselves or their allies.

10. **Monk**: Monks specialize in martial arts and spiritual understanding. They have mechanics centered around energy or chi, and can usually heal or tank, in addition to dealing melee damage.

11. **Bard**: Bards use music and song to buff their allies or debuff enemies. They're often support characters, with abilities that can heal, increase damage, or provide other benefits to their team.

12. **Engineer/Technomancer**: This class uses technology or machinery to combat enemies. They might use guns, deploy mechanical allies, or utilize gadgets to control the battlefield.

13. **Death Knight**: Usually unlocked at higher levels, death knights harness the powers of death and disease, with high durability and strong melee abilities. They often work as tanks or melee DPS.

14. **Demon Hunter**: Demon Hunters often combine melee fighting with dark, demonic magic. They're fast, agile fighters who can double jump or glide, and they usually work as melee damage-dealers or tanks.

15. **Summoner**: Summoners have the ability to call forth minions or beasts to assist in battle. Depending on the game, the summoned beings could be used for tanking, damage, or even healing. They themselves can be fragile, but their summonings usually make up for their own lack of health and armor.

Jenn was cut across the chest by the Minotaur again, slamming against the wall.

"Tch. Dammit. But there's more classes in this game. It's more diverse and stuff like that. Last time I was Mage class. I always liked being in that class. Should I choose a different one? But which one?"

The Minotaur came darting at him again, and Jenn thought long and hard.

'Choose! Choose! Choose!'

Jenn grunted, and yelled, "Demon Hunter!"

Suddenly, the Minotaur swung his sword again, and Jenn ducked just in time with a grin, and a large black scythe with black flames and shadows on it formed on his hand, and he sat up and slashed the Minotaur up the stomach, splashing blood everywhere.

Jenn smirked, "Oh yeah..I like this..""

{For right now in the Tutorial room, you will use one skill, called Grim Swing.}

_Grim Swing_ is a devastating offensive technique used by Demon Hunters like Jenn. This move takes full advantage of the length and lethal sharpness of their weapon – the scythe. Here's a deep explanation:

1. **Stance:** To execute a *Grim Swing*, Demon Hunters start by taking an open stance. Their feet are firmly planted, one slightly ahead of the other. This gives them the balance needed to swing their weapon with maximum force.

2. **Grip**: They hold their scythe with both hands, one at the shaft's end and the other near the middle or closer to the blade depending on the range of their target. This grip affords better control and a wide range of movement.

3. **Execution**: They swing the scythe in a wide arc or a specific orientated swing (vertical, horizontal or diagonal), depending on the situation. This sweeping motion can target multiple enemies at once or concentrate devastating power on a single enemy. The swing is performed using the hips and legs to generate powerful centrifugal force, driving the blade with a ferocity that can shatter defenses and sever limbs.

4. **Follow-through**: The momentum of the *Grim Swing* is controlled so that it doesn't leave the user open for counterattacks. This can mean stopping the swing in a defended posture or fluidly moving into another attack or maneuver.

5. **Effect**: The *Grim Swing* isn't just about power but also instilling fear. The sight of the scythe's massive arc rapidly bearing down can cause enemies to freeze or make mistakes, providing the Demon Hunter with further openings to exploit.

{The *Grim Swing* requires considerable strength and agility to execute effectively without leaving openings for retaliation. It is not just a display of brute force but also of finesse, control, and martial mastery.}

Jenn smiled, "Ahhh okay. Let's kill this thing then."

In this dimension of nothingness, pure white as far as the eye can see, stands Jenn, his dark silhouette stark against the bright backdrop. The Minotaur charges, sword slashing brutally through the emptiness. Jenn somersaults over the behemoth, landing behind it. With a swift flick of his scythe in a *Grim Swing*, he carves a trail of crimson on the Minotaur's back. Using his scythe as a pivot, Jenn spins, his form blurring. He timeously secures his footing, spins, and slashes his scythe upwards in a devastating *Grim Swing*, leaving a ghastly wound across the Minotaur's abdomen. The Minotaur, undeterred, lunges at Jenn. Jenn slides under the beast's legs, his cloak fluttering like a dark cloud. He swings his scythe in a dizzying *Grim Swing*, slicing the tendons on the back of the Minotaur's knees. With a powerful leap, Jenn lands atop the Minotaur's monstrous shoulders. He performs a downward *Grim Swing*, gash opening from the nape to the tailbone. The beast bellows, attempting to dislodge Jenn but he flips back in a somersault landing a few meters away.

Jenn waits for the creature to make his next move. As the Minotaur turns around and swipes, Jenn sidesteps and retaliates with a sweeping *Grim Swing* that leaves a gaping wound on the Minotaur's forearm. Jenn dances through the stillness of the white void with a series of intricate footwork. He cleverly maneuvers behind the beast, landing a swift strike at the Minotaur's heel with the *Grim Swing*. Jenn executes a cartwheel to avoid a swing towards his head and retaliates with a side cut across the Minotaur's broad chest, his scythe an extension of his will. As the Minotaur charges, Jenn uses its momentum against it, side stepping at the last moment and wields a diagonal *Grim Swing*, severing off part of the monster's tail. Jenn, demonstrating amazing agility, evades a downward stroke from the Minotaur. His corresponding *Grim Swing* finds its mark on the Minotaur's hip, leaving yet another trail of red on its sickly, gray skin. To the deafening roar of the Minotaur, Jenn backflips over its sword, slashes horizontally, and grim consequences rend the Minotaur's exposed flank.

Jenn cleverly rolls under a wide swing, and his counter-strike, a low *Grim Swing* severs the muscle on the Minotaur's knee, crippling its movement. Using his scythe as a pole vault, Jenn sails over a vertical swipe and lands undeterred. He immediately retaliates with a swift *Grim Swing* that shears through the beast's wrist, the Minotaur's black sword clattering uselessly away. The Minotaur staggers, maimed but determined. Jenn, emblem of terror in this whitewashed world, delivers a final, deadly *Grim Swing*. The swing severs the Minotaur's head, its bellowing roar cut off abruptly.

In the deafening silence that follows, against the stark white canvas splashed with red, Jenn stands triumphantly over the dismembered Minotaur, an inkblot of darkness in the otherwise untouched white dimension

Jenn stood there, breathing heavily, saying, "What's my stats..system thing?"

{You are the only player in Murim Gate..with max level stats.}

"Oh haha, that's cool-MAX LEVEL STATS?!".

{Allow me to explain}

1. **Strength (STR)**: With a heavy scythe as his main weapon, an impressive strength is necessary for unleashing devastating attacks. [Value: ????]

2. **Agility (AGI)**: Despite the large size of his weapon, the Demon Hunter moves with surprising swiftness, making each swing deadly accurate. [Value: ????]

3. **Vitality (VIT)**: Vitality ensures he can endure the retaliation of his enemies, bearing the brunt of attacks. [Value: ????]

4. **Endurance (END)**: The demon hunter must have the stamina to unleash a relentless onslaught until the end of the fight. [Value: ????]

5. **Darkness (DRK)**: This unique attribute represents the Demon Hunter's mastery over dark powers. The higher it is, the more potent his dark abilities become. [Value: ????]

Jenn paused, "How am I..max level? I mean I'm definitely not complaining. If it's a glitch in the system, then let it stay, I won't tell."